Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2768: Goodbye Domic

Although Tian Tian Xiang Xiang and Little Love wanted to stop Su Mu and the three of them, under the obstruction of Nightingale, Su Mu and three of them had already entered the cave at this time, and there was no previous spike-killing situation, so Nightingale and others could not help but quiet down. .

No one thought that the Savage hadn't prevented the Humans from entering this cave this time, so the little Eros glanced at this time and said, "Did the Savage have gone?"

"Impossible, since the savage race warned us, we must be there, it should be the savage race deepened, we will talk later." Tiantian said upward.

However, there is a feeling in Nightingale's heart that this Su Mu must have had a conversation with the Savage Race, because when the Savage Race was obstructed this morning, Su Mu and the Savage King should have a private chat, otherwise It was impossible to complete the defensive battle so smoothly, so Nightingale even suspected that Su Mu had already colluded with the Savage Race...

Although it is just a guess, it is not groundless, but Nightingale knows that no matter what method Su Mu uses, the result is good. The identity of this person has also changed a lot for Nightingale after contending with the wild people today. At least he is very curious. The thick.

"Nightingale, what are you talking about just now? Does this person have a lot of background?" Tiantian asked, looking up at Nightingale.

The latter regained consciousness, then shook his head and did not say anything. Just now, in a hurry, Nightingale instinctively wanted to tell them that this person was the president of the God's Domain who defeated the Savage Race. If there is a conflict, then it is not of the Human Race and the Savage Race The battle is so simple. The guild leader of this God's Domain will make Tian Xiang Xiang even more regretful for making such a move, but now that Su Mu and the others have entered, there is no need to say.

At this time, the three Su Mu had entered the cave, and they never saw the thick black fog anymore, which made Su Mu very curious.

The water blue goddess also frowned slightly: "The aura of the dark element has disappeared from Su Su..."

Su Mu nodded, and walked with Long Xueji beside him and said, "How can you find the dark element so simple? The dark element will definitely not appear until the critical moment. I heard that Lie Yu has rebelled?"

Su Mu and the goddess Shuilan stopped in place when they heard the words, and then looked at Long Xueji weirdly. Only a few goddesses knew about this matter, and it was just what happened, she actually knew?

Not to mention Su Mu's suspicion, even the pure water blue goddess doubted Long Xueji's identity at this time.

And Long Xueji didn’t seem to realize that there was any problem with her words. Instead, she walked forward and glanced at Su Mu and said, “What are you doing? Suspect that I have a spy among your goddess? Find out, you, The old lady came back from the wheel of time, even if there is a spy, it is impossible to be among your goddess, cut, stingy!"

Su Mu followed up and asked, "Why do you know everything? Long Xueji, who are you?"

Her words, her experience, and the timing of her appearance always make Su Mu doubtful. Moreover, the biggest characteristic of this person is that Su Mu cannot doubt her the most. You obviously started to doubt her, but this woman just happened Straightforwardly presenting yourself in a flaw that makes you suspicious, this makes Su Mu even more wondering what to do.

To tell the truth, from the American Empire back to the China Empire, Su Mu felt that the most mysterious person was Long Xueji. Although she met in the cycle of time, she did not come from the cycle of time, as Long Xueji herself said at the beginning , And now she actually told Su Mu that she came from the cycle of time?

Long Xueji glanced at Su Mu and said, "Don't care how I blame you, anyway, I'm not an enemy."

"Who knows if you are an enemy." Su Mu snorted. She could even know the secret matter of Goddess Lieyu's rebellion at the first time. Su Mu really felt that she had no privacy in front of her. This made Su Mu very much Unhappy.

As for Long Xueji, she just smiled at this moment, and then followed Su Mu and the others onward.

After walking for about five minutes, the braziers on both sides of the cave have acted as all the light, and the ruggedness of the cave wall also made it difficult for Su Mu and the three to walk.

But at this time, the three of them came to the door of a relatively spacious hall. In the hall, the fire from the brazier was beating around, and some murals on the cave wall, it was more like entering an ancient tomb. Su Mu saw that Domike and the others were standing under a similar altar and kneeling down, and sensing the arrival of Su Mu's trio, Domike and other savage tribes instantly stood up, then turned and stared at Su Mu.

In order to prevent accidents, Su Mu directly changed his appearance, and the special nature of the goddess of water also made Domike's heart scream...



Domic knelt directly on the ground, including the people around him, all bowed to the ground and said in unison: "See Lord God, see Water God!"

The prostration was in place, Su Mu walked a few steps directly, then looked at some sacrifices on the altar and said, "What are you doing here?"

Domic didn't dare to lift his head at this time. He directly knelt and changed direction and said to Su Mu: "God, Lord God, his subordinates dare not conceal it. This time the altar, the king asked us to worship the evil Vulcan body..."

Su Mu frowned slightly and said, "Vulcan's evil body has been subdued by me and is not dead. What are you offering to sacrifice?"

Domic was surprised when he heard the words, and then continued to lie on the ground and said: "It turned out to be subdued by the Lord God, but we were too worried. Thank you Lord God for telling..."

Su Mu realized at this time that when he released the evil body of the empress, Cook must have promised something to the evil empress, so after the empress was defeated by Su Mu, Cook was worried. They are completely on par with humans, and they are more devout to faith than humans.

"Domic, stand up and tell me why not let human players enter this instance?" Su Mu asked.

But Domik and others tremblingly said: "Return to Lord God, this cave was originally the place where the evil fire **** was imprisoned, but later you flattened the cliff, so you let the cave sink, but the back of the cave, There is also some information about the evil Vulcan at the beginning. King Cook wanted to disappear these things and then open them to the human race. It is really because he does not want too many human races to conflict with the savages..."

At this moment, the water blue goddess slightly pulled the corner of Su Mu's clothes, Su Mu glanced at the water blue goddess, and then nodded at the entrance of the cave.

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