Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2786: Seat guest

"Ying, I have already contacted Sky Blue. He promised to meet you in Shangyu City. The coordinates are the Zhanxing Building on the outskirts of Shangyu City. If you have time, please go there now." Ying said.

Su Mu nodded and looked at the sky blue other shore. Although this ID was very long, Su Mu was very impressed, because Su Mu had seen this person's ID when he entered the second world, and he was still on the ladder after entering the second world. Although Su Mu's first place is now occupied, he still has to admit that this person's combat effectiveness and abilities are very strong!

First of all, Su Mu entered the second-tier world at full level, which can only be said to be overwhelming, so no one can match Su Mu's.

Secondly, in addition to the ladder list and rank list, this sky blue is also a well-known **** pet hunter in the second-tier world, which further proves the ability of this sky blue.

The location of Zhanxing Building is on the outskirts of Shangyu City, so if you want to go there, it will take at least two hours. Just as Su Mu was preparing to explain the situation with Zijing, Zi Xiaoyun beside him smiled and said: "Today you guys There is Yanfu, and good luck. I originally planned to go back to the Xiyu Empire directly, but my grandfather told me to meet'Looking at the sky blue other shore', let's go together!"

Speaking of Su Mu, he looked at Ziyunxiao in surprise, Nima's coincidence is too big, right?

However, at this time, Zi Shuang looked at the surprised Su Mu and Zijing with a look of disdain and said: "You heard that right, it is the sky blue other side who has occupied the top of the list all the year round. He is the guest of our return to the Meteorite Guild!"

Su Mu had heard about this matter from Zijing, so Su Mu knew, but at this time Zi Xiaoyun would also go to see this person?

Bauhinia glanced at Su Mu, and then apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Su, you have been wronged..." Bauhinia knew that changing to the usual Su Mu would definitely not swallow like this, so Bauhinia was a bit sad at this time. After all, Su Mu is now This is to look at her face.

Su Mu smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, I've figured this out before I come."

"Well, thank you, but Bauhinia's words are still counted. If things happen, Bauhinia is willing to agree with his body..." As Bauhinia lowered his head involuntarily, his cheeks under the veil flushed.

But Su Mu smiled and didn't answer. These words are too heavy to say about their body. Su Mu didn't dare to take the words casually. Moreover, the more so, the more mysterious it made Su Mu feel that the Zi Family's Return to Fall Guild was mysterious. What kind of benefit is it, and perhaps what kind of grievance is it to make a girl like Bauhinia say something that promises to her body?

Zi Xiaoyun said without turning his head as he walked: "Boy, you'll be a little calmer for a while, don't be shocked when you see the sky blue, don't give us back to the Meteorite Guild ashamed!"

Su Mu was startled, and then pointed to his nose while following them, "Are you talking about me?"

Zi Shuang chuckled and glanced at Su Mu: "Is it still me?"


"Stupid!" Zi Shuang snorted and stopped talking. It was obvious that these people looked down on Su Mu at all.

And Su Mu was too lazy to talk nonsense. To be honest, Su Mu in this period has really passed the character of the year. If you want to pretend to be forced, Su Mu can always do it, but now Su Mu must be a little more stable, at least, help Bauhinia, see the sky blue, There was also the supporting equipment of the Zi family and Wendy's affairs, so there was no time for Su Mu to breathe with others.

Everyone left Shangyu City all the time, and then came to the suburbs. To be honest, Shangyu City is almost the same as Zhongzhou City in the reincarnation of the earth, at the same level, so there is no special place, and Su Mu has no intention to appreciate it.

The other side of the sky-blue sky-blue sky doesn't come to Shangyu City often, so the location of the Star Picking Tower is still bustling with players.

The so-called Star Picking Building, under the description of Bauhinia, is an equipment and props shop, similar to a regular auction house, and the opposite of the Shangjiu Black Market.

So after everyone came to the Star Picking Tower, they quickly attracted the attention of the players.

"Back to the Fallen Guild!"

"I rub, how come the people who return to the Meteorite Guild appear here?"

"Yeah, shouldn't they be in the Western Meteorite Empire?"

"Tsk, super guild of millions..."

The envy and comments of the crowd are quite useful to Zi Xiaoyun. Zi Shuang and others are obviously also used to being envied and jealous by the players, so each of them walked up the stairs with their heads upright...

On the way, a middle-aged man met Zi Xiaoyun and the others, and then took them to the top floor of the Star Picking Building.

In fact, players can no longer be seen on the lower level, and no one can see on this top level.

The top floor is open-air, and there is a two-story wooden building at the farthest point on the top floor, which is the highest position of the star-catching building.

Under the small attic, the middle-aged man smiled: "Please wait here, everyone, and let me report."

"Well, all right." Zi Xiaoyun nodded.

Bauhinia said at this time: "Mr. Su, because this sky blue is the guest officer of the Falling Guild, he is not considered as the person who returned to the Falling Guild, but there are some intertwined things. It is said that this person has a very strange temper. You will..."

"Don't worry, I won't be as knowledgeable as your cousin, otherwise he won't be able to get out of Jiutian Town." Su Mu said.

Bauhinia smiled, a trace of embarrassment flashed across her face, but it was only for a moment. At least she knew that if Su Mu went crazy, Zixiaoyun really couldn't do without Jiutianzhen, but Bauhinia was a little surprised when he faced Su Mu's tone of voice. The power of the Meteorite Guild is spread throughout the entire second-tier reincarnation. Facing such a guild, Su Mu can be so arrogant. Bauhinia is more curious now. What kind of figure is Su Mu in the first-tier world?

Must be the boss of the overlord guild in a country, right? Bauhinia thought.

"Hey, I'm afraid that some people won't see this great god." Zi Shuang began to mock again. Although Su Mu didn't know who this girl was, he always felt that he was fighting against Bauhinia all the time. Everyone in the family has no kindness towards Bauhinia, as if the existence of Bauhinia affected the interests of all of them.

Maybe it's because Zi Xiaoyun doesn't like Bauhinia, so even the people who bring him don't like it? But how could Bauhinia be regarded as a lady of the Zi family? These servants dare to treat Bauhinia like this, obviously this is not the first time.

At this moment, the middle-aged man walked out of the attic, and Zi Yunxiao walked up with a smile: "Thank you for the announcement, I went up first..."

"Master, wait..." The middle-aged man stopped Zi Yunxiao with one hand.

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