Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2795: Desperate Bauhinia

After Su Mu returned to the inn, he saw Bauhinia sitting in her room. She was also followed by the middle-aged woman Huang Juan. Huang Juan hadn't followed Su Mu and the others before. It was obvious that she had just teleported over.

Seeing Su Mu's return, Zijing quickly stood up, then bowed slightly and said, "Mr. Su, you are back..."

Su Mu nodded, then motioned for Bauhinia to sit down.

After the two were seated, Bauhinia glanced at Huang Juan, who left the room directly, and then stood at the door, as if being wary of something.

Su Mu glanced at Bauhinia strangely, and said, "It's already late at night. What happened?"

The sky will light up in three hours. At this time, Bauhinia must have something, otherwise a sensible girl like Bauhinia would definitely not disturb Su Mu at this time.

Zijing's face was a bit ugly, she lowered her head slightly, and then looked at the tea cup on the coffee table and said: "Mr. Su, things may be a bit difficult...Tomorrow's family meeting in the Zi family is about to begin..."

"I know, I will fight with you tomorrow." Su Mu had already heard Zijing say on the road. The new generation of Zijing patriarchs will be elected tomorrow, which is similar to Su Mu's expectations. In their real world, they are dominated by virtual industries. Therefore, the most basic condition for selecting patriarchs is their achievements and abilities in the current game.

Then, in addition to voting within the family, the most critical level is to decide the winner in the game to succeed the patriarch.

This may seem ridiculous, but in today’s world where the virtual industry is developed, it’s not ridiculous at all, because voting in the real world has ended. Zijing said that ten people from the Zi family’s generation were elected.

Each of these ten people has the same number of votes, so if you want to decide the successor of the patriarch, you have to compete in the game.

Bauhinia shook his head and said: "The last patriarch, that is, my grandpa was selected by my grandma to assist him when he was selected, and before I came back, I always thought that this rule would not be changed, but I received a notice tonight. This year’s selection must be based on personal ability and no outsiders’ support. Even if you have one, you must have an identity after marriage, so... Mr. Su... Bauhinia, there is no chance..."

Su Mu frowned.

This time I came here to help Bauhinia, but now the Zi family suddenly made such a move, which was clearly aimed at Bauhinia.

"Oh, blame me, I shouldn't have killed Zi Xiaoyun's companion impulsively at that time." Su Mu regretted a bit, but at that time Zi Xiaoyun's subordinates wounded people, even Su Mu couldn't stand it, so this thing can only be done. Said it was helpless.

Bauhinia also shook his head and said, "Mr. Su is venting his anger on Bauhinia. How can you blame Mr. Su? No one can bear this. At that time, even if Mr. Su didn't do anything, Bauhinia couldn't help it..."

The two fell silent. Now that Su Mu could not take the place of Bauhinia to participate in the selection of the patriarch, then the next thing could only be done by Bauhinia himself, and Su Mu also knew that with Bauhinia’s current ability, it was impossible to return to the Falling Guild. Those masters compete for the patriarch.

The Zi family is a very large family. There are four families in the outer branch alone. With the addition of the Zijing line, they occupy more than 30 people in this generation. This time, ten people were selected for the audition and then competed The position of the patriarch, in addition to the strength behind the various families, is more of the personal ability of the younger generation, and Bauhinia is not valued by Grandpa Bauhinia, so there is almost no hope for things after Su Mu could not participate.

A little desperate Bauhinia did not show too much expression, she just sighed slightly, then forced a smile and said: "Thank you Mr. Su, anyway, thank you for coming."

Su Mu was stunned for a moment. Speaking of it, Su Mu didn't have this thought to assist Bauhinia at first. It was because Goddess Lieyu was in the Xiyu Empire and happened to be in the forest sea, so he would help Bauhinia on the way, although Su Mu knew it in his heart. , I wanted to help her, but now it seems that Su Mu can only go to the goddess Lieyu tomorrow.

Su Mu was still a little uncomfortable just looking at Bauhinia’s strong face and laughing, especially after knowing about Bauhinia’s father and her mother, it seemed that Su Mu could see Su Tianwen and his mother back then. Of course, the original Su Tianwen was Not as decisive as Bauhinia's father.

Bauhinia stood up, and then grudgingly smiled at Su Mu: "Mr. Su, let's rest first, Bauhinia will leave first..."

Looking at Bauhinia’s lonely back, Su Mu really wanted to help her, but the Zijia had no way to deal with Bauhinia Su Mu. Just looking at Bauhinia’s disappointed expression, Su Mu suddenly felt distressed.

"Susu, there is actually another way..."

The voice of the goddess of water blue suddenly sounded, and Su Mu stunned suddenly, and then looked at the back of Bauhinia with a wry smile and said: "The water blue is not good. You can be found out if you act as a favorite of Bauhinia, and only give it to Bauhinia. Add trouble."

Shui Lan’s words directly made Su Mu think of letting other goddesses act as Bauhinia’s favorites, and then assisting Bauhinia, but this situation is simply impossible. The first bauhinia has what ability the Zi family must have investigated, so I want to let the goddesses go. Possibly, secondly, even if the goddesses change their appearance, it is well-documented, because as the player's favorite, the ID will not be changed after insight. After all, the **** pet and the player are different and have different data.

So Su Mu directly eliminated what the goddess of water wanted to say.

However, the goddess of water blue said something to Su Mu with a smile, which surprised Su Mu suddenly, and then showed a surprised expression.

"Bauhinia!" Su Mu hurriedly called Bauhinia who came to the door.

The latter was startled, then turned to look at Su Mu and said, "Is there anything else Mr. Su?"

Bauhinia's eyes were full of tears at this time, but she didn't seem to want to avoid Su Mu. The girl with this temperament made Su Mu even more eager to help her.

"Do you have a pet?"


"I mean, do you have a pet?" Su Mu walked up to Bauhinia.

Bauhinia nodded and said: "When I was on the first level of the world, I had accepted a pet, but it was just a level 54 big-faced cat with no combat effectiveness..."

Su Mu smiled when he heard the words, then pulled Bauhinia to close the door, and then came to the coffee table and said: "Summon your pet out and let me have a look."

Bauhinia frowned. Although he didn't know what Su Mu meant, he still summoned his only pet according to Su Mu's request...


With a cat cry, Su Mu's cheeks began to twitch... and the stiff expression made Su Mu a little embarrassed...

"Hahaha... Susu, you laughed so hard at me, haha..." The voice of the goddess of water blue trembled in Su Mu's mind...

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