Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2589: Helpless war

King Kong looked at the 100,000 brothers in front of him with emotion. He knew that these people were not here to support him, but were going to die at this gate with him. So King Kong didn’t know what to say at this time. Some were just moved. !

He turned around and looked at the Wangqing knife in front of him and laughed, the giant axe raised and pointed at the Wangqing knife and shouted: "Wangqing knife! I have thousands of brothers behind me, come if you have a seed!"

The latter looked at King Kong contemptuously, and was still stubborn at this time. In that case, there was nothing to say.


boom! !

Boom! !

How can 100,000 people resist the bulldozer-like attack of the Global Alliance?

In the first wave of charge, nearly three-fifths of the 100,000 people in God's Domain were killed. King Kong's clone was once again reduced, and the entire battlefield became like a Shura hell, with white light of death everywhere, screaming for killing...

Boom! !

The south gate is broken!

Simon breaks!

The north gate is broken!

The east gate is broken!

All of the four major city gates were captured by members of the Global Alliance. All the members of God's Domain quickly walked towards the city wall at this time, and then looked for the orders of Chrissy and Hachiki, and all retreated towards the square...

For a time, the imperial city of Panguzhou District was captured, although the people of God's Domain were still defending.

The sound of the war seems to have stopped, because at this time the people of God's Domain are constantly gathering in the square, while the people of the Global Alliance are rushing into the imperial city of Panguzhou District...

The silence lasted ten minutes.

At this time, the square in Huangtianzhou District was full of members of God's Domain.

Hachiki and Kris stood at the innermost end.

"How many people are there?" Hachigui asked.

Kris's brows kept frowning, she paused, and said: "More than 60 million people, now there are people in the square..."

Hachiki looked at Chris in surprise.

Chrissy nodded and said: "In less than an hour, we lost more than 60 million people!"

"There is only one million left?!" Eight ghosts' hair was about to explode, and the horror on his spine made him sweat all over.

"Yes! Fifty million of them were defending at the border and were instantly defeated. Later, they were hunted down to various wild areas in Panguzhou District. The imperial city can accommodate up to 20 million people. Therefore, those 50 million people. At that time, even if they were not completely killed, they would not be able to support the imperial city, because all the people in the outer circle are from the Global Alliance, and we have less than 20 million people left with the current one million..."

Eight ghosts were dull.

The zero-order order was to stick to it for one day, and now the war has only begun to disintegrate in less than an hour. How can they give zero explanation? How can they explain to Su Mu?

Hachigui's eyes began to congestion.

But they have to admit that there are too many people in the Global Alliance, too many to distinguish with their eyes. Although there are exact numbers, the number of people they can see on the battlefield is estimated to be about 100 million. Others People must have branches in the entire Panguzhou District.

So, this is not a resident war at all, but a territorial occupation of aggression. The entire Panguzhou area is full of people from the Global Alliance. What is it going to do?

"The news came that ordinary Chinese players have also been attacked by the Global Alliance. At this time, apart from the more than one million people left on our side, no team in the entire continent can defend and show up. The offline, the slain, the entire continent... has fallen!"

"What about other continents?!" Bagui shouted.

Chrissy shook her head: "I don't know, but it's not much better, and the Huangtianzhou area is the main battlefield of the Global Alliance. It is estimated to be more tragic than us!"

"Oh shit!"

This kind of result was expected by the Hall of Gods, but it did not expect it to develop so fast. It was only an hour, and it became like this. Then what reason is there for this war to go on?

Hall of the Gods Channel: Zero: Stick to today, the shadow will definitely return, please brothers!

Hachiki and Chris looked at each other. At this time, there were more than a dozen of King Kong's clones. They couldn't help but look at the members of the Global Alliance and slowly forced them...

boom! boom! boom!

Neat footsteps, huge deterrence, Wangqingdao brought countless members of the Global Alliance to the outside of the Imperial City Plaza. This time is no longer as simple as a resident city battle, but an imperial city defense battle!

It is almost the same as the original animal wave, but this time it is not the animal wave, but the crowd!

"The entire continent is occupied by us. God's realm, if you give up resistance, you can still leave a life. Otherwise, the record of this war will become the God's realm of Pangu Zhou! The group is destroyed!"

The members of God's Domain were so angry that the Eight Ghosts jumped out and shouted: "Fuck your mother! Ten thousand brothers have been killed! How can we stay alive? Brothers of God's Domain! All defense!"


Although there are only a million people, the people of God's Domain are still glaring at the Global Alliance. They have no timidity, no fear, no fear, and some are just angry!


Puff puff!




The collision of long swords, long knives, and various weapons. The fierce battle on the scene has been completely chaotic. The people of the Global Alliance madly charged the members of God's Domain. The global alliance still suffered too many casualties. Because of the limited area, the people of the Global Alliance died. One wanted to squeeze in two, which led to the continuous decrease of the members of God's Domain...

However, after the war lasted ten minutes, Wang Qing Dao was completely shocked.

There are only one million people left. They are defending like a lunatic. No matter how you rush into the center of the square, no matter how you kill, someone will always rush out to defend...

This kind of war has never been seen even by Wang Qing Dao.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of crushed number of people in the war to the end, the crushed party should be timid and fearful, but these people in God's Domain, not only do not have these negative emotions, but they are angry with their eyes fired. This kind of guild is in the end. What did it experience to become like this?

Is it the influence of shadow? Or is it the influence of the guild's overall atmosphere? !

Although Wangqingdao didn’t want to admit it, he had to say in his heart that he missed the time when the shadow of God led Zeus very much. It was almost the same as now. Even if it’s dead, even if it’s crushed, there is no fear. Some just let the enemy. The timidity! Even if you lose in the end...

Even so, after an hour, Panguzhou District still fell. This was a helpless battle. The gap in the number of people was irreparable to God's Domain. Therefore, even though this battle was fierce, it could not change the fact.

Except for the Panguzhou area, the Forbidden Continent area and the Killing Shenzhou area were all occupied and occupied by half of the game time that day. Three-quarters of the entire China Region was occupied by people from the Global Alliance. Will be killed, unless those in the wild can survive...

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