Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3008: Zhan Mei's younger brother

Dahuan Peak.

Su Mu stood in place, and the God of Zhan Luan put away his spear, and then stood side by side with Su Mu looking at the huge vines in the distance.

"Goddess Kunlun asked me to tell you three words." Su Mu suddenly said.

The **** of Zhan Luan frowned and said: "You don't need to say, I don't want to listen, you are a god, I know when you come, so my task is to tell you where the evil body of the wood element is. In the previous battle, I just didn't accept you."

Su Mu is dumb, can he do this? Feelings, you are originally your own task alternate point, and finally you have a fight?

"She said I'm sorry, let me tell you."

"I do not accept!"

The **** of Zhan Luan turned and stared at Su Mu and said, "When she resolutely entered the Kunlun Mirror, why didn't she want to have my younger brother? I left myself in Kunlun Mountain. Now that she has become a god, knows she regrets it? Why didn't I think about my situation at that time? If it weren't for my master, I would not know where I died now!"

Su Mu didn't know what happened between them, but Su Mu knew that Kunlun Goddess must have been very uncomfortable.

"Are you her brother?"

"Not anymore!" Zhan Luan's Shinto.

Su Mu nodded, Kunlun Goddess's name is Zhan Mei, and his name is Zhan Luan, he should not be wrong, so at this time Su Mu can only sigh helplessly: "We are not talking about Kunlun Goddess, let's talk about other things Right."

The **** of Zhanluan no longer speaks.

Su Mu said: "In the past, there was a pair of siblings who had no parents since childhood. The elder sister had to assume the responsibility of the parent since childhood for the survival of her younger brother. Children have parents."

Su Mu suddenly felt that there was a story in his mind, and even the picture was very strong, as if he had experienced it himself, which made Su Mu very strange.

Even so, Su Mu still frowned while talking.

"But one day, this elder sister suddenly met a person, and that person told her that if she followed him, she would become a capable person in the future, and it would also make her younger brother no longer be bullied, and even more There are so many things that my sister didn't agree at first, but then that person found her sister and told her that if doing so would make her younger brother work harder?"

Su Mu said that this story was actually the Kunlun Goddess he imagined, because Kunlun Goddess did not tell Su Mu in detail about the affairs between her and her younger brother.

Su Mu continued: "Later, my elder sister knew that she was an ancient artifact, and then she had to enter a certain artifact. Otherwise, the world would be chaotic, and the younger brother would be even more insecure at that time. For this reason, the older sister told that person , As long as her brother can grow up safely, she promises everything."

"The man agreed to her sister, not only allowed her brother to grow up, he also became a supreme god, a super genetic god, but later, the younger brother ignored his sister anymore, because the younger brother also became a god, and the sister wanted to find him. It has also become a difficult thing, so my sister will get rid of others. If she sees her brother and say sorry, she should have told the whole thing before leaving..."

Speaking of this, Su Mu picked up the Kunlun mirror and muttered: "I don't know if I'm right."


The Kunlun mirror projection appeared, and the tearful Zhan Mei looked at Su Mu gratefully at this time: "Thank you god..."

Su Mu smiled and said, "Although I haven't heard of this story, I can feel it. I don't know what's going on..."

The Kunlun goddess smiled and nodded, "Because that person was your god..."

Su Mu was shocked.

The God of Zhan Luan glanced at the projection at this time, then looked at Su Mu again and said, "My master is you!"

Su Mu was shocked!

What's this special?

Suddenly, Su Mu said directly, "You mean the time before the gods died, right?"

Zhan Mei nodded and said: "Yes, you didn't enter Su Mu's body before, thank you, Lord God..."

Su Mu let out a cry. That's it.

At this moment, the God of Zhan Luan looked at the projected Zhan Mei, feeling indescribable.

I only heard the goddess Kunlun say: "Back then, you and I were destined not to be ordinary brothers and sisters. The letter I gave you when I was leaving... I heard Lord God said that you threw it... Zhan Luan... I'm sorry..."

The **** of Zhanluan frowned slightly, then looked at the Kunlun goddess and said: "Even so, at least you should have told me..."

"After telling you, do you still have today's achievements? How can you cultivate to the present level without this attachment in your heart?" Kunlun Goddess suddenly shouted.

Zhan Luan was startled.

And Su Mu seemed to have thought of something at this time, he also suddenly said: "How do I feel that there is another person with Zhan Luan?"

The Kunlun goddess glanced at Su Mu, and then muttered: "There is indeed another person, but my memory is very vague, I can't tell..."

Su Mu frowned.

At this time, Zhan Luan didn't know what to say. He glanced at the Kunlun goddess and said: "Can't you come out and see?"

The Kunlun goddess was startled, then she shook her head in tears: "I can't see my brother anymore. I was destined to never see me again when I left. If I appear in my body, then certain rules will be broken. Then you..."

"I care!" Zhan Luan said.

The Kunlun goddess looked at Su Mu at this time, but Su Mu asked in a daze, "Why look at me again?"

"God, I remember you said at the beginning that if my brother and I meet in the real body, there will be greater disasters, so I..."

Su Mu frowned and said, "This is a four-layer world. Heyang, I and all the goddesses are here, what can happen?"

The Kunlun goddess still hesitated, but Su Mu said: "Come out, I'm sorry, you still have to say these three words yourself..."

The Kunlun goddess looked at Zhan Luan, and then slowly closed her eyes.

As a white light rose, the complete body of Goddess Kunlun appeared in front of Su Mu and directly faced the **** of Zhan Luan.

At this time, Zhan Luan, his eyes blurred to look at his sister...

"Tens of thousands of years... tens of thousands of years, you are finally willing to see me..."

"Yes, sorry brother...I..."

boom! ! !

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

The whole mountain shook suddenly, and the position of the magma well bore a huge flame from the ejector.

The God of Zhanluan frowned involuntarily: "I am the only one living there, so how can there be others?"

Su Mu couldn't help turning his head and shouting: "Da Zhuang, come here!"



Cheng Zhuang suddenly came to Su Mu and the others, while Su Mu was pulling Kunlun Goddess back quickly. This is probably the drastic change that Kunlun Goddess said, but I don’t know what will emerge from the magma. Come!

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