Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3003: Cheng Zhuang and raging fire

He Yang stood there looking at Su Mu and said, "Here, it should be the final boss position, but no one can go down, neither can I and Ye Na."

Agni shook his head and looked around, then looked at Sophie and said, "When was the last time you came?"

"Three months ago, but died after jumping off, there is no possibility of survival." Sophie said.

So, at this time, the problem has come again. How to enter this place full of magma is the thing that needs to be overcome most now.

Luo Qingcheng glanced at Ye Na and said, "You haven't attacked this magma well beforehand?"

"Oh, attack? How to attack? This is just a magma well. What attack?" Li Huo laughed.

Su Mu glanced at Heyang, Heyang frowned slightly and said, "That's not good, right?"

Luo Qingcheng grinned and said, "Let Su Mu throw in an atomic bomb to try?"

"Puff! Atomic bomb?" Agni was stunned, Sophie and Feike were also stunned. This is the game world, buddy, how could there be an atomic bomb? If there was an atomic bomb, it would have been used a long time ago. Also, the atomic bomb? Does Nima want to bomb the entire four-layer world?

Su Mu nodded and said, "You can try. Actually, have you ever thought about why this magma is so smelly?"

Everyone shook their heads, the smell of magma might be due to some chemical components in it.

Su Mu smiled and said: "Okay, you step back, I will study it again, if it doesn't work, I will try it according to Qingcheng's statement."

Heyang nodded, and then, Cheng Zhuang, Ye Na and others began to back away.

Su Mu was left alone at the magma mouth. At this time, Lihuo and others looked at Heyang with suspicion and asked: "What do you mean by this friend? He wants to bomb this magma mouth? Heyang is not what I said. You, what we tested at the beginning, the combined strength of the few of us is not enough to bomb this magma mouth, he alone?"

He Yang smiled and did not speak. Cheng Zhuang next to him said with an unconvinced expression: "Zhedi, don't you believe my boss is still Zhedi? Or do you guys in the four-tier world just cut off to judge your strength?

After hearing the words, Agni looked at Cheng Zhuang, and then smiled: "Isn't it?"

"Then you see if I am your opponent?" Cheng Zhuang looked at the fire defiantly.

Damn, look down on Su Mu? Cheng Zhuang is still not convinced, thinking that he is invincible at full level? My boss just killed a full-level old man before entering the fourth-tier world, and it was a spike!

As Cheng Zhuang's tone changed, Li Huo put away his smile slightly, and Luo Qingcheng seemed to have no intention of organizing, so Heyang and Ye Na did not speak at all.

Seeing this scene of raging fire, he understood what He Yang meant, so he turned around and stared at Cheng Zhuang and said, "Boy, you..."

"Who do you call the kid? How the **** are you? Are you dying? If you are about to die, I can let you call me a kid!"

Lihuo became completely angry. He glanced at He Yang again and sneered after confirming that He Yang had no intention of stopping, and then walked a dozen steps outside, followed by Cheng Zhuang.

Feike and Sophie are quite interesting looking at Cheng Zhuang. This person, in the 9th round of the 5th stage, looks like a player from the third-tier world, fighting with people from the fourth-tier world? This is not looking for death?

"Don't say that I am bullying you at the full level, let's do it first." The fire watched become strong.

Who knows that the honest-looking Chengzhuang smiled disdainfully and said: "If you are afraid of losing, don't stand up, stand up and fight with all your strength, isn't it a man?"

"!!!" The fire was furious.

"Flame Open Mountain Fist!!"


boom! ! !

"Fuck!" Sophie saw the flames jump, and then a flame fist appeared and was shocked. Nima, this growth completely angered the flames. It actually came up as a big move, although it is not the strongest. A skill, but definitely a skill of Agni's signature.

So at this time Sophie couldn't help but screamed.

On the contrary, He Yang and Ye Na looked at Su Mu with a calm face, as if they didn't care about Cheng Zhuang's side at all.

Boom! !

A huge explosion sounded.

Agni stood there, chuckled coldly, then watched the huge fire fist impact into a strong position, and then faintly said: "Things that do not live or die..."

Agni thought that Cheng Zhuang had been killed by himself, so he walked directly to Sophie's place.



With a chuckle, the sound of slipping feet on the ground sounded, and then he saw Cheng Zhuang rushing up, and then straight to the front of the fire.

Lihuo's eyes widened, and then looked at Cheng Zhuang's full blood bar in horror. In other words, in the blow just now, Cheng Zhuang didn't lose a drop of blood? How can this be?

"Fire be careful!"

"Fly for Lao Tzu!!!"

Boom! !


Cheng Zhuang punched Lihuo in the nose, and then he saw Lihuo being beaten into flight, and a damage value of more than 100,000 appeared on his head.

Sophie and Feike were stunned, your sister, actually knocked the fire away with a punch?

Bang bang bang~~

The fire fell directly to the ground, and then rolled several times before stopping.

He Yang glanced at Cheng Zhuang's side at this time, and then smiled. Sophie couldn't help but said: "It's over, this person is angry."

Feike nodded in the same way and said: "This kid in the fire is probably going to go crazy... Are you sure you don't want to bring this grown-up?"

As Feike looked at Heyang, Heyang shook his head and said, "It's okay, let them make trouble."


Lihuo stood up, then rubbed his nose, then looked at Cheng Zhuang who was standing not far away and shouted in a low voice, "Boy, you completely angered me!!"

Cheng Zhuang snorted: "What's wrong with you? Lao Tzu who hasn't angered you?"

"Okay! Good boy! Take a punch from Lao Tzu!!"

Boom! Suddenly a flame burst out of Lihuo's body, his whole person was like a fire man, and he quickly rushed to the position of becoming strong.

Standing still, Cheng Zhuang gave a disdainful sneer, then crossed his arms to form a defensive posture, and then slowly squatted lunge to meet the fire attack.

The fire sprinted and shouted, his fists in his hands were constantly waving.

When he came to the growing body, he made a quick fist attack, as if his fist was like a weapon, madly hitting the crossed defensive arms of the grown-up. At this time, Sophie and Feike frowned involuntarily, this raging fire No one can hold back when he is crazy. At this moment, He Yang is still standing there looking at Su Mu in a daze?

What does he think, doesn't he know the fighting power of Agni? This Cheng Zhuang only has the strength of 9th turn and 5th stage, so he is not an opponent of Agni in any way.

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