Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2781: Kunlun mirror ability

Su Mu did not reply to the infant first, but looked at the Kunlun goddess and said: "In the next time, can you drive Kunlun Jing to help me find Wendy and Wenren Zihan, or the dark element news?"

The Kunlun Goddess glanced at the time. There are two minutes left in five minutes, so it can drive the Kunlun mirror. So, in the next time, the Kunlun Goddess directly converted the projected image, and immediately saw an ocean. On the edge, huge waves continued to roll, and on the beach, a girl sat motionless, as if enjoying the scenery...

What surprised Su Mu was that this girl was Wendy who had disappeared for a long time, and Wendy at this time looked a little melancholy and a bit deep, a little more mature than the innocent Wendy before...

Next to Wendy, there was a man standing with a strange long knife slung around his waist, like a crescent moon, and a round triangle hollowed out white jade on the scabbard. Because the picture was too far away, So Su Mu couldn't see the man's face clearly.

"This is not the second-tier reincarnation, nor the third-tier reincarnation. It should be a more advanced place. Kunlun Mirror currently cannot know what it is, but it is certain that the player Wendy is still in reincarnation... As for what you say Wenren Zihan, Kunlun Mirror can't see it, which means she should be on a higher-level map, or she should not be in reincarnation." Kunlun goddess said in a virtual form.

Su Mu frowned, where did Zi Han go? Why did it suddenly disappear?

There is also the summer solstice cicada, and there are more and more things that make Su Mu unpredictable. Now Su Mu feels that it would be great if Kunlun Mirror can be completely unblocked... Unfortunately, Kunlun Mirror can only unblock one-fifth of its ability. , And it seems that only the Kunlun Goddess is driven, followed by the Goddess Lieyu, so if you want to make better use of the Kunlun mirror, Su Mu can only find the Goddess Lieyu as soon as possible!

"My time is running out, please remember the terms you promised, Lord God, one day, Zhan Mei will return your favor..."

Talking about it, the figure of the Kunlun goddess gradually disappeared in place, and the Kunlun mirror in the air dimmed at this time, and the projection gradually disappeared into the air...

With a click, the Kunlun Mirror fell into Su Mu's hands, and the water blue goddess also slowly fell to the ground. As for Long Xueji on the side, it became relatively quiet at this time...

Su Mu played with the Kunlun Mirror in his hand, and then unexpectedly discovered that the Kunlun Mirror had changed...

Kunlun Mirror (210)

Grade: None

Attribute: Mirror copy ability is enabled.

Introduction: One of the ancient artifacts, the power of insight, the inheritance of ancient Chinese civilization, has a history of tens of thousands of years. At the same time, after the Kunlun Mirror is completely unblocked, it will have the ability to perceive the future and know the past.

Owner: Tu Ying Su Mu

The mirror has undergone a subtle change, with an additional attribute. This mirror copy Su Mu does not yet know what it means, but Su Mu knows that this is definitely a kind of mirror ability, and... when Su Mu planned to drive this ability, he was surprised. The discovery, he can drive...

"Ding! Drive mirror replication ability, whether to transform itself into the object that Kunlun mirror has referenced? You can change the shape through changes, lasting 12 hours..."

Su Mu glanced at the goddess of water blue blankly. The latter seemed to know what Su Mu was suspicious. She walked up to Su Mu's and said, "This is a Kunlun Mirror's ability Su Su. Everything that Kunlun Mirror has seen can be copied. Can turn Susu you into a monster, into anyone, and even turn Susu into a blue water..."

"Wow? There is such a good thing? Can that turn me into a handsome guy?" Long Xueji became interested when he heard the words.

Su Mu rolled his eyes and said, "What? Turn you into a handsome guy and play by yourself?"


Long Xueji couldn't help but laughed out loud and said, "Hey, do you have to play with yourself if you turn you into a woman?"

Su Mu: "..."

Water blue: "..."

These two monsters!

After putting away the Kunlun mirror, the three Su Mu directly withdrew from the cave's position. To their surprise, Tian Tian Shang, who was supposed to be waiting outside at this time, disappeared. There was no trace of it, so they disappeared out of thin air. The same...

Su Mu didn't care about these people. The task itself was Su Mu's exclusive. They were also burdensome to follow. Besides, Su Mu, who was not very familiar, didn't need to care.

As the three of them walked out, Su Mu opened the message box and said, "Where is the sky blue?"

Ying seems to be guarding the news. Seeing Su Mu’s question, he immediately returned: "Just outside the Destiny City of the Middle-earth Empire, but this person is a bit weird. If you want to see him, there are some conditions. If you want to be now I can arrange it if I go."

Su Mu thought for a while and said: "Okay, arrange it, no matter whether Lie Yu is related to him or not, you can find some clues. If the best hunter of the two-tier reincarnation gods doesn’t know who Lie Yu was betrayed, then I can wait until I have subdued Lie Yu."

Lieyu’s rebellion is definitely not subjective, but a man-made operation. Because Lieyu’s combat effectiveness is too strong, Su Mu must find some useful information for fighting before going to Lieyu, such as being cut off by humans from the **** pet and master. After the contact, is there any weakness in this favorite?

Ying Ying is very dedicated, and within five minutes she replied: "Xue'er has already gone to Destiny City in advance. If nothing happens, she will be able to bring back news soon, Ying, this time Lieyu betrayed too evil, you It’s better to be a little careful, do you want me to accompany you?"

Lie Yu is Ying's life-saver. Su Mu has no doubt that Ying cares about Lie Yu, so he thought for a moment, is it possible to bring Ying Ying to go with him, maybe it can awaken Lie Yu's memory?

However, thinking about coming to Su Mu, he directly refused Ying, because this time Lie Yu betrayed God's Domain Tower and betrayed himself. It was completely targeted. If he really wants to fight, Su Mu may not be able to take care of it. According to Kunlun Goddess and Water According to the Blue Goddess, even if he summoned the top ten goddesses, he couldn't be Lieyu's opponent. Therefore, if you want to recover Lieyu, you can only take a long-term plan.

Since Ying Ying had to wait for news, Su Mu left the cave directly with the Goddess Shuilan and Long Xueji, and now he needs to go to Cook and ask about any clues about the location of the evil empress.

But it is getting late now.

So, after leaving this cave, it was night time. Su Mu went offline and took a rest. He went online again the next day and went straight to the savage territory.

Long Xueji did not fall behind this time, but had already waited in the forest of the Savage Territory before Su Mu went online, so the three of them rectified and went straight to the center of the Savage Territory. Su Mu believed that the Cook Association would meet there. There is a certain amount of valuable news that will enable Su Mu to better understand the mystery of Lie Yu's rebellion. After all, it was the evil empress Cook released at the beginning.

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