Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2600: Almost annihilated


Click! Click!

Thunder and lightning fell from high in the sky, and instantly struck the members of God's Domain below. Each lightning bolt could kill at least a thousand people!

Such a range attack shocked all the members of God's Domain.



The moment a thought becomes a demon was bombarded and killed on the scene, which is even more shocking.

Immediately afterwards, Xuan Rufeng, Ye Changfeng and others were also bombarded and killed instantly, and the people in the Hall of Gods could not avoid being bombarded and killed by this level of formation!


Rumble! !

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" The three of Feitian Yinghen were still insisting, but the thunder and lightning had penetrated the rune formation. Although the thunder and lightning had been missed in, it was enough to kill all the members of God's Domain!

At this moment, all the members of God's Domain were all stuck on the scene, then raised their heads to look at the formation in the air.

Click! Click! !

Rumble! !

At this time, the Global Alliance slowly rectified the team, while rectifying while watching the thunder and lightning in the sky continue to fall, the scene instantly turned into the end of the storm!

Jess, Mei Qianer, Cyril, King of Northern Russia, Cen, Kitagawa Jiro, Sasaki Jiro, Miguel Khan, Kim Minho, Kim Jong Tian, ​​Bill Kay and other global super masters also gathered at this time.

The war is over. After this formation falls, it means the whole is over. This formation is not only for the players who bombed God's Domain. After the death of Feitian Yinghen, the entire formation will completely blast the imperial city in the Huangtianzhou area. The ruins are just like Su Mu bombing the Wadao area.

So at this time they finally breathed a sigh of relief, and it was finally over.




The people in the Hall of Gods kept evading, and they would be bombed if they couldn't avoid it. There were too many members of God's Domain, so at this time, they could only watch their brothers be killed, and then wait for the lightning to land on their heads...

From a distance, it’s like the end of the world, and the members of God’s Domain on the battlefield have the greatest feelings. At this time, they have completely forgotten everything. Watching the thunder and lightning fall in horror, they can finally understand the players' experience when Su Mu bombed Wadao. Feeling...

The shock of the skills, the bombing sound of thunder and lightning caused the players' ears to hum and stand in place as if they were deaf.

Kaka Kaka...

Click! Click!

People in God's Domain began to die quickly and were killed beyond imagination. One lightning bolt killed thousands of people, and the lightning speed became faster and denser...

The people in the Hall of Gods looked at the scene blankly at this time, it's over, everything is over!

If this continues, the people in God's Domain will be annihilated in less than five minutes, and once the three of Feitian Yinghen die completely, the entire Huangtianzhou area will become ruins.

However, beyond the imagination of the Hall of Gods, death was faster than they expected, and the death of members of the Gods Domain in the Huangtianzhou District was progressing at a rate of millions of people per second.

Lasted for only a few minutes, the members of the God's Domain Guild were almost destroyed!

Because personnel died too quickly, a large number of open spaces appeared, and the lightning could not hit the surviving players accordingly.

However, the number of members of the Gods Realm that Zero and Charm can see now is very few. If not surprising, the only remaining members of the Gods Realm in China will not exceed 100,000! And also add the tens of thousands of people left now!

The lightning continued to bombard.

It lasted for five minutes.

When Zero opened the guild channel to check the number of people online, he couldn't help closing his eyes.

Everyone also opened the guild channel at this time, because the authority of the All God Hall is second only to the vice president, so at this time they can see the number of online people...

10254 people!

Still decreasing!

Still decreasing!

An indescribable mood suppressed the members of the Hall of Gods.

What does this number represent?

Of the three hundred million God's Domain, there are now 10,000 people left, which means...Today, the God's Domain was destroyed by the group!

Although it has not been completely annihilated, what is the difference between being annihilated now? Almost destroyed by the group!

How to fight? How to defend?

Hold on for a day? Only half a day has passed now.

The faces of the members of the Hall of Gods were green.


Rumble! !

The formation in the sky is pressed down again, and the yellow runes are all covered with cuts and bruises. When these yellow runes disappear completely, the formation will fall completely. Then it will be time for the Huangtianzhou area to disappear into the reincarnation. ...

Xia Feng closed his eyes.

Xia Hai closed his eyes.

Almost everyone did not want to see this happening. Although they knew that it could not be stopped, when the failure really came, the dullness in their hearts could not be suppressed...

Feitian Yinghen, Nine Emperors, Zhuge Muyue, and the three Divine Realm Array Mage madly released the rune formations, but the stances created by the dozens of supreme gods in the sky were slowly suppressed, and it turned out to sink... …

Can't hold on anymore.

Feitian Yinghen gritted his teeth and smiled at this time: "Are you the Nine Emperors and Dead Moon?"

The two girls were startled.

"Brother Su told me, let me find you to use the rune formation of the Divine Realm Array Mage, but I didn't expect it to be two goddess level beauties, Brother Su is really blessed..."

Wangyue glared at Feitian Yinghen: "Aren't Su Mu's friends so glib and hooligan?"


Xia Zhi Chan couldn't help laughing and said, "But I accept your praise."

"Xia solstice cicada..." Zhuge Muyue is also speechless, when is this still thinking about making fun?

However, Feitian Yinghen smiled and said: "Two sisters-in-law..."

"Don't bark!" the two women said in unison.

Feitian Yinghen looked at the two of them dumbfounded, and then changed his words: "Two sisters..."

"Who is your sister?"


Feitian Yinghen said with a sad expression: "Then what, look over there..."

At this time, the Nine Emperors and Zhuge Muyue saw that not far from the Huangtianzhou area, a space-time crack, or something like a teleportation array opened, and...



"what is that?!"

The players exclaimed at this time. The people of the Global Alliance also saw the teleportation array. Jace and others were even more nervous, because the Huangtianzhou area was not destroyed in a second, and there were variables. Shadow’s team, so Jace and others felt bad again at this time...

At this moment, everyone saw that in this crack similar to the teleportation array...

Silver glittering knee-length boots, snow-white long legs, silver skirt, waistband and gold glittering gold armor, connected to Gaolong's chest, snow-white clavicle and jade neck, arms covered Wrapped in silver and gold metal pieces, a girl in gold and silver

She has long golden hair and her exquisite features...this look...she is...

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