Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2891: Boiling Jiutian Town

In the town of Jiutian.

A large number of players began to run out of the town, and they yelled as they ran, "Everyone, go and see, God's Domain is surrounded again..."


"I was surrounded again. I heard that a full 50,000 people came this time. God's Domain will suffer this time..."

"Just kidding, 500,000 people didn't win God's Domain last time, and 50,000 people wanted to do Death God's Domain?"

"You know a hammer, there is no God's Domain president this time. I heard that the God's Domain president has already gone to the third world..."


The players quickly started to run out, and even kept informing their relatives and friends to watch the battle together. After all, the guild of Gods’ Domain was fighting. They didn’t want to miss this wonderful war. You must know that in the past few days, as long as there is a major occurrence in Jiutian Town The war will definitely be related to God's Domain.

And this God's Domain has also become the focus of all players in Jiutian Town, including the surrounding towns, in these days, so immediately after the war, a large number of players began to run here.




In all directions, there are 10,000 people in each city wall position, and each of these teams attacking God's Domain has at least eight turns and five stages. No wonder they dare to attack God's Domain with 50,000 people.

Because God's Domain has just been established, Xia Feng and the others are only in the eighth turn and three-stage rank, and Su Mu did not say anything to earn people, so God's Domain currently has 10,000 members, and there are more than 2,000 people in each city wall. The attacking party must have at least 10,000 people in each direction.

Xia Feng stood in the crowd and watched the members charging forward. This guy held up his long sword and shouted: "Brothers! Since you choose to stay in God's Domain, then do it in the style of God's Domain, two thousand five to ten thousand, are you afraid? "


The crowd roared. After experiencing the five great guilds of Jiutian Town, and experiencing the attack of 500,000 people from the Western Meteorite Empire, how could anyone who stayed in God's Domain fear anything at this time? Because they know that as long as the word God's Domain is present, there is no unwinnable war. Some new members are even more excited after hearing about the deeds of the old members of God's Domain, especially after knowing that God's Domain is the overlord guild on the first level of the world. The sense of belonging of God's Domain Guild is bursting!

Therefore, the four gates were guarded by Xia Feng, Zhang Sanfeng, Changshangtian, and Sigui.



boom! ! !

The collision unfolded in an instant, and the team of God's Domain was directly overwhelmed by the crowd, and Xia Feng sprinted and slashed wildly among the crowd.

"Fuck it all! Fifty thousand people want to kill Lao Tzu? You are a bit too mad! Kill!"




Facing the attack of 50,000 people, everyone was full of enthusiasm. Under the leadership of Xia Feng, Sigui and others, each member of God's Domain was as excited as a chicken blood, and everyone charged wildly. , Guarding their respective gates crazy!

Ten minutes into the war, more than half of the people in God's Domain were killed or injured, but the enemy didn't seem to decrease much.

Xia Feng and others killed countless people. Although the rank was not as high as the opponent, the combat experience and the strength of the last fight still made the attackers a little timid.

However, at this time, bad news came from the west gate and the east gate one after another, the head of the gatekeeper died, the members of God's Domain dropped sharply, and they began to retreat to the edge of the moat.

Xia Feng frowned and shouted: "Everyone, support Dongmen and Ximen separately!"

"What about you, maniac boss?"

"Leave me alone, just go! This North Gate Lao Tzu can keep it alone!"

"The madman..."

"This is an order!"

The members of God's Domain hesitated, but in the end they scattered one after another, and then moved towards the East Gate and West Gate to support.

For a time, Xia Feng was left alone in the entire North Gate.

The team that attacked them was also dumbfounded. Why was there only one person left? How do you fight this? Can’t you just rush over?

"Brothers! Charge into the resident of God's Domain, charge!"


boom! boom! boom!

The sound of footsteps came in an instant, and a large number of members began to charge the door. It was not a battle that was evenly matched. Now the boss of God's Domain is no longer there. Therefore, the team charging God's Domain at this time seems extremely nervous, as if something is afraid of something.

"The spirit of the mountain!"

boom! ! ! !

The huge yellow sword energy instantly attacked the moat bridge from the gate, and rushed to the crowd like the E skill of the dead sword demon!

boom! !

The huge sword energy directly knocked back the players in the front row, and hundreds of thousands of damage values ​​appeared. During this period, few people wanted to achieve an instant kill, and Xia Feng was impossible!

"Lao Tzu is not dead yet! Want to go in? Step on Lao Tzu's body!" Xia Feng's ferocious expression seemed to have never happened.

The hostile players, look at me and I look at you, some of the 8th and 6th tier masters slowly walked out, then looked at each other and said, "Go together, kill him!"


Huh! Huh! Huh!

Suddenly, six six-stage masters instantly charged Xia Feng's position, almost forming a fan-shaped attack position. It is almost impossible to avoid this formation, because there is no way to retreat behind Xia Feng!

Xia Feng grinned and exclaimed: "The evil thoughts of opening the mountain!!!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The white light rose one after another, and everyone showed a surprised expression. This is an upgraded white light, a death white light, and even a downgraded white light!


Six people rushed directly in front of Xia Feng, their weapons came to Xia Feng, the sudden appearance of skills, and the collision of two paladins, changing to ordinary players would instantly end in a spike!

"Go to hell!!"


Xia Feng’s long sword directly blocked his head, and the four weapons fell down to make a clicking sound. At the same time, the collision of the two Paladins also struck instantly, directly pressing Xia Feng’s body against the north gate. City gate.

With a muffled bang, the blood on Xia Feng's head instantly dropped six different values ​​of damage, and the blood bar dropped by one third at this time!

Everyone was surprised, they didn't die like this?

"go to hell!!"

"Evil thoughts white light!"

boom! ! ! ! !

The eyes of the six people froze, and then they saw white lights suddenly rising...

Hh hh...





The sword aura fell one after another, and countless damage values ​​came out. With a bang, the assassin profession was directly killed by a spike, even the hunter could not escape the fate of being spiked, except for the two paladins, all were killed!

Xia Feng smiled grinningly: "Hehe, even at this point, I want to kill Laozi?"


Liu Zhi watched the war intensified behind him, but he was unable to win God's Domain for a long time. He opened the information column and said, "Are you trying to solve this Xia Feng?"

Matsumura Chisato glanced at his two brothers and said, "Go."

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