Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2777: Kunlun Goddess

The picture that appeared in front of everyone was a woman, almost transparent all over her body on an ice cube, her eyes were confined, and the image of a bald head made Su Mu a little unacceptable.

But you have to admit that even though she is a bald goddess, her facial features and facial expression coordination are so perfect. It almost makes you feel that she should have no hair. Having hair will affect her. This kind of coordination of the five senses, so although it looks a little strange at first glance, you will feel that this goddess is perfect!

The fair skin is almost the symbol of the goddess in reincarnation. The fairness on the face can be said to be the same as all the goddesses of Su Mu. In addition, the whole body of this goddess is almost a transparent tights, you can clearly appreciate The figure of this goddess, although this thin layer of tight transparent clothes has already covered the part of the goddess that should be covered.

She leaned quietly on the ice like this, closing her eyes at a height of five meters above the ground.

After Su Mu and the others came in, they were directly stuck in place, while Long Xueji and the goddess Shuilan stood behind Su Mu. After the cracking sky and the others walked in, they were quite shocked.

"Insight into God's Eyes!"

Kunlun Goddess Lv350 (Supreme God) (Kunlun God)

Grade: Supreme Kunlun God

Qi and blood: 5.89 million

Energy: 120,000

Skills: The Mirror of Tomorrow, Kunlun Mourning Sky, Sky Realm, Time Kiss, Light of the Scorching Sun...

Introduction: The highest **** of Kunlun Mountain, outside of the element, guarded Kunlun Mountain for tens of thousands of years. After the battle between the gods and demons, he was damaged and frozen to recuperate. He has recovered most of his power, but it has not yet reached its heyday. Can grow, immortal and immortal body.

(Wild Legend: Legend has it that the moment when Kunlun God’s long hair grows out, it is either a natural disaster or Tianle.)

And the thin Mr. Haohao almost couldn't control himself at this moment. He walked forward excitedly, still muttering something: "Goddess! God pet! Goddess pet! Goddess pet..."

In the reincarnation, the **** pets are already known to the players, and these beautiful **** pets are what every player expects, even girls are no exception, facing the perfect body and face of the goddess pet, even if you are a female Children will also fall in love with them deeply... It's like a girl walking on the street and suddenly seeing a beautiful young lady will be moved by her heart...

Mr. Hao Hao directly surpassed Su Mu. Obviously, he wanted to subdue this goddess favor, so at this time it was not only him, but also Lei Tian and others began to move forward involuntarily.

But at this moment, when Mr. Haohao suddenly approached the thin layer of mist around the goddess...

Her eyes suddenly opened, and Su Mu clearly saw that the goddess’ pupils were pale white, and there were embellishments in the pupils that looked like crystals and diamond particles. Unlike Lieyu’s, this goddess Her pupils are more varied and more colorful, but her eyes are not so friendly. After all, she is still in the state of a wild goddess.

"Goddess...I want a goddess..." Mr. Hao Hao was in a state of madness at this time, and the desire and desire in his eyes made Mr. Hao Hao unable to control himself... So...


A faint white light emerged from Mr. Haohao...

Followed by...





Bang bang bang...


"Good sir!"

"Good sir!!"


Everyone exclaimed in an instant, Su Mu directly stopped in place, and then looked at the countless millions of damage values ​​that popped up on Mr. Haohao’s head in horror. Within this second, at least ten appeared on Mr. Haohao’s head. Several million damage values, so that means, within one second, this goddess will cause tens of millions of damage to the player!

Horror inexplicable!

This injury, let alone Mr. Haohao, even Su Mu hadn’t encountered it before. Therefore, after Mr. Haohao’s spike was killed, everyone calmed down. This also told everyone that sometimes the goddess pet was not what they thought. So friendly and so emotional!

Cracking Heaven stretched out his hand to stop him, Nightingale also stood there, and then everyone looked in Su Mu's direction.

Long Xueji was okay, she was not shocked by the damage value, while Su Mu frowned slightly, and the water blue goddess beside her also frowned her good-looking brows. The diamond-shaped mark glowed slightly, as if brewing. Same ability...

Click it!

With a bang, the back of the goddess suddenly parted on the stone, and the Li Tian and others took a few steps back almost subconsciously, while the three of Su Mu stood still staring at the Kunlun goddess.

As her back separates from the ice block, her body also separates from the stone, and then floats independently in the air...

It seems that after a long time, the goddess Kunlun has been staring at the goddess of water blue next to Su Mu, and for a long time she said slightly: "The water system is supreme, water blue."


I don’t know what the sound was, and the figure of the water blue goddess slowly floated up. She stopped at the same height as the Kunlun goddess, and then said: "Kunlun goddess, Zhanmei!"

The Kunlun goddess raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, and then slowly stretched her hand out: "I didn't expect that Shui Lan could still be named Zhan Mei after ten thousand years. Should Zhan Mei be happy or afraid?"

The water blue goddess also smiled slightly: "Since you and I have not forgotten each other, then the strengths and weaknesses between us are naturally recorded in each other's hearts. Do you think you should be fortunate or happy?"

Su Mu probably understands that this Kunlun goddess and Shuilan goddess fought side by side at the beginning, but now they have different positions. As the system boss, Kunlun goddess is definitely going to attack the player, and Shuilan goddess is Su Mu's favorite. It was to protect Su Mu, so the two became enemies from comrades-in-arms 10,000 years ago.

The Kunlun Goddess shook her head at this time, and then slowly looked at Su Mu and said, "I, I can't beat the Shuilan Goddess, why did you come here?"

Su Mu was startled, unable to beat the goddess of water blue? Does this mean that the Kunlun goddess has directly given up fighting with Su Mu and the others?

This was the first time Su Mu had encountered it. How could any system boss give up before he started fighting? This is not the urine of reincarnation...

So, at this time Su Mu looked at the goddess of water blue.

The goddess Aquamarine nodded slightly to Su Mu, and then said through a voice transmission: "Su Sumo worried that the goddess Kunlun has the same attributes as Lieyu, but she is not as advanced as Sister Lieyu, so she can know that you not only have Aquamarine. There are also the Empress and others, so she really has no chance of winning in the fight. It is reasonable to admit defeat at this time, but Su Su needs to be careful, this person's mind will not be as pure as he looks..."

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