Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2901: Massacre of Pingbei

Bang bang bang!

Wan Shang's nine attacks fell, and after Xiangshan's high-quality defense, he was already knocked into the air by dozens of meters.

At this time, Koyama High Quality frowned and looked at the three of Koyama Yoshimi, Sasaki Kina and Kitagawa Jiro.

Several people nodded to each other. They knew that it was impossible not to stop Su Mu today. Liu Zhi was just a test product. If Su Mu caught Liu Zhi and wanted to attack, he would have to resist.

For Wadao, Liu Zhi’s value is to provoke Huaxia, and the people on Wadao know better that even if Su Mu catches Liu Zhi today, he will still come back, because Huaxia has no place for him to survive, so Liu Zhi It's always been a ball being kicked around and finally he still wants to come back like a pug!

"Go together!"


The four suddenly rushed to the sky and went straight to Su Mu's position.

The two of Xiangshan Excellent and Xiangshan Zhimei were directly in front of each other. The two wings were Kitagawa Jiro and Sasaki Nozomi. To Su Mu's surprise, the three brothers of Matsumura Senri were directly below at this time, and then they called six **** pets slowly. Close to Su Mu.

Su Mu, who was under siege, frowned slightly.

To be honest, even though Su Mu is currently at the highest level in the second-tier world and has almost invincible attributes, he still feels a little frustrated in the face of so many masters on the island. After all, the three Songcun Senri brothers clearly made Su Mu feel the pressure in the previous battle.

"We may not be afraid of you when we fight back. It is still unknown who will die today, Huaxia Su Mu, you are going to be too rampant!" Xiangshan High Quality stared at Su He and shouted.




The sky condensed the huge spear again. After a 100-meter gas spear was aimed at Su Mu, the remaining four people rushed towards Su Mu with their summoning skills. This time, Luo Qingcheng behind him couldn't help but worry. She wanted to go up and help, but she wanted to look at Liu Zhi. If Liu Zhi ran away, then this trip to Wadao would be meaningless.

But at this time she saw that Su Mu did not move, but was floating quietly in the air...

"The Sword of the Fiery Sun!"

"Nine Heavens Divine Bow!"

"Tianwei Lizhan Daoqi!!"

boom! ! ! !


"Okay, amazing..."

The skills in the sky are all time singing skills, which means that they are all super skills, and it is seven super masters targeting Su Mu. Players on Wadao really can't think of why this Chinese person dares to come here alone.

"Succumb to death!"


boom! ! !

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

The sky 100-meter long spear pierced Su Mu's body, and the skills of the surrounding four people also fell gorgeously at this moment. The sudden explosion caused Su Mu's body position to instantly turn into a white light.

Although I know that Su Mu turned around and has an invincible passive, but the skills of these seven people are all dropped in batches. It seems that they are all together, but in fact they all have a time difference, so it is almost impossible for Su Mu to block all of!

Bang bang bang~~~

A huge explosion appeared in the air, and everyone stared at the sky at this moment.

Kitagawa Jiro and Sasaki Nozomi are relatively nervous at this time, because they are very aware of Su Mu’s enchantment in the first layer of the world, and they know that if Su Mu does not kill it in the first time, the entire Washima will be implicated, so at this time they I was worried and expected in my heart, worried that Su Mu was still as invincible as the first world, looking forward to beheading Su Mu to end today's battle.

The two brothers of Xiangshan's high quality were not much better. At this time, they all stared at the core position of Su Mu's explosion.

At the same time, after the white light appeared, the dense fog of the explosion slowly disappeared, when everyone saw the situation inside...


"what happened?"

"How can this be?!"

"It's over!"

"It's over!"

In the air, twelve Su Mu suspended!

Every Su Mu is the same, because of the explosion, it is impossible to tell which is the real one, but at this time all I saw were Su Mu's disdainful smile!

The twelve Su Mu shouted in unison: "You have some abilities. Together, you can kill me, but now I have twelve, how many do you have? Huh!"

"It's impossible..." Xiangshan was shocked after seeing the twelve Su Mu. The assassin's clone can only be separated by one. How could this be possible?

Not only was Fragrant Mountain high in quality, but at this time the three of Songcun Qianli suddenly realized that this man did not go all out in China, and he simply looked down on the combat effectiveness of their three brothers, let alone twelve clones, at that time he Even the shadow of the twins was not released, this kind of blow made the three of Matsumura Senri directly dull.

"The power of the gods!"

boom! ! ! !



"The power of the sword!"

"The column is topped!"



Boom boom boom! !

Su Mu's body image shows that shells have always rushed to the crowd below, attacking the Xiangshan high-quality people crazy.

On the side of Sasaki Akira, Su Mu's phantom sword directly forced the opponent's neck and shouted, "Tell me where Mingjing is now?!"

Nozomi Sasaki frowned and was repulsed by Su Mu. She stared at Su Mu and sneered: "Don't even think of finding Mingjing in your life! You should die from the moment you two begin to feel affection. A person from the world, she is Wadao, and you are Huaxia. Since you don't choose to play this game in general, you are destined to be hostile!"

Su Mu gritted his teeth.

"go to hell!"

boom! ! !


"God Lord Zhu Xin!!!"


The sky condensed sword energy in an instant, and countless sword energy gathered in the air, and then aimed at the entire Pingbei Imperial City. All the players on the scene stared at the sword energy in the air with wide eyes. What super skill is this?

The most important thing is that at this time the sky seems to have suddenly dimmed, and all players have a huge fear in their hearts. Everyone begins to tremble. Everyone is staring at the sword qi in the air as if seeing a ghost...



The huge fear and murderous aura struck, even Xiangshan's high-quality people couldn't help showing a terrified expression at this time.

The core of the god's heart-killing skill itself is to destroy the players' desire to fight, and the Russian fear generated at this time is enough to make anyone collapse!


Puff puff puff puff ~ ~

boom! !

The sword aura fell in an instant. In the entire imperial city, almost all players on the scene saw the sword aura falling on their heart, and some even fell on their heads, watching their aura with great fear. The blood was emptied...

The gods punish the heart, and the power of fear is more frightening than external damage~!

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