Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2869: Goddess of luck

With a bang, Su Mu stood in place and was attacked again. Now the whole person feels bad, because now Su Mu feels that his physical attack can't hit this monster at all, no matter what you do, no matter how you avoid it. They all seemed to be unable to avoid the monster's attack.

"Ten shadows!"

The rapid movement caused Su Mu’s figure to become a phantom, teleporting crazily in this layer. The Xiaoyao following the wind behind him was completely silly. Now he can’t describe his mood at all. So fast? It's almost like teleporting. The monsters on this layer are ghosts, but fortunately, you can see the flickering of the figure, and now Su Mu is teleporting frequently in this layer of space like an afterimage. ...




Another super high damage value appeared on Su Mu's head. However, Su Mu was still unable to track the monster's whereabouts.

"Su Mu, don't you have a magic attack?" Luo Qingcheng shouted, standing behind him.

Su Mu said while moving: "Almost all of my long-range attacks add some elemental damage, but it still has no effect on these monsters. These things must be dark elements."

The dark element can be said to be ubiquitous throughout the universe. Therefore, the dark element’s walking trajectory, the way of attacking, and even the mode of sustaining damage are different. So for Su Mu, it is not how to attack these. Monsters, you should think about how to cause substantial damage to these monsters.

Xiaoyao looked dumbfounded with the wind, but he couldn't make any constructive opinions, so he could only stand still and watch foolishly.

Bang bang~~

After a few more attacks fell, Su Mu's body once again showed two 500,000 damage points, which also proved one thing, the attack power of these mobs completely exceeded the attack power of a layer of boss...

At the same time, Xiaoyao Suifeng, who had recovered, also thought of a problem.

How much blood does Su Mu have?

The damage value has been several million before and after this, but it is still okay, what is this special?

"God's domain barrier!"


A defensive barrier instantly appeared on Luo Qingcheng and Xiaoyao Suifeng's body, and immediately saw Su Mu's figure teleporting back. Xiaoyao Suifeng was almost taken aback, and then murmured: "What's wrong ?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong with you?" Su Mu looked at Xiaoyao with the wind silently.



The monster's attack continued, but with the God Realm barrier outside, Su Mu and Luo Qingcheng would not be affected, but they were now in the dead.

Luo Qingcheng looked at Su Mu slightly frowning and couldn't help but said, "Or, how many magicians shall we go out and find?"

"Yes, yes, we can go out and find a few high-level magicians. It's not too late." Xiaoyao immediately agreed with the wind. He has to tell his boss now that this guy is simply abnormal, even better than the game master they found before. It's all enchanting, and this breath hit the fourth floor, which is unprecedented in history.

In the past, Fengtian Guild had invited some game masters through relationships, and even invited masters like Blade Fight Void, but in the end it was still unable to get through the first layer, because the monster’s resistance was too strong, and the attack damage was not. The current player can resist, and now Su Mu has directly reached the sixth floor, even if he stops here, it has completely exceeded the requirements of their union.

So at this time Luo Qingcheng proposed to leave the copy, he naturally agreed.

Su Mu shook his head.

Because Su Mu didn’t know whether he would come back in after quitting this dungeon or it’s not the task of the Water Blue Goddess to advance, so he could not quit anyway, and Su Mu was still thinking about how the Water Blue Goddess is so simple this time to perfect the promotion, and now it seems The difficulty of the entire task should be on the sixth and seventh floors.

Dark element monsters appear on the sixth floor, so there is no need to think about the seventh floor. It is definitely a cron of the dark element, at least the same identity as Ye Na, the dark element messenger!

Moreover, Su Mu faintly felt that if he encountered the Dark Element Messenger again this time, he would definitely be someone he knew, just as unexpected as he had encountered Ye Na.

Luo Qingcheng saw that Su Mu didn't want to withdraw from the dungeon, she thought for a while and said: "Have you encountered a similar monster before? How did you deal with it?"

Su Mu was startled suddenly, yes, how did he deal with Ye Na before? Thinking of this, Su Mu couldn't help turning around and smiling at Luo Qingcheng, and then said: "You are really my goddess of luck! Thanks!"

After speaking, Su Mu directly walked out of the God Realm barrier.

As for Luo Qingcheng, she stood there all over, and then looked flushed at Su Mu's back. What did he say that he was his? Goddess of luck? These words directly made Luo Qingcheng embarrassed and unable to stand still.

Over the years, there have been many people who flatter themselves, say they are beautiful, and even have people who want to pursue what they say, but like Su Mu, who said that she is her goddess of luck, especially by men she likes , The feeling is different.

The stupid Luo Qingcheng stood in place, but Xiaoyao followed the wind with a smile and said, "It turns out that the reason you don't like the boss is that you belong to it."

Luo Qingcheng stood on the spot with a blushing face, then took a sip and said with the wind: "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't think about these things before."

"Haha, I understand, I understand!"

"What do you know? Little kid!"



Su Mu walked into the monster group, then stared at the black phantoms around, and then slowly felt some movement around, followed closely, a black shadow quickly struck...


Su Mu leaned back together, then quickly staggered his body, his hands suddenly moved in the air like holding a ball...

In an instant, a golden light appeared from Su Mu's hands, and the whole person began to slow down. What surprised Luo Qingcheng and Xiaoyao Suifeng the most was that at this time, the monsters in the space seemed to move slowly, like Is restricted by time...

"What is this?" Xiaoyao was stunned by the wind. He had never seen anything like this before, and he had never seen anyone able to slow down the time of the entire space...

While Luo Qingcheng stood in place, she watched the movements of Su Mu's hands seriously, and then muttered: "I seem to hear them say that this is Tai Chi?!"

This style of technique seems to be something of the real world, but Luo Qingcheng didn't understand why Su Mu would use this type of boxing to fight monsters here.

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