Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3040: Airspace·Suffocation Array

American Empire.

The headquarters of the Zeus Guild.

The original men and horses have basically gone to the second-tier world. At this time, Zeus can be said to be a new guild leader and vice president.

"Boss! The news just came that Northern Russia, Xian Guo, Han Fei, and Wadao have all been attacked to varying degrees. The people of God's Domain are crazy!" A player quickly rushed into the conference hall.

At this time, Hordos stood up suddenly in the hall, then was taken aback for a moment, then waved his hand to signal the person to go out.

Afterwards, Hordos looked at a coquettish woman in the hall.

"Hey, what do you see me doing? You are in charge of this matter. You said you don't care about it before doing it, so I don't care." Then the woman giggled and left the conference hall.

While walking the woman sneered, attacking China, you can think of it at a loss, even if Jess is here, you can't easily attack China, how old are you?

Even if Su Mu doesn't come, you feel like you can hold down China? What a joke!

Not only the Zeus Guild, but the sun **** at this time, George slowly waved his hand to signal the player to leave, and then looked at the black rose.

"Don't look at me, this is not our sun god. His shadow of God should go to Zeus if he wants revenge." Black Rose said with a smile.

George shook his head and said: "You don't know him too much. This person goes crazy and cares about which guild you are? Direct revenge on the entire country."

"Can't let Nana go offline and call him."

"Do you think Anna would do this?"

"will not."


George sighed helplessly: "My only hope now is not to be too cruel."

"Haha, the president of the dignified sun **** is worried about this here, and there is no one."

"Do you think I am willing? The grandson of Hordos is a reckless man. You have to be prepared for defense when playing China? It's an idiot."

"Fortunately, our guild resident did a defense and missed it, didn't it? The blazing sun of the shadow of God is estimated to not blow down." Black Rose said comfortingly.

George can only comfort himself like this at this time. He only hopes that his anti-protection shield can block the bombing of the gods, or the guild members of the US Empire will be killed in seconds. In that case, the world will be completely destroyed. Was ruled by the Chinese.

"Boss, someone has appeared in the sky above the area!" At this moment, news suddenly came.

George was stunned when he heard the words, then stood up and said: "Here."

Talking about him and Black Rose, they rushed out of the resident conference hall, then raised their heads and looked into the sky.

It seemed that there was nothing, so George took out the telescope props directly and looked at the figure in the sky.

"Black clothes? Isn't it Su Mu?" George couldn't help but frowned. It stands to reason that if China wants to quickly attack the US Empire, then only Su Mu will come over, and now this person is not Su Mu?

George didn't feel much fortunate, because he knew Su Mu very well, this guy would never let the US Empire off so easily.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In an instant, the five supreme gods appeared instantly, and George shook his heart. They were the supreme gods again!

Then he saw that a layer of yellow rune formation suddenly appeared in the sky, and immediately began to expand the sky covering the entire imperial city.


As Athena appeared, George asked: "What's that up there? Can you hold it?"

Athena shook her head: "Master, I have used all the formation runes to defend against the sun. If the **** of the shadow of God, the sun is released, it should be able to block it, but now this person is not the shadow of God. , His ID is Heyang!"

"Who is Heyang?" Black Rose couldn't help being surprised.

George's eyes widened, "Isn't He Yang already dead? How is it possible?"



The yellow rune array fell quickly, and George and the others were startled, there was no harm? What the **** is this formation?

Already frightened by Su Mu's Heaven Extinguishing Array, George had already started to panic at this time.

At this time, Athena stared blankly into the air and said, "This man’s supreme **** is exactly the same as the shadow of God. Although the first rank, it is the strongest supreme **** in the current level of reincarnation. My rank is three levels higher. Master, give up resistance. This formation will not harm the terrain, but 99% of the players in the imperial city will die..."


George again asked in shock: "What formation?"

"Suffocation!" Athena said.

He Yang in the sky looked at the players below with contempt. He came from the fourth-tier world. He couldn't raise the desire to fight for the players in the first-tier world at all. He was no longer a stage or face.

Most of the people here are three or four hundred, which is far from the four-layer world, and cannot be compared at all.

So Heyang directly said at this time: "Airspace·Suffocation Array!! Falling!!!"


Bang! ! !

The formation instantly fell, covering the entire imperial city.

The players in the city, including the resident city outside the city, all looked at this formation in the air, then raised their heads and looked at it, what the **** is this? There is no harm.





"What's wrong? Choking injury?"

"What the hell? The restoration potion won't recover?"

"Damn, the healing technique doesn't work anymore!"

Everyone suddenly felt breathing difficulties at this time, and immediately followed by the suffocation damage. At this time, some players who understood it suddenly realized that this is a special effect damage in the water, which is suffocation! Lost the air.

In other words, in this formation, it is equivalent to underwater, and there is no air, and the damage value caused by the inability to breathe is constantly appearing. Therefore, now the players inside and outside the entire imperial city are constantly dropping damage values?



White light keeps appearing, all players are clutching their necks, unable to breathe, and the suffocation damage keeps appearing, making them unable to go offline unless they are forced to go offline, but this is undoubtedly no different from death, and it is also possible. Lead to data confusion.

So the players inside and outside the entire imperial city were terrified.

Hordos looked at the tens of thousands of damage above his head, his eyes widened.

Seeing the members in his resident city are constantly yelling, he completely lost his attention. If it is an attacking skill, he can still defend it, but how can this invisible formation be removed?

Bang bang bang!

The white light of death completely enveloped the entire continent. The deaths of millions of people, tens of millions of people were very shocking, very beautiful...

At least Heyang looked like this in the air.

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