Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2656: Zang He Guild

In the three areas of ABC divided by Jiutian Town, countless players talked a lot, and all the topics were focused on the PK battle between Zanghe Guild and God's Domain Guild.

In fact, things are very simple.

Zang He Guild, a veteran guild that has developed in Jiutian Town for a long time. The guild headquarters has more than 10,000 members. This level of guild is definitely one of the best in the town. Therefore, Zang He is such a guild. Is it a level of PK with a Gods Domain Guild that has just been established and does not even have a field station?

At least, as far as the current situation is concerned, the maximum number of players in the guild of God’s Domain is eight turns and two stages, while the only public eight turns and four stages in Zang He’s guild surpasses three players, plus some in-game props and Understanding of the second-tier game, etc., is God's Domain an opponent?

"I guess it’s the guild called God’s Domain that offended Zang He’s guild, otherwise people wouldn’t bully small guilds, right? And they have never bullied people like this before. Besides, Zang He’s level is fundamentally against Zone C. Are you not interested in your house..."

"God's Domain should be a newcomer to the first layer of reincarnation. They offend Zang He, and they must have something else..."

Players talked a lot along the way, and Bauhinia and Huang Juan were rushing to the PK arena at this time.

"Miss, do we want to help God's Domain Guild?" Huang Juan frowned slightly, because Su Mu did help Zijing Rose yesterday, and the strength that Su Mu showed in the end completely shocked them. If you don't make friends with this kind of people, What are you waiting for? Once the God's Domain Guild grows up, there will be no such opportunity.

However, Bauhinia shook her head. Although she and Su Mu had only been in contact for one day, Bauhinia knew that people at the level of Su Mu would definitely disdain to ask for help. Moreover, according to her observation of Su Mu in the entire dungeon, this PK match, Who wins and who loses might still be the case. Although Zang He's Guild has masters of eight turns and four stages, Bauhinia still has a hard time deciding who wins when facing the mysterious Su Mu.

Soon, the two came to the challenge ring position in the C area.

At this time, an arena similar to a small square is full of people on both sides, including the surrounding wooden buildings, and some large trees in the distance. People who want to watch the excitement will always find a place to watch the battle.

Because it is a challenge within the town and the location is cramped, there will be no more than 10,000 people watching the game, and because there is almost no suspense in this PK, no one comes here specifically to watch the game. It is also idle and boring, or some low Players of the level are mostly those in the C area. They are more worried that after Zang He’s Guild wins the headquarters of the God’s Domain Guild, will they settle in the C area, which is called a slum?

Bauhinia and Huang Juan went directly to the attic in front of the ring, and then came to the second floor to meet the fallen leaves and flowers.

From this position, they can clearly see the position of the ring, and it is the second floor directly in front, which is obviously a specially customized position for Bauhinia.

"Sister Bauhinia, Zang He's people have arrived, and the people of God's Domain are still missing." Luoye Piaohua pointed to the southern part of the ring.

Bauhinia nodded, she had already seen the people of Zang He Guild, especially the bearded Zang He, with a level of 550, the eighth turn and the fourth stage were rare in Jiutian Town, plus his reputation in Jiutian Town That's why there are so many people watching the excitement here, otherwise, this PK will probably become an existence that no one cares about.

It's eight o'clock.

The location next to Taipei is still empty, and the players can't help but whisper to each other. At this time, the people of God's Domain are not showing up. Is it scary? Or is it that the people of God's Domain simply abandoned the game? If this is the case, it would be boring, players are not waiting for nothing.

Over time, the players became more and more impatient.

"Hey, are the people from God's Domain afraid to come?"

"Cut, maybe you peeed on your pants, right?"


Everyone burst into laughter, and some players shouted to go to the headquarters of God's Domain to call them, which made the players laugh more.

It's already past eight o'clock in God's Domain who are not coming, isn't it obvious that they dare not come.

After another half an hour, Zang He slowly walked onto the ring, and the people around him instantly became quiet.

With a big beard on his face, he looked more than 40 years old, his burly figure, and his eighth-turn four-stage level seemed a bit fierce at this time.

"Dear players of Jiutian Town, today is the time when I Zanghe Guild and the God’s Domain Guild PK for the headquarters of the safe zone. The people of God’s Domain will not come at this time. Although I don’t know what the people of God’s Domain are thinking, What I want to tell you today is that it’s not my Guild Zang He bullying people. It’s really because Guild Zang He and God's Domain have some unknown festivals. For games, there is always some vague hatred, right?"


"Yes! To support Zang He Guild, newcomers should abide by the rules!"

"That is, if players from the first level of the world don't abide by the rules, how can this Jiutian Town develop? Support Zang He Guild to manage Jiutian Town!"

"Support Zang He Guild to manage Jiutian Town!"

Along with the shouts of Zang He Guild members, some players were also tainted, and countless people still shouted the name of Zang He Guild.

The Fallen Leaf Piaohua who sat across from him snorted, "I know how to play psychological warfare. When will it be his turn for the Zanghe Guild to manage this Jiutian Town? Shameless!"

Bauhinia smiled: "Do you care about him, although Guild Zang He has a good appearance in Jiutian Town, it's a bit tender to manage Jiutian Town."

"That's right, at least Jiutian Town still has our Bauhinia Rose and Fallen Soul World!"

At this moment, the people of God's Domain finally showed their heads. Headed by Changsheng, Changtian, and Su Mu, a dozen people from God's Domain came directly to the north of the ring, and then stood in the rest area.

Standing on the ring, Zang He glanced contemptuously at the people in God's Domain and smiled: "I thought some people were afraid to come."

Chang Tian's face was extremely ugly, not only because of Zang He’s guild, but also because of the unpleasantness that happened internally before, so at this time Chang Tian directly shouted: "What is your name? A dignified guild of ten thousand people bullied us and dozens of people. Does your guild still have a face?"

Zang He also sneered and said: "If I Zang He bullies you, then I will not stand here to challenge, but will kill you directly, don't know what is wrong!"

"Haha! That's right! Little God's Domain, if you want to bully you, you can directly suppress you by the army, and use it to challenge you in front of all the players in Jiutian Town? Don't be ashamed!"

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