Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3045: Brother Su, I want to kill you (8 more)

At this time, the name of the map that Su Mu saw had suddenly become a hundred years of reincarnation, and it was no longer the Flower Country, which made Su Mu involuntarily sluggish.

When did this wooden girl lead them into the teleportation formation? Since it didn't pass the teleportation array, why did it suddenly enter the Centennial Cycle? The most terrifying thing is that now Heyang and Cheng Zhuang are also here, they have also entered a hundred years of reincarnation?

He Yang glanced at Su Mu and said, "This is the parallel reincarnation you discovered before? Are there other reincarnations?"

Su Mu nodded and said, "Not only are there centuries of reincarnation, but also negative years."

"Wow, isn't it on Earth? Would you like to be so scary?" Cheng Zhuang looked at the name of the map with a look of surprise, and the wooden girl next to him still had fear in her eyes. It seemed that this place made her feel very The same as uneasy.

Su Mu glanced around. It was all covered by a sea of ​​clouds, and he couldn't see anything at all. Moreover, Su Mu seemed to understand why the Feihuo Meteor could enter this flower country in the first place. If no accident, he must have entered in confusion at the time. Yes, it's not a teleportation array. The teleportation array came in last, just like Su Mu's current situation. There was no teleportation array at all and it entered the centennial cycle.

"Let's not talk about this, let's find the evil body of Wood Spirit." Su Mu said.

The three nodded, and then Cheng Zhuang comforted the wooden girl to stay here, while Su Mu and He Yang spread their wings and pulled Cheng Zhuang and started flying into the sea of ​​clouds.

The three of them were searching in the sky over the sea of ​​clouds, but they had been waiting to be far away from the wooden girl Su Mu before summoning the goddess of wood spirit. The skills of the goddess of wood spirit flew towards them. Su Mu and Heyang searched separately.

The area of ​​the sea of ​​clouds is so large that Su Mu can't see the end even if he expands his insight into the gods. He can't even see what the situation is under the sea of ​​clouds. He just knows that this is a century of reincarnation, and there is no other information.

An hour later, Mu Ling finally sent a message and felt the existence of the evil body, so Heyang and Su Mu directly began to move towards the location of the Mu Ling goddess.

After waiting for the four of them to converge, they landed on a mountain in the sea of ​​clouds. The area of ​​this mountain was small, like a foothold in the sea. After the four of them landed directly on it, the goddess of wood spirit stared at him. Forward said: "Brother Su, over there..."

At this time, the sea of ​​clouds in the front left is slowly dissipating, and the appearance of this mountain is beginning to show its appearance, and it is still a huge green to plant mountain, you can hardly see any stones, even Su Mu and the others There is a thick layer of moss under his feet.

As the sea of ​​clouds gradually disappeared, and where the wood spirit was pointing, two huge leaves appeared in front of everyone. Then they saw the two leaves slowly spread out, and a girl inside was holding her own Knees, head down...

"Evil body!" Mu Ling goddess murmured.

Su Mu could also see it, judging from the figure and the outline of the girl's face, it was the evil body of the Goddess of Wood Spirit, but it was really unexpected for Su Mu to appear in the Centennial Samsara.


As the two leaves unfolded, the evil wood spirit inside was slowly dragged up by a tree stump below, and then came to a level with Su Mu and the others before slowly stopping.

The wood spirit evil body squatting in the same place slowly stood up.

With a pleated skirt, cicada-wing-like attire, with the green eyeballs and the green oil paint on the cheeks, who can it be if it is not a wood spirit evil body?

She stood up slowly, then stared at Su Mu and the Goddess Wood Spirit with a smile, and then chuckled. The tender voice was very moving, but the atmosphere was gloomy.

"Brother are here..." The evil body looked at Su Mu and smiled, but the feeling for Su Mu was so creepy.

The wood spirit goddess beside him frowned slightly and said, "You are not allowed to call Brother Su!"

The evil wood spirit laughed again, and then looked at the wood spirit goddess and said, "You are me, and I am also you. Why can't you call Brother Su? Or do you deny that I am you? Then who am I? Who are you? Ling'er, you and Sister Shuilan are so far away, why don’t you accept my existence? You forgot, it was the female emperor who helped Brother Su to seal you and me, you forgot La?"

"Shut up!" The Goddess Wood Spirit couldn't help but angrily said: "All that is for us to get together with Brother Su again, don't jump to conclusions, all things in your evil body are arguing and thinking in bad directions. I don’t know how to empathize with others. This is why we have to kill you after we become gods!"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh This universe admits, Mu Ling, are you right?"

The Goddess Wood Spirit was speechless, but she still frowned.

Su Mu looked at the wood spirit's evil body and smiled slightly. It was indeed a weird elf. The wood spirit's evil body had sharp teeth, which was completely different from Shui Lan and Tu Li. This little girl would not seem to be very easy to deal with.

"Cheng Zhuang!"


As Su Mu yelled, Cheng Zhuang rushed down quickly, and then he heard the noise in the jungle.

boom! ! !

The wooden stake below the evil wood spirit made a sudden explosion, and then the stake was seen directly tilting and collapsing, but the evil wood spirit in the air was still suspended in place, and it seemed that it didn't care about the act of becoming strong.

"Hehe, Brother Su, I want to kill you..."


Boom boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom boom!

"Brother Su, be careful!" At this time, the wood spirit goddess directly propped up the huge green shield, and at this time, the surrounding tree vines rose to the sky, and the surrounding area of ​​at least a thousand square meters formed a circle, the tree vines from below It rushed up quickly, and then went straight to the sky, like a huge wall.

He Yang frowned slightly, the evil body of the Supreme God was more difficult to deal with than he thought.

"Su Mu, I will try to break through these trees and vines, you are responsible for attacking the evil body!" He Yang flew quickly as he said.



A huge vine descended from the air, and then shot Heyang directly into the mountains. Heyang disappeared. At this time, Cheng Zhuang quickly rushed to assist Heyang. On the opposite side, Su He and the Goddess of Wood Spirit were left.

"Hehe, Brother Su, you are dead, everyone is happy."

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