Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2573: Su Mu quit

Su Mu stood in the room with great anger, but now, Su Tianwen and others have strictly curbed Su Mu from entering Samsara, and now the God Realm of Samsara is no longer managed by Su Mu. Although the position of the chairman is still in Su Mu's body, it has been It's not Su Mu's words that count.

At this time, Su Mu raised his hand and summoned the Wood Spirit Goddess.

"Ling'er, open the gate of life." Su Mu shouted. The news that Chen Xiaoruan brought made Su Mu had to enter the reincarnation immediately, and now he can't take care of that much.

However, when the goddess of wood spirit opened the door of life, the door was pushed open.

Aurora was still standing at the door wearing an apron. She looked at Su Mu and said, "Miss Wenren asked me to tell you that no matter what happens, you must calm down, at least for the sake of the brothers in God's Domain."

Su Mu was startled, watching the moment Aurora closed the door, Su Mu sat down.

The high level of Huaxia did not allow Su Mu to manage God's Domain. This was a death order. If Su Mu wanted to continue to lead God's Domain, he could only follow the method that Su Tian asked them. But now it seems that it is still a bit of a pebble hitting the stone against the country.

Xiao Mu Ling was also very distressed when she stood there looking at helpless Su Mu. She walked to Su Mu and took Su Mu's arm and said, "Brother Su, you can actually enter the cycle now, but no one can find you, and Ling'er also You can make Brother Su your ID be grayed out in other people’s friends and in the guild..."

Su Mu looked at Xiao Mu Ling in surprise. It would be great if he could do this. As long as he didn't let people know that he had landed in Samsara, Su Tian asked them what he could do.

"But Brother Su, no one can hear you when you speak, and you won't have any physical contact with people. How do you say, it's like Brother Su was in a state of nothingness at the beginning, you can only see... "Xiao Mu Ling said a little disappointed.

"It doesn't matter, I just want to see how they manage God's Domain and start this login method." Su Mu said.

There are still more than a week before the national war, and there are only four or five days left before the Global Alliance attacked China. At this time, Su Mu must know the state of God's Domain, and, if nothing else, the goddess Fenghe will wake up in a few days. I can talk about the whereabouts of the dark element. When these two things are combined, something that Su Mu cannot control will inevitably happen.

As the door of the wood spirit goddess opened, Su Mu stepped directly in.

Similar to the normal login, the only difference is that Su Mu enters the game in a state of nothingness, and all the friends column and the inside of the guild are gray names.

Su Mu quickly came to the Huangtianzhou area, and then saw a large number of members gathered in the square, most of them were the management of God's Domain. Su Mu took a cursory look, and all the positions above the team leader came. The entire square There are at least fifty thousand people.

The people in the Hall of Gods were naturally at the front of the team, and Su Tianwen stood at the front of the team and looked at everyone.

"What's the matter? Why is Su Tian asking?" a leader of God's Domain asked.

The team leader next to him shook his head and said: "I don't know, the Mythical Empire has been defeated by God's Domain, why did he come today? And he also asked Liu Zhi to promote his position to the position of elite leader? What do you mean?"

"What about the boss? Why don't you see the shadow of the boss?"

"You don't know what Su Tian asked is?"

"What identity?"

"The legend is the boss's father..."

"I wipe it?"

"It seems like this..."

"No, I heard that Su Tianwen is a senior in Huaxia, and he is with Xiamin, right?"

"My boy, what the **** is this going to do?"

Su Mu flew to the forefront in the air, and the discussions he heard along the way were full of news about Su Tianwen and himself. At this time, God's Domain was in a tense time, especially the persecution of the Global Alliance caused players in the entire China Region Changing mood constantly.

Some support Su Mu's departure from Samsara, but most players still support Su Mu's counterattack.

At this time, Su Mu came to the sky above Su Tianwen.

I only saw Su Tianwen standing in place and waving his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

He said: "Today, I am here to announce one thing, an order regarding the leadership of God's Domain."

Everyone talked again in an instant, and Su Tianwen stood in place and continued: "Presumably everyone is already very clear about the global alliance. The senior leaders of China have already talked with your boss, that is, Su Mu. Your boss’s opinion is I don’t want to withdraw from reincarnation, and I don’t want to continue fighting in accordance with previous national wars, but to fight to the end with the global alliance."

"It should be like this!"

"Yes! Knock to the end!"

Everyone yelled in an explosive manner, and almost everyone here was the management of God's Domain. This voice made Su Tianwen frown.

After waiting for the voice to slowly disappear, Su Tianwen looked at the people and asked, "Then I want to ask you, if we fight a border war with the Global Alliance, what is our chance of winning? Do you know what the proportion of members is? "

Everyone was silent.

Su Tianwen continued to shout: "Before going online today, from accurate news, the number of members of the Global Alliance has exceeded 1.3 billion members. Do you know what this means? It means that this number is about to catch up with all the citizens of China. ! Remember, it is citizens, not players!"

Although reincarnation dominates the main activities of the current world, there are still a large number of elderly and children who have not entered the game. Therefore, there are no statistics on how many people in the Huaxia Region nowadays, but it was about 800 million five years ago. The total number of people in the Global Alliance has exceeded one billion, which is devastating for China.

You know, based on this data calculation, even if all the players in China have participated in the war, it is impossible to have more people than the global alliance. After all, the global alliance unites twelve countries, and it also includes the large population of Austria and India. Wait for these super countries.

Everyone kept silent, Su Tian asked: "So, this border war cannot be fought, and if it is fought, it will be lost. The high-level Huaxia proposes peace talks, or makes the Global Alliance become obscure. Therefore, based on the conversation with your boss yesterday, we reached an agreement. Agreement, your boss will withdraw from reincarnation!"

boom! ! !

The audience exploded.

Su Mu withdrew from reincarnation? How can this be?

How could the boss withdraw from reincarnation? Anyone who is a member of the God’s Domain Guild does not know that Su Mu’s character would rather die than give up, and God’s Domain can have today’s achievements, largely because of Su Mu’s personality, how can Su Mu now say that he has seen the Global Alliance Quitting because of too many people? This is not the character of their boss!

"This is impossible!"

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