Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2745: Zihan is missing

Kyoto, Haitian City.

After Su Mu went offline, he still only saw Aurora, and also told Su Mu that Wenren Zihan had never returned.

However, Chen Xiaoruan and Zhou Wenling came back once, but they are now online again.

Su Mu cannot enter the first level of reincarnation, so there is no way to contact them, and this matter has nothing to do with them, and they will not know what happened back then.

Aurora stood at the door of the kitchen wearing an apron and said: "Sue! Sir! Your house is empty every day. What good is it for me? Should I be let go?"

Su Mu was taken aback, and looked at Aurora’s blond and blue-eyed look and laughed: "I haven’t counted the things the Thousand Hands Party did for you yet. Do you want to go back? Even if you are the only one left in this apartment, stay for me. Now, unless I die, I will slaughter your Thousand Hands Party if you leave!"


"I am what I am, because of your Thousand Hands Party affairs, Qiqi has not recovered yet. Have you thought about this?"

Aurora went straight back to the kitchen after hearing the words. She knew that it was not a good time to say this.

Su Mu smiled, and then went straight to the military sanatorium in Kyoto.

When he arrived at Wenren Zhiyuan's door, Su Mu hesitated before knocking on the door and entering.

The room was very bright, and a nurse was packing up something. After seeing Su Mu coming in, the nurse nodded slightly, and then walked out with some anti-virus supplies.

In the ward, Wen Ren Zhiyuan leaned on the pillow, his gray hair looked very old at this time, but his spirit was very good.

"Hehe, isn't it weird? I should have pipes all over my body?" Wen Renzhiyuan couldn't help laughing when he saw Su Mu's expression.

To be honest, the last time Su Mu and Wen Ren Zhiyuan met were when investigating the truth about He Yang's death, so I felt that they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"Sit down, you will be here later than I estimated." Wen Renzhiyuan glanced at the sofa in the ward and said.

After Su Mu sat down and took a sip from his teacup, he asked, "You knew I would come to you?"

"Well, Zihan has disappeared, right?" Wen Ren Zhiyuan sighed: "She hasn't been here for a week."

Su Mu looked at Wenren Zhiyuan in surprise. From this point of view, he knew that such a day would come, but he didn't say it, or did he dare not say it?

"Six years ago, I did send someone to find Heyang, but is there any grandfather who can kill his grandson with his own hands? Even a big family is not as powerful as your legend, after all, we are humans and not animals. Isn't it?" Wen Ren Zhiyuan laughed at himself.

At this time, Su Mu must also admit that living in a slum-like environment from an early age made him misunderstand that wealthy families have no affection, but when you think about it carefully, you can understand that wealthy families are the same as ordinary families, although most of them will appear for profit. It's about killing each other, but most of them are between some brothers or some cousins.

But how can this kind of thing happen if a grandfather wants to kill his grandson? I really believed it at the beginning, which is a bit sad.

Wen Renzhiyuan said: "Five years ago, the country asked you to go to the cycle of time, which seemed to have no effect at all, but in reality, it forced the people behind to make concessions. At least, you now know that time cycle is the whole cycle of time. Lifeline, if you have a reason, you can let the goddess of water completely destroy the planet of time. That way, it will definitely be a fatal blow to the person behind it. Therefore, after you return to the earth, the person converges and I left Kyoto directly, didn't he?"

"who's that person?"

"If we knew that we had already made a move, we would have to wait until now? Do you think that the country is eating idle food?"

Su Mu looked at Wenren Zhiyuan and said again: "Then, why did Zihan die?"

"Who knows, shouldn't the infant of the remnant soul tell you all? Zihan was resurrected after he died, so our information network got the news that Zihan was in a coma for an hour, and then he recovered, and it was on his own. In his apartment, there is nothing to be held accountable. It's like you were in a car accident. Everyone, including you, knows that you just lost one eye and healed it in the American Empire, but who knows that you were already dead. What?"

Su Mu nodded.

Indeed, for all of them, Su Mu himself thought that he was only seriously injured at the beginning and then healed, but it turned out that he died that year, was resurrected, and was inlaid with the soul of the gods. It seems a bit absurd, but it is true!

Wen Renzhiyuan moved his body, and then found a more comfortable position to lean on the pillow and said: "So, at present, only Zihan knows the identity of the person behind it, but Zihan may not tell us. One thing is that neither the dark elements nor the saints in your mouth can be inlaid with the soul of the saint of reincarnation. Therefore, the soul of the saint in your body must be the hands and feet of the person who resurrected Zihan. So, I want to know The truth of everything, find this person!"

Su Mu also thought, now that you can't even find the dark element, how can you find more terrifying enemies?

But why did Wenren Zihan suddenly disappear? Is there the same reason as Wendy's disappearance? Su Mu doesn’t know, but Su Mu is not too worried about Wenren Zihan’s safety now, because now that things have developed to this point, if the people behind want to harm Zihan, they won’t wait until now. The disappearance of Zihan means She is safer.

Su Mu stood up and said: "I know, I will solve this as soon as possible, but you..."

"Haha, don't worry about me, even your wood spirit goddess can't cure me... I have lived enough in my life, and the rest is the world of your young people, let's go, don't worry about me, soft girl Girl He Jing will often come to see me." Wen Ren Zhiyuan waved his hand with a smile.

Su Mu stopped talking, turned and left.

In fact, Wenren Zihan's disappearance or disappearance did not give Su Mu too much impact, but felt that things should develop like this, so Su Mu didn't feel too anxious after returning to the apartment. This feeling was very strange for Su Mu himself.

Su Mu browsed the messages of Zero and Kuanglan and Mei and others, then turned off the phone and continued to log in to the game.

Today, it's Su Mu's defense of the Savage Race. Whether God's Domain can gain a foothold in Jiutian Town depends on today. Moreover, Su Mu is going to do the Kunlun Mirror mission, because as long as the Kunlun Mirror is turned on, Su Mu can see everything in front and back through this mirror, and even see who the person behind it is!

However, after Su Mu went online, he found that the situation in Jiutian Town was quite bad, and he was even full of malice towards God's Domain...

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