Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2739: Pet hunter

Luo Qingcheng looked at a white-haired favorite on the auction stage and asked, "Brother Su, do you know this favorite?"

Because Su Mu's eyes were a little surprised at this time, Luo Qingcheng was so questioned, and just as Luo Qingcheng said, Su Mu did know the **** pet on the stage, not only he knew, but Ying should also know it.

In the database and news network of God's Domain, almost all the forces and **** pets that can compete with God's Domain have been recorded, not to mention in the remnant soul, and the **** pet in front of him is the original Su Mu's grievance in the Dark Canyon. The gray-haired old man of Ming and Ting Ting's father and son.

Although Su Mu also met Ting Xie and his son in the cycle of time, he didn't see this white-haired **** pet. I didn't expect to meet him here. Su Mu didn't know if it was Xie Ming's **** pet, but it was only from the appearance. That's right.

Su Mu nodded and sat down and said, "Does the Upper Nine Black Market often auction human-shaped **** pets?"

Luo Qingcheng nodded, and then said: "Yes, there are often **** pets auctioned, and even some **** pets snatched from others, but no one comes to the Nine Black Market because there is a profession in the second layer of reincarnation. Called the **** pet hunter."

"God pet hunter?" This term is so fresh. For Su Mu, a **** pet is almost a summoning type of friend who can't change the owner. Therefore, Su Mu never thought that he could be taken away from his **** pet. It was the goddess Fenghe who had given it to herself by the people of Wadao, although Su Mu had thought of arresting her...

Luo Qingcheng obviously came to the second-tier world earlier than Su Mu, otherwise she wouldn’t have a 100,000 deposit, so she thought for a while and said, “I remember Feifei said that many summoners now specialize in poaching **** pets. Of course, this kind of profession is not known to all players, only some people in the game and the industry will know. Moreover, the poaching favorite is not only limited to the player's favorite, but also includes wild bosses."

"They specialize in collecting **** pets and then sell them on the black market. To a large extent, a **** pet will sell for more than 100,000 amethyst coins. This price is enough for many hunters to live a happy life in the second floor of reincarnation."

Su Mu nodded. One hundred thousand amethyst coins are indeed very relaxing and comfortable for an ordinary player. After all, the second layer of reincarnation is the ten ranks of the eighth rank. Among them, the voucher for the promotion rank is more expensive. During the second-tier reincarnation period, one or two copies of vouchers can definitely be obtained, or to go together in a team, so as long as one hundred thousand amethyst coins are not squandered, it is enough to support the player to enter the third-tier reincarnation.

However, Su Mu was still very curious about this profession called the ‘God’s Pet Hunter’. This new profession made Su Mu a little bit in his mind, but he couldn’t figure it out...

When Luo Qingcheng saw Su Mu in a daze, he continued to explain: "Actually, the so-called pet hunters are just what they claim. Many players who call themselves pet hunters have not caught a pet hunter for months, so This profession will not be widely used, and it is limited to the summoner profession. After all, only the summoner has the active capture function. Other professions can only rely on luck."

Su Mu knew this. Summoners had the ability to take the initiative to capture them. Su Mu itself was an imaginary profession that combined the common ground of summoners and assassins. Therefore, the original cracked seat was the best proof.

"That's right." Luo Qingcheng looked at Su Mu and said: "The city lord of Shangyu seems to have bought his favorite pet at an auction. It's similar to your favorite. It's a goddess and has a high level."

"Doesn't the government allow the existence of the black market?" Su Mu asked in surprise.

Luo Qingcheng shook his head: "The so-called official refers to the second-tier reincarnation NPC, and players are always players, and there are not so many restrictions, so even the city lord is inevitable."

Su Mu probably understood some of the establishment of the second-tier reincarnation. The so-called official is a local NPC, or a local human player, etc., and if a player from the first-level reincarnation becomes the lord of the city, then it is natural to follow some basic official systems. , But the specific operation is up to the players themselves. It is not difficult to explain why Shangyu City did not send heavy troops to defend Jiutian Town.

Following the chat between Su Mu and Luo Qingcheng, the following auction began.

The hostess looked very excited, and recently sold a million-level mirror, and now the human figure is becoming enthusiastic again, so today the hostess must get a commission to get her hands soft, so this girl’s face There is also an unconcealable smile...

"One hundred and fifty thousand!"

"One hundred sixty thousand!"


The price has risen step by step, and the players in the entire venue are also excited. After all, this auction is the supreme **** in human form. If you can become your own favorite, it will have a huge impact on future tasks and boss fights. do not.

Therefore, the competition among players is very high, even the players sitting in the venue are starting to bid with the players in the private rooms.

At the same time, Su Mu saw the bidding in private rooms 98 and 56. Su Mu turned to Luo Qingcheng and asked: "Your flying fish is the favorite of auctioneers this time?"

Luo Qingcheng was startled when he heard the words, then glanced at Su Mu weirdly.

Su Mu hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Yes, I said something wrong..."

Luo Qingcheng, who was already cold, became very cheerful today, even a little lively. She pursed her lips and said with a smile: "I don't know what Fei Feiyu is going to buy, but it looks like he is buying a **** pet. Don't think he is very rich. , But there is no godly favor, so it must be dissatisfied for a person like him who wants face..."

Su Mu sighed. Although I don’t know what Ying Ying is playing, he absolutely can’t let others buy this pet, because it’s probably related to some news in the second-tier world. Xie Ting and Xie Ming are doing it. What the hell, even lost the favorite?

Su Mu glanced at the Bauhinia Coin Card on the table, then chuckled.

Luo Qingcheng was startled: "Big Brother Su, do you want to auction God's favor?"

Su Mu glanced at her: "It's not that I want it, but this pet has a connection with me. I want to ask about something after I get it."

Luo Qingcheng was speechless when he heard the words, because now, the No.56 Flying Fish is obviously bidding. If Su Mu makes another move, I don’t know if Flying Fish will vomit blood. Thinking of this scene, Luo Qingcheng feels a little sympathetic to Flying Fish. not good? I chose Su Mu, who is like a lunatic!

The most important thing is that Luo Qingcheng looked at the amethyst cards beside Su Mu's scalp, because Su Mu still has nine million amethyst coins to squander...

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