Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2759: Shelling Su Mu


An iron cannon ball with a diameter of at least five meters turned into an arc in the air, and then fell directly to Su Mu's position.

At the same time, at this time, the hearts of the players almost stopped, because they couldn’t imagine what this shell would cause if it fell on the players’ bodies, and no one even recalled why the president of God’s Domain had to stand in place, wouldn’t he not? Do you avoid it? Although this shell has a certain tracking ability, it is not completely inevitable...

But Su Mu didn't move.

Xia Feng and Sigui swallowed. The former said, "You said, will Brother be beaten into meatloaf by this shell?"

"..." The Four Ghosts almost choked his saliva to death. He rolled his eyes speechlessly. At this moment, there was no time to speak...


The huge cannonball came to a height of fifty meters above Su Mu's head. However, at this moment, everyone saw that Su Mu suddenly thrust his long sword towards the back of him!


Lunge formation, step on the place where the magic sword of the gods is inserted on the ground with one foot, and then make a posture to receive the cannonball...


Everyone is going to scold his mother, does he know what he is going to pick up? That's an iron ball of dozens of tons! And it's an iron ball from a cannon! Damn it!

Buzzing! !

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The shells fell instantly. At this moment, the surrounding members were directly affected by the flame and heat wave and couldn't look directly at Su Mu's position. Especially Xia Feng and Sigui were the closest to Su Mu. They both blocked their eyes with their arms, and then prevented the heat wave. Shock...

However, all the players standing in the distance are dumbfounded at this time, and everyone's mouth is so big that they can squeeze ten eggs...What's so...

I saw that Su Mu announced that he was standing on the ground, and then pushing the cannonball falling diagonally from the sky with both hands! !



Puff puff……

Both feet fell into the grass in an instant, and the phantom sword of the gods was actually bent down at this time, one can imagine how powerful this power is...

This is not the scariest place, the most scary thing is... the damage value caused by this shell...






In one second, at least two damage values ​​will appear, and each damage value is fixed at five million. The damage value of this cannon completely subverts players' perception of reincarnation damage!

Because there is no reincarnation player or equipment item that can exceed this number, except for the super boss of the system, players with this damage value have never seen it anywhere!

However, what makes the players horrified is that this damage value is abnormal enough, but what about Su Mu?

You will see that there is no sign of death and white light on him... Is that so... When the players reacted, Su Mu had already suffered at least 50 million injuries... How much energy and blood can a player have? Currently, one million, two million is the most...

But what about this guy, the president of God's Domain?

The damage value of more than 10 million is not dead yet?

No one would have thought that Su Mu's total vitality and blood would be at full level, and 5 million damage would naturally not kill Su Mu in a second. Since Su Mu cannot be killed in a second, then the bottle of Wuwei Qi and Blood Potion will have its full effect. .

It is not to restore your accurate number of Qi and blood, but to restore your percentage of Qi and blood. Under 50% of Su Mu's Qi and blood drops, it will be filled up instantly, so back and forth, as long as 5 million damage is not lost in seconds , Then where is the result of Su Mu's killing?

Totally impossible!




The cannonball was in Su Mu's hands for five seconds, but it seemed to the players that it had been a year long... But still no player exclaimed, no player made any noise... No one knew. What should I say...





Numerous damage values ​​keep coming up, but Su Mu is immortal!

As the flames on the shells slowly disappeared, Su Mu suddenly took out another non-attribute phantom sword at this moment, and then slightly waved it a few times: "Shake the sword!"





The impact of the cannonballs, under the shaking of the sword, continued to make clashing sounds, but Su Mu felt that the power was constantly dissolving, so Su Mu could only shake the long sword in his hand more crazily to achieve greater Vibration frequency...

The strong shock dissolves the force on the shells, so that Su Mu will not be hit by the shells into the grass. Therefore, after shaking the sword, Su Mu suddenly unfolded the blade, and then jumped a few steps...

The reason it took a few steps was because Su Mu suddenly discovered that the Seal Scroll had even limited the flying ability of the Blade Wing, and it was only capable of summoning the Blade Wing...


Su Mu fell to the ground.

The cannonballs in front of them were already extinguished and their power was dispelled. Although they were also embedded in the grass, most of them were still exposed.

Staring at the dark shells, there was a visual distortion like water vapor around them. Although the shells piled up the grass, more area was still exposed. The huge shells were intercepted by him, and Su Mu himself A little surprised and excited...

Su Mu gasped slightly, and then rushed forward instantly. With a five-meter-diameter cannonball, Su Mu jumped directly on it, and then he saw his long sword hanging randomly in his right hand, the breeze blowing his silver. Armor, at this time, Su Mu appeared to the players of Jiutian Town like a **** of war...

Especially the kind of feeling that you stand in the center of everyone's eyes and then look at everyone in a dumbfounded state, this feeling is very cool!

Su Mu had to admit at this time that without the potion that Ying gave him, he was already dead in the moment, 10 million damage per second, although 5 million damage per second, but twice per second The damage is enough to kill anyone in a flash. The power of this cannon is powerful enough. Su Mu decided that the construction of the Gods’ Domain is successful. He must get a few more of these things. Beating people is too **** cool...

At this time, Xia Feng and the four ghosts opened their mouths and stared at the eyes. The dumbfounded two bit their jaws that were about to dislocate... and then swallowed...

"Four, four ghosts... brother just... just now..."

"You, you gotta fuck! Let Lao Tzu, let Lao Tzu be shocked for a while..."

Xia Feng: "..."

Su Mu, standing proudly on the cannonball, slowly raised the sword.

"Come uninvited! What do you mean by giving Lao Tzu an iron ball to play with?!"

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