Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2813: Finally see Lieyu

The fact that Zi Shutian was dismembered in an instant made all the players standing on the swamp watching the excitement terrifying. Everyone looked at Su Mu like a monster.

But at this time, Su Mu was standing in place with the goddess of water and blue, his eyes sharply looking at the people around him, as if he was asking if anyone had an idea to beat him!

In fact, at the scene, Yanyu Lishang was the person most likely to do something, so at this time, after everyone reflected, almost everyone looked at the location of Yanyu Lishang.

At this time, Yanyu Lishang glanced at Su Mu slightly, and then dashed directly towards the forest sea. The rest of the people also breathed a sigh of relief, as if they didn’t see that Yanyu Lishang did something. Fortunately, the things are the same, and the players know in their hearts that the person in front of the 8th turn and 4th stage is simply a monster. He killed the members of the Zi family instantly, but also killed the 8th turn and 8th stage of the Zishutian corpse. This kind of result is something no one wants to see in Yanyu Lishang, after all, Yanyu Lishang is a celebrity in the second-tier world.

As for Yanyu Lishang’s departure, no one would doubt the ability of Yanyu Lishang. It’s just that, as we all know, some celebrity pet hunters generally don’t work on humanoid pets, unless it’s a festival or a reputation among ordinary players. Bad people, etc. Of course, Su Mu’s deterrence really surprised the players, and now everyone’s goal is to target the deity who has no owner in the center, so Yanyu Lishang will definitely consider gains and losses. of.

If you act on Su Mu, Yanyu Lishang is confident, but he is not 100% sure. Therefore, it is not as cost-effective to act on Su Mu as the deity who has no master at the center of the forest sea. So at this time, I saw Yan Yuli. Shang left, and the onlookers slowly staggered Su Mu's position and walked forward.

Seeing everyone leaving the scene, Su Mu also breathed a sigh of relief. Although Su Mu would not be afraid of any player in the second-tier world, but in the face of Misty Rain Lishang who has a scroll of inaction level, Su Mu dare not care, but Su Mu is very clear about the level of inaction. What an enchanting scroll is.

However, at this moment, the goddess Shuilan looked at Su Mu and said, "Su Su, you seem to have promised the Kunlun goddess to ask her brother to talk to her. Is it right in the middle of the forest sea?"

Su Mu nodded: "I haven't forgotten, but now it seems that I can only go to Lie Yu first. People of Yanyu Lishang's level are gone. I am afraid that Ye Changmeng will have more dreams. We should go to Lie Yu first, and then to Kunlun. Brother of the goddess."

The Goddess Aqua nodded, and then ran forward quickly with Su Mu. As Su Mu said, the most dangerous thing now is not Su Mu, but Goddess Lie Yu!

The current goddess Lieyu is in a state of no owner. Whoever can conquer Lieyu can be the master of Lieyu. Although Su Mu knew that there were few people who could conquer Lieyu, Su Mu didn't want this almost impossible probability to happen.

As the two of Su and Mu deepened, at this time, there was a rumbling sound in front, like a super skill bombing, and the light in the distance could be seen constantly flashing, like thunder in the sky in the distance.

Su Mu knew that it should be the position of the goddess Lieyu, but I don't know if these players are fighting with Lieyu or what they are doing...

After running for another hour, Su Mu finally breathed a sigh of relief, because at this time, the God of Insight had already seen the goddess Lieyu.

In the center of the forest, Goddess Lieyu is suspended in the air at a height of fifty meters. The trees here are not as high as before. Instead, they look like a sparse forest. The height of the trees is only a dozen meters. The figure is clearly reflected in the eyes of the players...

However, a fifty-meter-diameter white shield was simultaneously covering the goddess Lieyu, and the shield with a radius of 25 meters made the goddess Lieyu seem to be frozen in place.

She opened her eyes and did not blink, as if someone had been tapping an acupuncture point. What surprised Su Mu most was that at this time Lie Yu was still in an offensive posture. His left hand was raised forward, but his right hand was instead. In the back, Nagaya in his hand went straight to a position ten meters ahead, and then froze in the air.

The imagery that Su Mu could think of suddenly like the statue-like Lie Yu was that she was attacking the enemy, and then she was instantly set in place, and then she remained in this state.

From the cute little demon, Su Mu also learned that the goddess Lieyu was discovered by countless players, and then wanted to approach, but could not break the outer shield, so countless pet hunters had no way to take Lieyu. You know, the current goddess Lieyu is in a static state, as long as she can get close to her, there is hope to subdue.


Rumble! !


Whoosh whoosh...

The long-range skills fell crazily on the shield. The sound Su Mu heard in the distance was these bombings. The players tried to bomb the shield and approached Goddess Lieyu, but several days passed, no I know how many players bombed the shield in turn, but still can't see the trace of the shield breaking.

The most troublesome thing is that all the skills that fall on the shield can't cause damage at all, but just see the shield fluctuate slightly, and then absorb the same damage value.

"What a beautiful goddess..."

"It's so beautiful. It's all white. Look at the red lips. It's breathtaking. The most terrible thing is that it's so coquettish and beautiful, but it doesn't have that dusty atmosphere. This is the goddess who really doesn't eat fireworks!"

"If I can have such a goddess, what else can I look for? This goddess can live a lifetime..."

"Puff, you really want to."


No one makes fun of anyone. Goddess Lieyu’s appearance and figure, even the girls present are ashamed of themselves, and no one is even jealous, because they are not on the same level at all. It is like the difference between a small boss and Jack Ma. The appearance of the goddess Lieyu is one of the most beautiful girls among human beings.

Su Mu and Goddess Shuilan stood on the periphery of the crowd, and then frowned as they watched Goddess Lieyu's stillness.

The water blue goddess put on a veil with interest, and she stood beside Su Mu and said: "Su Su, sister Lie Yu should be in dusty condition. Once a certain condition is triggered, she will wake up instantly. I believe that this condition is After meeting you again, because behind that person's goal to restrain Lie Yu must be you, Sister Lie Yu has become like this, only Su Su, you will not be absent!"

Su Mu nodded, Lie Yu was here, anyone might not come, but Su Mu alone could not!

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