Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3012: Feel the Snowy Mountain

after one day.

The five people of Su Mu already felt that the air was getting colder, and as the clouds and mist in front of them moved away, Su Mu and the others also saw a huge snow mountain in front of them.

The snow-capped mountains stretch endlessly, and the height is exaggerated. The five people of Su Mu feel like flying at the foot of the mountain. They seem to be very close but far away. In addition, the huge main peak of the snow-capped mountain is so high that it is very high. Spectacular.

"It's so beautiful." Luo Qingcheng said with his arms around Su Mu's waist.

Su Mu smiled and glanced at her and said, "Not as beautiful as you."

"Go~" Luo Qingcheng lowered his head slightly, but there was a triumphant smile on his lips.


At this moment, the three of Heyang suddenly ran into something, and then they saw the three of them falling quickly. Because they took one of them, it was very difficult for the two of Heyang to fly. At this time, it was natural to hit something. It began to fall.

With the whirring cold wind blowing, Su Mu quickly chased Luo Qingcheng in his arms and said, "He Yang, let go and become strong!"

Before He Yang could speak, Ye Na said, "But he will fall to death."

"You can't die! Don't worry!" Su Mu said.

Cheng Zhuang also nodded at this time: "Let go of me, you won't die."

The two of Heyang had no choice but to loosen up and become strong.


boom! ! !

A huge snowflake splashed and flew, which was caused by Cheng Zhuang's falling into the ground, while the four Su Mu slowly landed on the snow, and then quickly ran to the position of Cheng Zhuang.

Seeing only a big hole in the bottom, Su Mu couldn't help shouting: "Cheng Zhuang?"


Isn't this a rock? Why is there such a deep hole?

"Boss, Fang comes down with a rope." Cheng Zhuang's voice suddenly sounded.

Knowing that Cheng Zhuang is not dead, Heyang is a little relieved, otherwise it will be a bit oolong.

As Cheng Zhuang climbed up, he directly sat on the ground and patted the snow on his head and body and said, "I wipe, boss, do you know how deep the snow is?"

Su Mu frowned, this surface is all snow?

"I fell in more than ten meters deep, but there was still snow underneath. It was already very solid, but I still couldn't see the rocks. It was terrifying. How many years must the snow accumulate here to be so thick?" Cheng Zhuang couldn't help but Sighed.

Luo Qingcheng stood up and looked at the surrounding green pine and said, "But these trees don't look that high, do they? There are tens of meters of snow? How can it be possible?"

Heyang and Su Mu also stood up and looked at the sparse green pine trees around them. They were no different from the Christmas tree, which was only a dozen meters high on the snow surface.

Cheng Zhuang got up, then walked directly under a green pine, then picked up the weapon and threw it up.

Because Su Mu and others also want to know how thick the snow is, or whether the place where Cheng Zhuang just fell is caused by the wind. If this is not clear, Su Mu feels that he might miss the wood spirit. The evil body, even though you know whether it is underground or on the surface?

As Cheng Zhuang continued to plow the snow, but he did not see the roots easily, he waited for Cheng Zhuang to dig down at least 15 meters before he stopped in place and raised his head and shouted: "Boss, I still can't see the bottom. Do you want to continue digging?"

Su Mu frowned, this is terrifying, fifteen meters of snow? Has it snowed for tens of thousands of years?

"Dig! I want to see how deep it is." Su Mu jumped straight down as he said, and then dug together with Cheng Zhuang.

Before they knew it, everyone's mood became heavy, because at this time, Su Mu and Cheng Zhuang had been digging for three full hours, but they continued to extend downwards, without the slightest meaning to the end, and this green pine tree was actually Never saw the roots.

And now, Su He and Cheng Zhuang have dug to a depth of at least nearly 100 meters.

Cheng Zhuang stared at Su Mu and said, "Boss, this is too scary? It's almost a hundred meters..."

Su Mu doesn't just feel scared?

How could there be such a thick snow in this world?

"Forget it, don't dig." Su Mu put away his weapons, the snow was too deep, and Su Mu felt that he could not dig the end even after digging for a whole day.

Cheng Zhuang nodded, and then quickly climbed up the green pine tree with Su Mu.

All the way back to the ground, the three of Heyang were also inexplicably horrified. Looking at the surrounding huge snow-capped mountains and the huge main peak in front of them, all five of them felt a deep malice. Where is the snow-capped mountain? It is simply a planet made of snow!

"Okay, we can't fly, let's just walk." Su Mu glanced at the huge main peak that was close to him but could run to death.

Everyone started to move forward, but as they walked, Luo Qingcheng and Ye Na began to gasp slightly. The three men Su Mu didn't feel anything, but the two girls looked at each other.

Luo Qingcheng took Su Mu's arm, then raised his head and looked ahead: "Su Mu, don't you feel that your steps are getting heavier?"

Su Mu Leng said: "Maybe you are tired? Should we take a break?"

"No, I'm not tired, but I feel that my steps are getting heavier and heavier, as if I'm getting lead."

Su Mu also felt a little weird when Luo Qingcheng said that. The more he walked up, the more he looked like it was normal, but now Su Mu found that it was a little abnormal.

Standing in place, Su Mu directly pulled a piece of hair off his head, and then threw it up...

With the breeze blowing, the hair slowly fell to the ground, and it was not blown far by the breeze.

Su Mu frowned slightly, then glanced at He Yang.

"It should be a problem of gravity. We may have entered an environment where the gravity is greater than that of the earth, and the higher the upward, the greater the gravity. Su Mu, do you see if the snow on the ground is more than the place where we just fell. Is the porcelain solid?"

Everyone noticed what He Yang said. The footprints were still the same, but the snow was getting more and more porcelain. It was true.

Su Mu nodded as he looked at the steep peak of the main peak and said, "For such a large snowy mountain, we have not found an avalanche for a long time here, even if it is a miniature avalanche, it should be the higher the gravity, the greater the gravity. Therefore, there will be no avalanche in the porcelain that causes very snow.

Heyang nodded.

In addition to this, humans cannot explain why there are no avalanches in such steep and high snowy mountains. Some places that look very dangerous are not signs of avalanches. The entire mountains are very flat and what the snow looks like. What this mountain is like.

"Then, when we reach the top, will we not be able to walk?" Cheng Zhuang asked curiously at this time.

This is exactly what Su Mu and Heyang worry about. If they suddenly can't walk when they reach the top of the mountain, and flying is not allowed here, how can they fight the boss?

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