Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2792: I am a layman

The cute little demon kept staring at Su Mu, and then used the sound transmission to say: "Find a chance and run away immediately!"

Hu Lai was shocked again. This was the first time they heard Meng Xiao Yao say this since they started this ‘industry’. Although shocked, Hu Lai still obeyed orders.

It's just that the two of them couldn't believe what the cute little demon saw, just seeing this person's weapon attributes became like this? So what exactly are the attributes of this weapon? For them, what advanced equipment hasn't been seen? People who come to the bar to drink, they are not high-end equipment, they still look down on them, so at this time Hu Lai two are a bit scary and curious to die...

As for the cute little demon, she can’t explain her feelings. Even when she stole some large foreign guild bosses, she didn’t feel that way. The attribute of this sword made the cute little demon a piece of equipment that made her unable to believe that it was reincarnation. Killer!

However, at this moment, Su Mu's figure suddenly disappeared...


The three Meng Xiaoyao were shocked suddenly, and then they felt a cool breath coming from behind them. It was obvious that Su Mu was already standing behind them.

"Wan domain!"

"Ding! Activate the void of ten thousand domains for 12 hours."




In an instant, the void space was opened, and Su Mu directly took Hu Lai and Huang Braised Chicken into the Ten Thousand Realms.

To be honest, Su Mu has no idea what will happen every time Wanyu releases. The skill description is ten thousand defensive attribute forms, and Su Mu has released Wanyu dozens of times over the years, but one of them is the same. Everything else looked different, and the release of Ten Thousand Domains today was actually a void space that trapped those two people in Ten Thousand Domains skills.

And while Su Mu was still surprised by Wanyu’s form, the cute little demon in front of her didn’t know what to do at this time. Her body was stiff and she felt as if she was being watched by the devil. If this kind of activity is reported to With City Lord Huang Ye, then the Little Demon and the others would not even want to mix in the Western Meteorite Empire, and they might even be hunted down.

Just as the cute little demon was thinking about how to retreat, she suddenly felt a rush of heat on her neck behind her, and she was suddenly startled.

Su Mu took a deep breath behind her and said, "It's very fragrant, knows men well, makeup is not heavy, but it's very charming. You seem to be familiar with this business..."

With a sigh, the adorable little demon rushed forward a few steps, and then took the phantom sword and pointed at Su Mu and shouted: "Don't move, you should know the attributes and skills of your weapon, and call out my companion, otherwise, Don't blame me for attacking you with your weapons!"

Su Mu laughed, and then slowly approached the adorable little demon and said, "Attack me for a look..."

The cute little demon watched Su Mu's approaching and retreating, waiting for her to retreat to the wall of the hutong. She bit her red lips and suddenly shouted, "The gods are all swords!"


Suddenly, the little demon saw a huge yellow sword energy in the air instantly condensed and formed, and then quickly fell to Su Mu's position...

Just the next moment...


The long sword came out, and quickly flew towards Su Mu's hand, but the yellow sword aura disappeared.

In this scene, the cute little demon was both horrified and surprised, but it seemed that she had known this situation a long time ago. She leaned against the wall with her hands against the wall, and then looked at Su Mu at a loss: "You...what are you going to do? ?"

"Heh! It's the first time I saw a robber asking you what to do with the target, ridiculous!"

The cute little demon is about to cry, and she is also helpless. Hedong has come too fast in the past thirty years, but the cute little demon must admit that she kicked the iron plate today, and she saw the gods Sword can already think of the current situation in an instant...


"Ah..." The Little Demon screamed when he saw Su Mu's left hand and closed his eyes.

And this wall-boom posture also made Su Mu feel funny. Looking at the girl in front of him so close, Su Mu smiled a little excitedly: "I haven't molested a woman for a long time. By the way, are you robbers so good? When I was in the bar, I saw you screaming, why are you now?"

The cute little demon closed his eyes and opened his left eye carefully to look at Su Mu and said, "What the **** are you going to do? I have returned the sword to you, what else do you want? Tell you that killing in a safe zone is illegal and reincarnation. If you infringe on a girl, there will be thunder! You'd better not act rashly!"

"Oh, do you still know that male players infringe on female players have system protection? Then you said, according to the attributes of my sword, can I bear the system protection punishment?" Su Mu chuckled!

The cute little demon suddenly widened her eyes, her red lips trembling slightly, she now finally understands that this person is not afraid of the scourge of system protection at all, and his long sword should not be too abnormal, so this person's other equipment and combat effectiveness are natural. You can’t judge by ordinary people, so at this time the cute little demon is really scared...The second-level reincarnation is more real than the first-level reincarnation and closer to the real world. If she is ruined here, then she really wants to cry without tears. Up...

"Seeing that your equipment must be a big man. People knew it was wrong after stealing it. If you do something like this, you are not afraid to affect your reputation?" Little Demon pretending to be calm, she must know Su Mu's identity. It's not simple, otherwise he can't protect the weapon, so at this time she can only analyze Su Mu's identity to let Su Mu retreat.

As for Su Mu, pressing the wall with one hand, his head kept approaching the cute little demon and said: "Don't tie me up with a high hat, I am a layman, drinking and loving! Especially this kind of logical thing, you think you can escape today. ?"


With the long sword retracted, Su Mu's right hand directly grabbed the cute little demon's chest and tore his clothes apart with a chirp. For a moment, the cute little demon actually forgot to scream, but stared at Su Mu with staring eyes!

The big white snow on the chest appeared in front of my eyes, and I was almost able to see the key point, so Su Mu couldn't help but take a look at the semicircular snow white. In fact, Su Mu didn't have much meaning. The only advantage is to let the little demon dispel the happiness in her heart, and prevent her from thinking that Su Mu dare not move her, so after Su Mu tore off her upper body clothes, there was no follow-up action.

"Say! What is the origin of that Zihan Alone Drunk?!" This is Su Mu's real purpose!

This name cannot be a coincidence! It's a bit too much by coincidence! Therefore, Su Mu must know the origin of this wine and why it appeared here!

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