Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3030: Back to the first floor

Hongye Station Chenghoushan.

Heyang, Cheng Zhuang, and Su Mu directly entered the teleportation array, and then disappeared in place.

Ye Na and Luo Qingcheng behind them watched them leave, because they can go back for five days at most, so they don’t have to worry about anything, and with their current level and strength, returning to the first level of reincarnation is just a pretense. , So there is nothing to worry about.

While watching the three of Su Mu disappear, Jiu Youcheng both turned around and glanced at Jiu You Tianshou, and then said through the voice: "Boss, those three are gone, are these two girls..." He just said that. Make a motion of wiping the neck.

There was a slap in the face, and Jiuyou Tianshou waited for Jiuyou City and shouted: "You the **** have not received a lesson? Who is responsible for the destruction of the resident city? Lao Tzu asked you to take someone to Xuehuan Mountain to investigate the current situation. The situation is gone, you **** recruited such a few plague gods for Lao Tzu? Do you know what these three people said when they left?"

Jiuyou City had a dumbfounded look. Although the resident city was destroyed, and the fighting power of the three Su Mu was also seen, now they are gone? Why does his boss make so much fire?

Jiuyou Tianshou snorted coldly, and said: "In the next few days, you go and serve those two aunts. If there is a mistake, don't blame my Tianshou for not recognizing people."

Speaking of Jiuyou Tianshou, he walked towards Luo Qingcheng and Ye Na's position, and then he smiled.

Now he dare to disrespect Luo Qingcheng and the others?

Damn, Su Mu said when they left, if Luo Qingcheng and Ye Na frowned when they came back, then all the Hongye Trade Unions in the four-tier world would be bombed!

Damn, dare you say no?

So now Jiuyou Tianshou can only serve Luo Qingcheng and Ye Na well. As long as they say that they are not bad when Su Mu returns, he will thank God. The reputation of the Hongye Trade Union will be ruined within this day.

Five thousand-level masters died in an instant. This is already the greatest humiliation, so the head of Jiu You didn't want to wait for Su Mu to come back and blow the rest of the resident city into ruins.



Reincarnation, a layer of the world.

Su Mu, Heyang, and Cheng Zhuang suddenly appeared in the depths of a forest. The teleportation array disappeared in place after they came back, but they can still feel that they still need to sit in this teleportation array when they go back, so on the map Marked it.

Afterwards, the three of them walked out of the forest, and then looked at the prairie in Samsara, and a city not far away-the Forbidden Island!

"It's so familiar..." Su Mu stretched out his hand and felt a breath of reincarnation.

Cheng Zhuang also nodded and said: "I miss the time when Samsara opened at the beginning, but now it's like it happened yesterday."

It is the first time for Heyang to come to the first level of reincarnation, so it is no different from other places. The only difference is that there are too many players in the first level. It is just that there are hundreds of people running on this prairie. I don't know what I'm doing.

"Let's go, let's go to the Forbidden Continent to see the situation first." Su Mu said, since he's back, don't worry too much, the wood spirit's evil body can't escape, and Su Mu now wants to be prepared before going. , Wood Spirit’s evil body must be very difficult. The most important thing is the super-healing technique. Su Mu didn’t want to go unprepared like this, and the evil body of the wood spirit would be full of blood. .

So the three went straight to the Forbidden Island area.

However, there were more and more players on this grassland, and they all ran out in one direction, that is, from the Forbidden Island area, and then went straight to Xizhou City. This makes Su Mu very strange.

The three came directly to the crowd, and then grabbed an archer and said, "What are you doing? What happened?"

The archer glanced at Su Mu and said, "You too, run quickly, the people from Northern Russia are coming."

Speaking of this, the archer broke free of Su Mu's palm directly, and then ran with the team quickly.

Su Mu frowned, Cheng Zhuang also looked at the location of the city in the Forbidden Continent and said, "This is a city in the Huangtianzhou District, and there is still some distance from the northern side of Russia. Have the people of the northern Russian Empire come here? Hasn't the war already ended?"

Su Mu shook his head, this thing was strange.

"Let's go, go to the Forbidden Continent area and have a look." Su Mu said.

The three people went straight to the Forbidden Continent. Moreover, a large number of players on the road reminded Su Mu that the people from Northern Russia would call in a few hours later, so they were asked to leave the Forbidden Continent.

As the three of people walked into the city of the Forbidden Continent, they saw a large number of players packing their things, or they were starting to leave the city. In short, the Forbidden Continent was chaotic.

The three Su Mu shuttled through the city, then came to the southern gate of the Forbidden Continent, and then left the city.

"Boss, aren't we going to inquire about the situation in the city?" Cheng Zhuang said in a puzzled way.

Su Mu pointed to the attic ahead and said, "You can find out more clearly when you get there."

Standing outside this attic, Cheng Zhuang looked at the words of the gate and said, "Lingfeng Pavilion? Where?"

Su Mu laughed, then walked in.

Opening the door, Lingfeng Pavilion was still the way it was before. A man was standing inside and was tinkering with the potion. He didn't lift his head and said, "I'm back?"

"Well, how are you doing?"

"It's the same." Ling Feng put down his work, then entertained the three of them to sit down.

He Yang and Cheng Zhuang knew that Su Mu and Ling Feng had known each other a long time ago, so they sat down with no surprise, and then looked around.

Then he looked at Su Mu and said: "After you left, the All Gods Hall controlled the Gods Realm. However, not long ago, all the members of the All Gods Hall entered the second-tier world, and all of them left without leaving. I don't know if it was your intention. "

Su Mu nodded and said: "I said at the beginning, whoever wanted to go, why did they all go all of a sudden?" This makes Su Mu very strange. People in the Hall of Gods shouldn't choose to leave the entire world at this time. If there is no Hall of Gods, who will control development and stability?

Ling Feng glanced at Su Mu, and then said, "So, the people of the Hall of Gods left one after another. Three months ago, all members of the Hall of Gods were all transferred to the second world. The dragons within the Gods' Domain Guild instantly disappeared. The current God's Domain is divided. Although it is still called God's Domain, it is the same as the independence of warlords at the time. Almost every few million people are an independent existence."

Su Mu frowned again: "Zero also went to the second world?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen the remnant soul for a long time, including Lan and Mei. They may have gone to the second world long ago. In reality, you can find them and ask."

Su Mu shook his head. The other day Su Mu went offline and found Zero. At that time, Zero didn't talk about reincarnation. Is the time misaligned again?

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