Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2729: Coming, here (6 more)

The players on the entire Terran platform at this time all focused their eyes on Luo Qingcheng and Su Mu, and their moods were also different. The most stunning appearance of Luo Qingcheng was in the majority, and Luo Qingcheng was surprised to see Su Mu in the minority.

But when Luo Qingcheng slowly moved towards Su Mu, everyone realized this problem. Did Luo Qingcheng meet an acquaintance? Or is this the person who was mocked just now who didn't even have access to the Nine Black Market? A guild president with only five hundred people?

Everyone looked at Su Mu in surprise again, but at this time Luo Qingcheng had completely walked in front of Su Mu.

There was a difference of more than five years. Su Mu encountered the negative annual cycle galaxy when he returned to Earth, which caused time to drag for five years, and the people on the cycle of time naturally passed five years. Su Mu and almost everyone he knew They met again after five years. Although for Su Mu, those five years were only five minutes, but for them, it was five years...

Therefore, Luo Qingcheng at this time can imagine what his mood is.

The scenes of the original scenes are once again in my mind, from the first time Su Mu came to the time cycle, from his retiring, to helping himself many times, and then meeting all kinds of unexpected things, and his mood slowly changed. , Luo Qingcheng must admit that she was sad when she knew that Su Mu was leaving, and she was lovesick for the past five years. Although Luo Qingcheng didn't know how Su Mu felt about her, she knew how she felt.

Although it was five years later, Luo Qingcheng felt that the past five years was like a century. Seeing Su Mu's expression and this familiar cheek again, Luo Qingcheng didn't know what to say.

So there was a long pause.

Luo Qingcheng opened those red lips slightly, and whispered: "Come on..."

Su Mu smiled, then nodded: "Here."

These two words represent Luo Qingcheng's greetings to Su Mu from the reincarnation of the earth to the second-level reincarnation, and Su Mu's answer can only be these two words...

Therefore, the people on the entire platform felt a strange feeling, because their tone was like old friends and old acquaintances, but it was more like a long-separated lover meeting again...

Therefore, the flying fish on the side turned green at this time...cough, it was blue...

He stared at Su Mu and Luo Qingcheng, his heart was constantly burning with anger. You know, he pursued Luo Qingcheng from the first time he saw Luo Qingcheng. Although Luo Qingcheng did not respond to him once, it almost became a public matter in Shangyu City. In addition, after he eliminated some players pursuing Luo Qingcheng, no one would dare to compete with this stuff...

Therefore, until now, Feifei has rarely seen people who dare to fight Luo Qingcheng's idea, but now, Luo Qingcheng actually took the initiative to talk to a man? This was the first time he saw him since he knew Luo Qingcheng, and it was Luo Qingcheng who took off the hat and took the initiative to say hello!

Therefore, no matter what the relationship between the person in front of him and Luo Qingcheng is, Fei Feiyu can't bear it!

"Man, what is your name? Know Qingcheng?" Feifei walked directly to the middle of the two and broke the warm scene.

Luo Qingcheng glanced at Fei Fei Yu, then frowned slightly.

Su Mu glanced at him and said, "Just call me Su."

"Su? Never heard of it! What is the relationship between you and Qingcheng?" Why is Feifei in the mood to care about Su Mu's name? Anyone who dares to approach Luo Qingcheng will be judged as a rival in love!

So, at this time, the surrounding players commotion again, and there is a good show? This Fei Fei fish is famous for its jealous jar, and Su Mu was ridiculed just now, so everyone wants to see how this boss of the 500-member guild should respond, especially when uninvited to wait for others, this time is even more lively. Emoji.

Faced with the question of Feifei, how could Su Mu not know what he was thinking? Moreover, on this occasion, with this expression, Su Mu would have been in vain for such a long time if he didn't know what Feifei was thinking about.

So Su Mu kept looking at Luo Qingcheng and said, "Am I familiar with you? What is your relationship with Qingcheng?"


The players in the audience began to exclaim, dare to speak to the vice president of Fengtian Guild like this? Does this person want to live? Especially after talking with uninvited people, everyone also understood that Su Mu is a player of Jiutian Town under Shangyu City. Do you still want to go to Shangyu City?

And just as the big guy expected, Fei Feiyu became furious when he heard the words. He suddenly wanted to rush forward to fight Su Mu... However, Meng Mengyu behind him shouted: "Vice President! This is Shang Nine Black Market!"

Fei Feiyu was startled when he heard the words, his fist was falling a foot away from Su Mu's head, but Su Mu was standing in place with a smile at this time, and had no intention of avoiding Feifei's movements.

"You have a kind!" Feifei snorted and retracted while staring at Su Mu, but stood among them.

Su Mu knows that no matter what world or place you are in, beautiful women will always cause a lot of trouble. It is not that Su Mu is disgusted. This is the law of nature. In any world, without the strength, you will never be able to protect the people you like. For example, now .

The five-hundred-person God's Domain Guild is a small bug in the eyes of the players, and the hundreds of thousands of Fengtian Guild is a giant dragon.

"Man, this is the upper nine black market, I won't bully you, the black market is over, find a place to talk?" Feifei hummed while looking at Su Mu.

Su Mu smiled: "Talk about what? Talk about how to allocate Luo Qingcheng or find a place to kill me?"

Fei Feiyu was startled when he heard the words, everyone also exclaimed, this God's Domain is too arrogant, right? Doesn't he know Fengtian Guild? Or is it that the new born calves are not afraid of tigers?

However, Feifei sneered at this moment and looked at Su Mu and said: "Boy, I don't care who you are, don't approach Luo Qingcheng! Otherwise..."

"Otherwise, let Fengtian Guild destroy me?" Su Mu kept looking at Luo Qingcheng with a faint smile, and Luo Qingcheng also kept looking at Su Mu, as if she didn't care about Su Mu's conversation with Feifeiyu.

Others may not know Su Mu, but Luo Qingcheng knows who the person in front of him is. But in prison, he can pull up a team to resist the existence of Tianyong City, and slaughter the East Island Kingdom in the cycle of time, who is famous throughout the cycle of time. !

Feifei is not worth mentioning in front of him, so Luo Qingcheng feels that Feifei is like a clown at this time. He thinks that he is the vice president of a 300,000 guild, and he will go to heaven. In fact, in Luo Qingcheng In my mind, compared with Su Mu's achievement, Feifei's achievement is not worthy of carrying shoes!

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