Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3021: So she is an evil body

The Goddess Wood Spirit and the Empress walked to Su Mu, and then looked at him curiously. They didn't even know where the evil body of the Goddess Wood Spirit was, Su Mu actually knew?

He Yang at the side also seemed a little curious at this time. As for Cheng Zhuang, he was indifferent. For him, he would just follow Su Mu. The rest was not important.

And Su Mu turned around, and then recalled what happened on the first floor of Samsara and said: "Ling'er may not know. When I was looking for Ling'er, I passed by a map called Huaguo with Shuilan. Huahai, and there is a princess in that place, she looks exactly like Ling'er..."

That's right, it should be the Princess of Huaguo. At first, Su Mu was shocked after subduing the wood goddess, because the appearance was exactly the same. At the time, Su Mu thought it was deliberately set by the system, but now that I think about it, I understand that he had The opportunity to promote Ling'er to the perfect supreme, and even can instantly heal the toxins on his body, is it just that he didn't think of it at the beginning?

"Brother Su, are you saying that Ling'er's evil body is in a layer of reincarnation?" The Wood Spirit goddess was also stunned. How could this be?

What else can Su Mu say? He can only nod his head and said: "Yes, it's the first-tier world. I knew it would stop coming to the second-tier world and just finish Ling'er's work."

Although Su Mu is a little depressed now, but at least he knows the cause and effect of this incident. The Princess Huaguo should have stopped herself at the beginning. It was only because the goddess of the water blue was there, so the evil spirit goddess did not make any actions. Instead, it looks like a human and animal harmless, which is ridiculous, and was almost left there by the guards of Hua Guo.

Su Mu turned and looked at the two goddesses and said, "This should be the case. If nothing else, the evil body of the Goddess of Wood Spirit has reincarnated on the earth, so we are now going back to the first level of reincarnation."

"Huh? Boss, do you want to return to the first-level world?" Cheng Zhuang was a little surprised, because he knew that anyone entering the second-level world would not be able to go back, unless he had the ability to return to the seventh-level **** zone, and then returned. It can only be a time limit of seven days. How can I go back now?

He Yang looked at Su Mu hesitantly at this time: "Going to the Earth's reincarnation, we can't do it now, unless we find the teleportation array, such as the teleportation array to the fifth-tier world, let Ye Na and the goddess of light change the teleportation trajectory Maybe it can be done, but the time to go back is only seven days..."

Su Mu nodded. Seven days is enough. Anyway, these seven days will always be able to subdue the Goddess of Wood Spirit.

"But how do you come back?" The empress suddenly said.

The Goddess Wood Spirit glanced at the female emperor, and then said: "Sister Lieyu can stay in this four-layer world, and when Brother Su is about to return, he can directly combine and teleport with Linger Mingmen, but it still only has five days... "

"Five days?" Su Mu was stunned for a moment and then said: "That is to say, we have only five days in the fourth-layer world, so Lie Yu can stay here for five days at most, right?"

"Yes, Brother Su, if you don't come back within five days, you will be forced to send you to the three-tier world, because your current fixed-tier world is three." The Wood Spirit Goddess nodded and said.

Su Mu said.

The four-layer world came here through special channels, so the time here is still seven days, and now two days have passed, so if Su Mu wants to go to the one-layer world, it will take five days at most, and it must be the same as the time here. , Otherwise it will be sent back forcibly.

Then, the time to return to the first world is even more pressing.

Su Mu turned around and said: "Let's go. We can buy a little time is a little time. Five days seems to be a long time, but maybe some moths will appear."

Everyone nodded.

After that, they took out the boat again, and everyone began to return. Su Mu directly opened the information bar and talked to Luo Qingcheng, but the woman did not reply to Su Mu.

Because it was impossible to walk the same way, Su Mu took back the goddess of wood spirit and the goddess of fire, and then the three of them sat in a small boat and went down by skiing. This way, it will be much faster, and there will be more growth. This guy is blocking in front, and Su Mu and He Yang both have wings. Even if they can't fly, the wings can be used as a parachute when there is an accident.



The wind blows, Cheng Zhuang is in front, Heyang is in the middle, and Su Mu said in the back: "Luo Qingcheng didn't reply. You tell Ye Na that we are going down."

Heyang turned his head and glanced at Su Mu, and said, "Nana didn't reply to me... Isn't it impossible to transmit it? The terrain here is too weird, wait until you pass through that crack."


As the boat slid down quickly, there was a visual deviation. The boat went up diagonally, and then moved up diagonally. It looks very weird anyway, but Su Mu and Heyang's wings act as directions. It will not deviate too far.

He Yang said after a while, "If nothing else, there will be a teleportation formation on the mountain behind a station in the south of Tianluancheng, but it is guarded by the Hongye Guild. The teleportation formation is said to be able to enter the fifth-tier world, but it is still unknown. Some people have not succeeded, because the person who sent it has no news. We can go there for a while."

Su Mu nodded, there was the goddess Lieyu, as long as it was a level teleportation array, it could be used.


"Fuck! Boss, look ahead..."


The boat flew directly, and then they saw the huge crack they had passed through before. Su Mu and He Yang spread their wings directly, and then controlled the direction of the boat.


The three of them dashed directly through the cracks and then continued to slide downwards. It was easier to descend the mountain than to climb the mountain.



A few minutes later, Su Mu looked at the terrain and said, "It's almost there, right?"

"Da Zhuang, done, we are going to disembark." He Yang smiled and patted Cheng Zhuang on the shoulder.



With a whistle.

Su Mu and Heyang's wings spread out and glide directly in the air. At this time, they jumped down directly and then kept rolling on the snow, like a huge rock falling down from the mountain.

However, the problems of Cheng Zhuang's professional system caused him not to reduce his blood volume at all.


When the three of them landed, Heyang laughed and said: "I knew I had made you jump off the mountain. Anyway, I can't kill you..."

Su Mu also forbeared his good looks, Cheng Zhuang laughed loudly, then looked around and said, "We have to walk down for a while to find the sister-in-law and the others, right?"

Speaking of this, He Yang and Su Mu suddenly frowned.

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