Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2724: Upper Nine Black Market

Regarding the Changsheng and Changtian brothers, Su Mu had no plans to kick out of the guild. He originally thought that the two brothers would change as he led the changes in God's Domain, but now that you look away, the white-eyed wolves are always white-eyed wolves, so Su Mu was a little disgusted at this time.

But when he reached the first floor, Su Mu found Bauhinia and Fallen Piaohua standing at the door.

Su Mu waved his hand to let them in.

"What? You guys are also here to persuade me to give up?" Su Mu was feeling a little unhappy now.

Bauhinia was startled when he heard the words, and then said: "No, Mr. Su, we have something else."

Su Mu breathed a sigh of relief, and then let the two of them sit down. When Zhang Sanfeng and Brother Changsheng saw the guests coming from the guild, it was difficult to stay in the hall, so they left separately.

After the three Su Mu were left in the lobby, Su Mu said, "I know that this incident will definitely cause dissatisfaction among a large number of players. I believe you are also very surprised, right?"

Now that Su Mu has spoken about this matter, Bauhinia no longer politely said: "Yes, Mr. Su, we feel that your decision is still a bit hasty. The Savage Race will have at least one hundred thousand troops in this attack. It is a catastrophe for Jiutian Town, so it is almost impossible for the five hundred people of God's Domain to resist, but since Mr. Su decides like this, there must be some way, right?"

Su Mu is still very curious about this Bauhinia. She is a girl leading a guild through reincarnation on the second floor, analyzing things, and even seeing people. Su Mu even found a familiar shadow in her.

Standing up, Su Mu said: "In fact, it is also compelling. Since the establishment of God's Domain, it has made countless enemies. If it does not win the hundreds of thousands of amethyst coins in Shangyu City this time, it will be difficult for God's Domain to gain a foothold in Jiutian Town."

Bauhinia nodded, and Fallen Leaf Piaohua said at this time: "Brother Su, do you need our help? Although they say that there is no foreign aid, we can still help you financially."

Su Mu didn't expect these two people to believe in themselves so much, perhaps because of their tasks together, or perhaps they had higher expectations of themselves?

Su Mu smiled and shook his head: "By the way, what are you looking for? Is there anything I can help?"

Bauhinia and Luo Ye Piaohua looked at each other. Since Su Mu no longer said to help, it proves that he will not let them assist God's Domain, so Bauhinia simply stood up and said: "Mr. Su has heard of going to the Nine Black Market? "

Su Mu was a little surprised: "I just came to the second floor of reincarnation, and I haven't heard of it."

"Well, Shangjiu Black Market, as the name suggests, this place is at the junction of Shangyu City and Jiuxi City, a small mountain village, but here, players can trade some game items, artifacts, etc. that are rarely circulated in the market. ."

Black markets generally appear in the real world, and many things cannot be seen before they form black markets, but why are black markets established in the game?

As if thinking of Su Mu’s doubts, Bauhinia said: "There is not much time for the establishment of the Shangjiu Black Market, but the establishment of this black market is based on human players, alien players, orc players, protoss players, etc. The place where reincarnation players trade, because of the disharmony of various races, cannot be traded in public."

Su Mu suddenly realized that the second-tier reincarnation is not only only for earth players, but also negative annual reincarnation, centennial reincarnation, red star reincarnation, orcs, gods, angels, savages and so on.

Seeing Su Mu's understanding, Bauhinia took a step forward and provoked his long skirt to continue walking a few steps: "According to the news, the Shang Nine Black Market will be opened tonight, and there will be a lot of rare game props, and even more. Some people will do things like supernatural pets, is Mr. Su interested in taking a look together?"

"God pet for sale?" Su Mu was shocked. Is there anything in the world that Nima cannot sell? There are still people selling **** pets?

"Yes, of course, most of them are orc pets. Very few people sell humanoid pets with high IQ."

"Oh oh oh, this is not surprising, it scares me to death." Su Mu would naturally think of his own water blue goddess when he thought of the **** pet. The sale of this kind of **** pet made Su Mu a little unacceptable.

But what does it mean for Bauhinia to call himself this time? Su Mu has nothing to need, and almost all the equipment for his whole body is gathered, and he doesn't need a pet, and Su Mu needs money now! And this upper nine black market is precisely where the money is spent.

Afterwards, Su Mu glanced at Bauhinia Erren Dao: "Are there job transfer scrolls for sale in the black market?"

Bauhinia smiled at the words, and then nodded: "This is what Bauhinia means. According to Mr. Su’s rank promotion speed, you only have a four-reel scroll left in your hand, so I want to ask if you go to the black market to see if there are six. Duan, seven-dan, and ten-dan job transfer scrolls, one or two of these things will appear on the black market every time."

Su Mu nodded.

Fallen Leaf Piaohua smiled at this time: "In addition to the promotion scroll, there are also some weird things appearing, such as the element core."

Su Mu heard the words and looked at Bauhinia and Fallen Leaf Piaohua. The dark element core Su Mu had opened and read it. It was a record of dark element. Then Su Mu returned the dark element core to Bauhinia, but now Fallen Leaf Piaohua is like this It was said that Su Mu became more interested, and Bauhinia came to tell himself that it was probably just for this.

So Su Mu smiled directly: "Thanks, give me a message when I will leave."

The two left afterwards, but Su Mu took out all the amethyst coins that the Xia Zhi Cicada had placed in the guild warehouse and spent them out. There are still 11 thousand amethyst coins that can be used because Chang Tian is no longer the guild leader. So Su Mu spent these amethyst coins and didn't need to greet him.

And the black market is going on at night, and they will not attack at will without their own orders tomorrow day, so Su Mu doesn't have to worry too much about this trip.

Until the evening, Su Mu, Bauhinia and Luoye Piaohua joined together.

Then flew straight to the direction of the upper nine black market.

Because it is the junction of the two cities, there are not many people here. After more than an hour of flight, Su Mu directly landed under a waterfall in a mountain stream, and Su Mu immediately saw the waterfall. There are several teams standing on the other end, and there are several people who are acquaintances...

"Yenjia has a narrow road!" Su Mu smiled.

Bauhinia and Fallen Leaf Piaohua looked at each other, with helpless expressions in their eyes, who would say that they are not.

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