Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2842: Kyoto Tohei family

Azure Planet, Kyoto, a bar toilet.

A coquettish girl leaned on the sink, with flaming red lips, fair skin, a black wafer **** her upper body, and a large white skin exposed. Because the girl puts her hands on the sink behind her, her collarbone is very obvious. With a charming smile on his face, he was directly spread his legs by the man opposite, his long, snow-white legs dazzling.

A man in a suit had a lewd smile on his face, and then directly held the girl's lips, with his big hands constantly walking around her thighs, even trying to lift the black short skirt...


For an instant, in the space opposite the two, Su Mu's figure appeared out of nowhere, and then the girl's eyes widened in horror, and even forgot to scream, the girl's reaction made the man involuntarily strange, but when he continued to continue It was pushed away by the girl, and then pointed to Su Mu's position and yelled frantically...


The harsh female voice made Su Mu frown for a while. The pain on his body had not disappeared. Su Mu, who was soaked with sweat all over his body, stood up and shook his head suddenly, then looked at the man and woman in front of him...

At this time, the two of them are completely dumbfounded, because they know that there is no one in the bathroom, so they dare to be bold and reckless here, but now that someone appears out of thin air, how can this not shock them?

The man in the suit also stared at Su Mu in horror at this time, but Su Mu took a look at his soaked body at this time, then walked directly to the man's side and took the man's arm.


The severe pain caused the man to scream again. Can you imagine Su Mu of the Shadow of Remnant Soul?

"Ah... it hurts... it's going to be broken... it's going to be broken..."

The man grinned, but Su Mu was looking at the girl. The girl was startled, and then tremblingly said, "What do you want to do?"

The **** girl can only think of Su Mu wanting to do bad things at this time, so the girl at this time subconsciously covered her chest.

And Su Mu looked at the man in the suit and said lightly: "Take off your clothes."

"Huh?" The man in the suit was stunned, and the girl was stunned. He met a glass? This guy is actually interested in men?

The girl was stunned, wondering if she should be surprised or sick.

"Undress! Hurry up!" Su Mu shouted in a low voice, and increased the strength in his hands.

The man in the suit screamed with pain in his arm again: "I take it off, I take it off..."

As Su Mu let go of him, the man started to unbutton his suit with a dazed expression, and then looked at Su Mu like a little sheep. As for the girl, she was in a state of foolishness, she had encountered a pervert! I thought I was interested in myself...

As the man's shirt took off, Su Mu looked at the man and said, "Don't take off the ink, shirt, pants, and leather boots. Take them off for me. I will discount your third leg immediately in the ink!"

"Well, I take it off, I take it off... Brother, buddy... If you like... I can introduce you to a club... It's all..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Su Mu was also dumbfounded at this time. The two must have misunderstood, but Su Mu didn't have time to waste with them.

Waiting for the man's clothes to take off all the time, Su Mu directly pulled off his clothes, and then under the trembling gaze of the man watching Su Mu take off his clothes, then put on a suit, pants and leather shoes.

what's going on? This man and woman are so confused!

Su Mu glanced at the man and said, "Where is this place?"


Snap! Su Mu held the man's arm again, and the man screamed again.

"I will answer whatever I ask you, and if you ask me back, this arm will dislocate him immediately!"

"Good good!"

"What is this place!"

"Kyoto, Kyoto..."

"Where are the Kyoto Zijia and Dongping houses?"

"On, on Liutian Avenue..."

"How are the forces of the Zi Family and the Dongping Family?"

"The purple and the purple family don’t know, but, but the Dongping family is known to anyone in Kyoto... With assets of over ten billion, Kyoto’s virtual industry tycoon...the top three virtual industry families in the country...Today the Dongping family seems to be getting married... Very, very easy to find... it hurts, it hurts..."

Su Mu frowned slightly, then let go of the man and quickly rushed out of the bathroom.

For a while, all the men and women in the bathroom were dumbfounded, and the girl looked at the door with lingering fear, and then quickly pulled the man up and said, "What the **** is going on?"

The man stood up while rubbing his hands, but after seeing Su Muzhen leaving, he hurriedly closed the door, and then looked at the girl and said, "Why don't you care about him, Xiaoli, we..."

"Go! Are you still in the mood?"

"Hey, I paid..."




Liutian Avenue.

Su Mu is dressed in a suit and leather shoes. Although it looks a little unfit, it looks decent overall. Moreover, Su Mu can't take care of anything at this time. He didn't even have time to inquire about the world's time, just walking on the street. It was discovered that it is a bit more advanced than the development of the earth. The high-rise buildings are almost made of glass, and there are various sky light rails passing by, and various suspended vehicles walking on the avenue.

However, these floating vehicles cannot leave the ground too high, because the roads here seem to be magnet-like ground.

Because Su Mu learned from the man that the Dongping family was married today, so now Su Mu has no time to think about anything, and quickly rushed to Liutian Avenue!

Unexpectedly, the bustling Kyoto, once entered this Liutian Avenue, it quieted down.

The black face is reflective, and there are no shops in the surrounding high-rise buildings. It seems that the buildings on both sides of the road are facing away from this road, and the end of this road is an endless virtual street... Advertising of various studios Cards, but I can’t see the opening of these studios and no one sees it...

But then Su Mu frowned. Right in front, a row of black cars slowly approached, and there were red roses on the front of the cars...

It's a married team!

At this moment, a girl's voice suddenly came from a high place and said: "Hey, why are you standing below? Come in quickly. Dongping's family is married. No one is allowed in this street. Hurry up and avoid..."

Su Mu raised her head and looked at the girl, a very beautiful and sunny girl, who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, with her long hair hanging down, and a light makeup, looking a bit like Chen Xiaoruan from five years ago. Sense of sight.

The girl saw Su Mu closing the glass window in a daze, and she didn't know what to do...

It’s just a girl that makes Su Mu very strange. The Dongping family is married, so no one is allowed on the whole street? Such a powerful force?

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