Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3001: The Wreckage of Xia Feng Weapon

With a loud bang, the viscous liquid in the entire scene suddenly sputtered, like a small volcanic eruption, so Sophie in front of them shouted directly, Heyang, Su Mu and others also quickly backed away at this time. The raging fire is to instantly enlarge the flame on the body and then the surrounding liquid.

The crowd slowly stopped after several tens of meters.

At this moment, a huge plant tunnel appeared right in front of him, slowly opening his mouth like a car tunnel, and there was still a faint white smoke inside.

"It still appeared." Liu Huo stood in the front and glanced at He Yang and said.

Heyang nodded, and then explained to the three Su Mu: "This plant tunnel will appear every time we come. We must go through this plant tunnel to reach the top of this big ring mountain."

"Fuck! Isn't that the same as walking into someone's stomach from the big plant mouth?" Cheng Zhuang's eyes widened involuntarily.

Li Huo looked back at Cheng Zhuang, then nodded and said, "Almost, this plant tunnel is equivalent to the vine mouth of the entire Dahuan Mountain."


He Yang smiled and said: "Let's go, it's the same every time you come, as long as you are careful, you can pass."

The Agni Huo trio continued to push forward. Heyang and Ye Na were in the middle position. Su He and the trio were at the end. The group slowly walked onto the viscous liquid and walked in with thick green leaves. The big mouth of this plant.

The light inside is not bad. The transparent light coming in can be seen through the leaves of the plant, but the taste is very unbearable, the stench of rotting flesh, and it is very pungent. Luo Qingcheng directly covered it after coming in. I stopped my nose and even had some signs of nausea.

Su Mu patted her back, then shook her head and said, "Slow down and take your breath."

In fact, not only Luo Qingcheng, but Su Mu is about to vomit at this time. The stench of this carrion is the most intolerable, but you can't act rashly here. According to Heyang and the others, this plant tunnel is the big mouth of this vine. Once there is no accident, it may really be swallowed by this thing.

As everyone went deeper, Su Mu was also surprised to find that there were still some weapons and some armors in the tunnel.

He Yang looked back at Su Mu and said, "Over the past year, many people have thought about going to this Dahuan Mountain, but everyone ends here. Even if our team can pass through this place, they cannot pass. The next difficulty, so this Dahuanshan has become one of the largest restricted areas in the vicinity. There are many advanced equipment in it, but unfortunately they have been corroded by heavy acid."

Su Mu nodded, and Luo Qingcheng clutched his nose while walking and said: "This is so smelly, did the player become after he died here?"

"Hey, yes!" Agni suddenly turned around at this time: "Although it is a game, although it is a four-layer world, many things here are close to reality, so after the player dies here, the body will not disappear, your consciousness You will return to the resurrection point and wait for resurrection, but your body will slowly decay here, very interesting, right?"



Luo Qingcheng finally couldn't help it. She ran a few steps directly to the left, and then vomited. Su Mu hurried up to pat her back, and then looked at the burning fire helplessly.

The latter smiled and said, "I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, ask Heyang."

He Yang said that this matter was true without speaking. Su Mu also began to frown.

Didn't death here simply disappear? But the corpse stays here? Consciousness returns to the resurrection point and waits for resurrection, so how does the player's body come from? The four-layer world is not the real world after all, so Su Mu still doesn't understand it a bit.

Luo Qingcheng retched a few times, then stood up and said, "It's disgusting, Su Mu..."

Ye Na suddenly leaned over and asked, "Pregnant?"


Luo Qingcheng and Su Mu directly opened their eyes.

Isn't this extraordinary thinking jumping too fast? What did you get in touch with pregnancy?

Ye Na haha ​​smiled and said: "Just kidding, I guess you haven't slept together in the cycle of time, so you should not get pregnant."


Su Mu suddenly realized something. He looked at Ye Na and said, "You mean that new life can be born in the cycle of time?"

Luo Qingcheng and Ye Na looked at Su Mu weirdly at the same time. You didn't even know the events that have been in the cycle of time for so long?

"Boss, look here!" Cheng Zhuang suddenly shouted ten meters ahead at this time.

Su Mu glanced at Luo Qingcheng, then walked up.

Cheng Zhuang squatted on the ground, then pointed to a black iron long sword and said, "This knife is so powerful, it stabbed this vine in the body, and it has been stored until now. I have never seen a weapon that can be preserved so well along the way. of."

"Bloodthirsty Knife!" Su Mu and Luo Qingcheng said almost in unison.

Then Su Mu turned to look at Heyang and said, "Have many people entered Dahuanshan this year?"

"It's not just this year. Since the emergence of the world of death, countless players have continued to come here, so every year there will be teams coming up. This weapon should be left by the players, but it is also the first time that it can be preserved so well. See you once, I don't know if there are any attributes." Sophie said while looking at the Bloodthirsty Knife.

Su Mu frowned. After entering the fourth-tier world, Xia Feng left a message for himself. That is to say, Xia Feng had already been to the fourth-tier world, and he also entered Dahuanshan, and his weapon, the bloodthirsty mad knife, was unexpected Staying here, so Xia Feng died when he walked here?

Su Mu stood up slowly, then looked around.

Agni said: "Don't worry, monsters won't appear. Plants are afraid of fires. As long as I'm in them, I won't do it easily, so your task is to move forward gently."

Luo Qingcheng glanced at Su Mu and whispered, "This weapon is Xia Feng's, right?"

Su Mu nodded. It was indeed Xia Feng's good, and it was the bloodthirsty knife that Su Mu gave Xia Feng, so Su Mu was so sure.

Since Xia Feng has been here, why didn't you leave a message to Su Mu? This is the habitat of the wood system, and Xia Feng knows the Supreme God of Su Mu.

"Boss, come and see here..." Cheng Zhuang's voice came from the front again.

Su Mu was startled again, what else did he find? Then the four-tier world is weird, and is this place the habitat of the wood spirit evil body? Luo Qingcheng was suspicious when he was outside, and now Su Mu is also suspicious...

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