Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2753: The choice of the five major trade unions

The huge Scourge shocked all the players near Jiutian Town. At the same time, Su Mu's bombing of the Savage Territory was not noticed, but Bauhinia's analysis was good, and Su Mu's doing so was a bit redundant.

The scope of the scourge is so large, so shocking, why should Su Mu bomb some forests to shock the savages? It seems understandable, but Bauhinia noticed that the method of bombing was not to burn the trees, but to cut them down directly, so the wood can still be used!

Just ask, how much manpower and material resources does the savage need to cut down so much wood? The scope of Su Mu’s scourge was too large. Not to mention how many tens of thousands of woods were cleaved by thunder and lightning, the wood caused by this kind of moment was beyond the reach of the savages for several months. Therefore, Bauhinia analyzed The thing is very simple, Su Mu did this deliberately.

And Su Mu’s idea is the same as Bauhinia’s. It was negotiated with Cook and used his own scourge to cut down the trees in the forest. This represents a meeting ceremony for cooperation with Cook. Cook didn’t believe it at the beginning, but now Cook I can only say that I am too lucky that I did not fight against Su Mu, not to mention Su Mu's goddess, just this skill is enough to slaughter the entire savages near Jiutian Town.

Therefore, at this moment, Cook is not only devotion to the gods, but also an unprecedented fear and awe of Su Mu.

Therefore, when Cook signed the system contract, there was no opposition from any savage race, and no human player said anything...It's this time, who cares whether Su Mu kills the savage race, the system contract is not a joke. , Although many people don’t really understand what the system contract represents...

With the signing of the contract, Cook took the mighty army of 100,000 savages and turned and left. The members of God's Domain only realized at this time what Su Mu’s plan was. It turned out that the boss had already thought about how to target the savages. I really didn't let them do it...

"Disappointment, I thought I could do a big job..." the four ghosts retracted their weapons.

The brothers beside him laughed and said: "Brother Gui, you are too combative, right? We will return to the first level of the world if we lose the ranks..."

"Go, go, who doesn't have a level 401 now? I can't go back once I die!"


The battle ended in a daze, and it also produced a very satisfactory result for the players of Jiutian Town. Not only did they defend the attack of the Savage Race, but also signed an agreement to ensure that the Savage Race would not attack Jiutian Town in a short time. Isn't this result what the players want?

Therefore, the players in Jiutian Town feel a bit dull at this time...

Because it was originally a war, it has ended like this now. Although it was shocking for them to see such a scroll of inaction, it was still a little bit unfulfilled...

Su Mu watched Cook and the others leave, then landed on the ground and glanced at Xia Feng and others and said, "Go! Come with me to meet the five trade unions!"

Xia Feng smiled upon hearing the words: "Brother, you should have bombed the premises of the five major guilds just now, taking advantage of the scourge, that's cool..."

"Haha, yeah, why didn't I think, boss, you should bomb their resident..."

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh! I feel that I should also blast their resident sites directly...make them crazy..."

Su Mu smiled. Sometimes, it is not something that can be solved by a skill. When the five guilds are bombed out, the players in Jiutian Town can only fear God's Domain instead of respecting God's Domain. Su Mu needs to develop. It is not to rule by violence, but to persuade people with virtue. This is clearly reflected in the gods on the earth...

Although it feels a bit embarrassing for the idiom to serve people with virtue, Su Mu must admit that the result of violent rule can only be the revolutionary war of the players!

Besides, Jiutian Town knows the bet with the five major unions before, and now it depends on what the five major unions do. If Su Mu blasts their resident, then the players will say that God's Domain is wrong...

Therefore, Su Mu took the members of the Five Hundred Gods Domain directly outside the station where Hui Carbine and others were located.

At this time, a large number of players began to follow the five hundred members of God's Domain to watch and discuss.

"There is a good show, the five major trade unions and God's Domain bet..."

"Tsk tsk, didn't the five big guilds that left Jiutian Town become ordinary guilds?"

Following the discussion of the players, Su Mu had already stood outside the Zhantian Guild’s residence and looked at them with a playful smile...

At this time, Nightingale stood among the five of them looking at Su Mu, and clearly showed interest in Su Mu, but Hui Carabin, Zang He, and Uninvited Waiting for the five people seemed a bit embarrassing...

The impossible became true, what should they do now?

"Return to the carbine, come uninvited, Zang He, a sword is falling, Nuoning! Is it time for you to fulfill your promise?" Su Mu Changjian pointed to the return of the carbine and the others.

At this time, Nightingale actually took a step back, saying that she would not participate in this matter.

Turning back the carbine and glanced at Uninvited, the five looked at each other.

They knew very well in their hearts that the five-legged power in Jiutian Town was because the five of them wouldn’t let any guild rise up and suppress God’s Domain because they knew that the guild leader of God’s Domain was very powerful. The betting thing appears.

The five guilds have a tacit understanding, so now, they know that if they leave Jiutian Town, their guilds may take turns to be third-rate, and it will even break the current situation of the guild.

Because the small towns near Jiutian Town now have major forces settled in, how can they compete with others? This is like having a guild come to Jiutian Town for development. Will the five major trade unions let them develop?

So it is obvious that you must not leave Jiutian Town. Before betting, no one would believe that the Five Hundred People of God's Domain could defend the attack of hundreds of thousands of savage tribes, but who could have imagined that the president of God's Domain alone would block Offensive, and also signed a contract with the savage race, who the **** is going to talk about? Who can make people have a scroll of inaction?

Moreover, using the scroll of inaction in this kind of war, how crazy is the president of this God's Domain? It's just a neurosis!

Turning the carbine back with a flattering smile, he looked at Su Mu and said, "Chairman Su, what? This matter is easy to tell. Excuse me, did you use the scroll of Wuwei? I heard that there are only five scrolls in the entire second-level reincarnation... "

Su Mu sneered.

Xia Feng is not a good stubborn, this guy jumped out and shouted: "What's the trick? Get out of Jiutian Town!"

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