Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3043: Meet the **** the tree again

Walking on the floor tiles covered with green moss, Su Mu and the three were cautious. The surroundings were too quiet. The quietness made people have a gloomy eye, because it seemed that people all over the world had disappeared.

Cheng Zhuang and Heyang are a little better, because they came to the flower country for the first time, so Quan should be an abandoned city map, but when Su Mu came last time, it was still a crowded flower country, and there was also a flower country king. , Princess etc.

Last time I almost didn't even get out of this flower country, so seeing Hua country empty at this time, to be honest, Su Mu still felt a little scary.

The three people walked on the street and watched the surroundings, but they didn't notice anything, so Su Mu took them to the palace of the flower country.

The entrance of the huge palace has already lost its glory and majesty. The entrance to the palace at this time is full of traces of vines, and Su Mu also accidentally discovered that there are no traces of destruction of the buildings in this country, so It was not caused by the war, so why did the Flower Congress become like this?

Not surprisingly, there would be players setting foot here soon after Su Mu left the flower country.

"Why are there no monsters, boss?" Cheng Zhuang looked around, but still didn't find anything.

He Yang frowned slightly when he looked at the palace hall, saying that he could not see any abnormalities.

Su Mu frowned slightly, then raised his hand and said, "Mu Ling!"

As the wood spirit goddess appeared in the palace, she also looked around and said, "Brother Su didn't feel the existence of the evil body..."

Ling'er couldn't feel it, so what happened to this flower country?

At the beginning, Su Mu met the flying meteors here, that is, a person of a hundred years of reincarnation. Is there any connection between this and a hundred years of reincarnation?

Thinking of Su Mu's involuntary scalp numb, if this is the case, then the Hua Country as a whole migrated for a hundred years?

This is a bit weird, right?

"Let's look around and come back here in half an hour, Ling'er, you can fly into the air to find it, or you can go to the sea of ​​clouds behind to check it." Su Mu said.

Mu Ling nodded, then quickly flew up.

Su Mu squatted on the ground, and then thought about why Hua Country suddenly disappeared, and there was no trace of disappearance.


"Who?!" Su Mu quickly stood up, then looked into a passage behind the palace hall and shouted.

However, there was indeed no sound, and no one was found. Su Mu directly opened up his divine vision.

"Ding! The map blocks any insight skills, please use it later."

Su Mu was horrified again, this map is not dead, and there are new rules that do not allow the use of insight gods?

After carefully walking a few steps forward, he still didn't find anything or anyone. Su Mu simply walked into the corridor and saw a dark area. Nothing was visible inside, but the sound was definitely coming from here.

So Su Mu opened the communication and called Heyang and the others to come back.

After the four people converged, they stood at the entrance of this dark corridor.

"Brother Su who has no breath..." Mu Ling shook his head.

"Forget it, let's go in and take a look, this is the only clue." Su Mu said.

As the four of them entered, Cheng Zhuang took out the lighting props.

The first half of the entire corridor is still occupied by vines, and the inside may be too dark, so the vines no longer breed, and replaced by dark stone bricks, a very common passage similar to a tomb passage.

The four people walked forward for about ten minutes, and then a T-shaped intersection appeared.

After a glance left and right, Su Mu said: "Go to the left, try not to separate, it won't work for a while, we will come back and go right."

"it is good."

It was still Cheng Zhuang taking the lead, and his defensive power was the strongest among the four, so Su Mu didn't say anything.

I went on for about half an hour, and then I saw white light, just like when driving into a tunnel and seeing the end of the tunnel.

Now that it's over, the four Su Mu speeded up and moved forward.

As the eyes became brighter and brighter, everyone faintly saw the green plants outside. They waited until they reached the exit position before they were shocked to discover that this place is still the kind of place eroded by various vegetation, like a The big round pit is generally, with no end in sight.

"Brother Su still doesn't have any breath..." Linger's words have been repeated many times.

However, Su Mu shook his head and said, "Ling'er is the highest **** of the wood element, and the flower country is invaded by plants. This has already shown a problem, that is, Ling'er's evil body is very likely to be here, otherwise in such a short time. It’s a bit unrealistic for the flower country to become the plant kingdom, so this clue still emerged."

Heyang nodded: "Yes, at least a city cannot be completely occupied by plants within a few years, and the coverage area is so large, a bit too fast."

Just as Su Mu and the others were discussing, the food in front of them shook a few times, and then they saw a black shadow passing through.



The Wood Spirit goddess flew up quickly, and then suddenly shot out two canes with both hands.


The cane hit the vegetation directly, and then I saw Linger hoisting a...girl in the air...

This girl, with two circles of plant leaves covering her body up and down, with the green of plants all over her body, and even her hair is of that type. Her eyes are completely green, just like... when Su Mu met here. Like the girl who came to the tree!


These girls actually left the main pole of the plant and moved by themselves?

The Goddess Wood Spirit slowly floated back, and then slowly put the **** the ground, but Linger was still controlling her to prevent her escape.

"Wow, vegetative?" Cheng Zhuang looked at the girl in front of him in shock.

Su Mu is nothing strange. He looked at the girl and said, "Can you talk?"

The girl stared at Su Mu with a wary look on her face without speaking.

The three looked at each other, and Su Mu continued to ask, "Can you understand me?"

The girl nodded suddenly.

Su Mu was overjoyed and asked, "Did you come from the end of the sea of ​​clouds behind? Have you ever grown up on a big tree to face it?"

The girl continued to nod.

"Then have you seen the little girl exactly like her?" Su Mu said, pointing to the wooden spirit in the air.

The girl nodded again.

Su Mu Heyang and Cheng Zhuang could not help but surprise, and the clues are expanding.

Su Mu sorted out his thoughts, and then continued to ask: "Then do you know why this flower country suddenly disappeared? Did you see what happened that year?"

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Suddenly, the girl struggled indiscriminately, and then kept babbling, which made the three of Su Mu frown...

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