Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3058: The opposite of Cheng Zhuang

As Xing Tian's figure disappeared, Su Mu screamed, because Xing Tian had already come to Cheng Zhuang's side at this time. If nothing else, this blow would definitely hit Cheng Zhuang.

Although Su Mu and He Yang both knew that Cheng Zhuang's defensive power was invincible, they were still a little worried at this time. This Xing Tian dared to stand here alone must have confidence, not the kind of imposing momentum.

so, Su Mu and He Yang looked at each other at this time, and then they heard a bang!

Cheng Zhuang's figure was quickly knocked into the air, and quickly fell to the right.

However, before Cheng Zhuang's figure landed, he saw Xing Tian's figure hit the past again, and the long knife in his hand directly cut into Cheng Zhuang's waist.



The damage value of more than 500,000 yuan came out. Although it was not a fatal damage, Su Mu and He Yang stared at the damage.

Because both of them know that if they don’t use super skills, even the two of them will not be able to cause damage to Cheng Zhuang. Su Mu had already tried it, and it seems that only skills above the God Sovereign Lieyang level can cause damage to Cheng Zhuang. Hurt, but Xingtian in front of him only caused more than half a million damage in a basic attack? How can this not surprise Su Mu and He Yang?


Cheng Zhuang was shot down to the ground, then frowned at Xing Tian.

"Haha! Invincible? Invincible hammer, there is no invincible person in front of our Xingtian boss! A fool!"


The people of the Hongye Union finally spit out this bad breath. When fighting with Cheng Zhuang before, I don’t know how many people were shocked and speechless, because Cheng Zhuang could not be broken, and now they saw Cheng Zhuang’s damage value. not worried.

"What class are you?" Cheng Zhuang raised his brows and asked solemnly at this time. This is the first time he was hit with damage after developing his own hidden class. Cheng Zhuang has always been proud of what Su Mu couldn't break his defenses. But now, this person's general attack actually caused more than half a million damage, which made Cheng Zhuang a little unacceptable.

And the opposite Xing Tian smiled faintly: "There are people outside the world, there are days outside the sky, boy, do you think you are invincible? This is the five-layer world, not your one. If you pretend to be forced here, you might be struck by lightning. Come on, come on! I want to see how invincible you are."

Cheng Zhuang was so angry that he suddenly clenched his fists, and then rushed up like a gorilla.


With a whistle, Cheng Zhuang's figure quickly came to Xing Tian, ​​and Xing Tian didn't seem to want to be a Zhuang skill, so he put the long knife in front of him.


With a crisp sound, Cheng Zhuang's fist directly hit the long knife, and then shocked Xing Tian and quickly retreated.

Bang bang bang~


Cheng Zhuang's fist quickly attacked the long sword that Xing Tian was blocking in front of him. Cheng Zhuang wanted to attack Xing Tian's body but all were blocked by the long sword.

After waiting for Cheng Zhuang's fist gap to appear, Xing Tian suddenly waved, and the direction of the long knife hit Cheng Zhuang's shoulder directly.



The damage value of 120,000 is not much, but once again surprised the three Su Mu, Cheng Zhuang also widened his eyes at this time, and then shouted!


The fist directly hit the arm blocked by Xing Tian's left hand, and then he saw Xing Tian's whole person being beaten into flight, with a million-level damage value on his head.

"Damn, Lao Tzu's iron fist is already hungry and thirsty, keep coming!" Cheng Zhuangda shouted, completely angry.

Xing Tian fell on the ground, then frowned slightly, as if he was a little surprised by the strength of Cheng Zhuang, but what he didn't know at this time was that Su Mu and He Yang were the most shocked. This Xing Tianpu attacked and defended Cheng Zhuang definitely not because of his attack power. Too high.

In terms of attack power, it is estimated that no one can compare with Su Mu, so Xing Tian's profession is very strange.


The two rushed forward again.


Only seeing Xing Tian rush towards Cheng Zhuang, the long knife smashed directly at Cheng Zhuang’s forehead...

At this time, Cheng Zhuang's head tilted, letting the long knife hit his shoulder.


The long knife hit Cheng Zhuang again, but now Cheng Zhuang grabbed Xing Tian's long knife with both hands, and then saw Xing Tian suddenly startled...


"Ah!" everyone exclaimed, because at this time Xing Tian was directly taken by Cheng Zhuang with a long knife and flew up, and he turned in a circle to form Xing Tian's continuous rotation in mid-air...

With a cry, the moment Cheng Zhuang let go, a punch hit Xing Tian's waist.





Xing Tian fell directly into the crowd.

The people of the Hongye Trade Union became sluggish again, even the boss of Xingtian? What kind of monster is this Cheng Zhuang?

Su Mu and He Yang glanced at each other, but what they saw was not how strong Chengzhuang's combat power was, because they knew Chengzhuang too well, so at this time they were even more shocked by the guy named Xingtian.

"Stand up and continue!" Cheng Zhuang stood in the crowd and shouted at the place where Xing Tian was thrown.

Everyone looked at Xing Tian's direction.

With a bang, Xing Tian's figure rose directly into the sky, and then suddenly raised a knife in the air with both hands and shouted, "Dare you take me a knife!!!"

Cheng Zhuang looked at Xing Tian in the air, and then sneered.


The gas shield appeared directly on Cheng Zhuang's body, and then stood half-horse step on the spot, putting his hands on top of his head: "I won't move when I pick you up!"

In fact, at this time, the stubborn temper of Cheng Zhuang also came up. After his career development, Su Mu was unable to break through the defenses. What is the basis of this punishment? So now Cheng Zhuang wants to prove that he is not his opponent at all!

Cheng Zhuang summoned a shield, it was almost invincible, Su Mu had experienced it firsthand.

At this time, the people of the Hongye Trade Union were praying, hoping that Boss Xing Tian could kill these three people to vent their anger, but now suddenly seeing Boss Xing's skill, everyone exclaimed...

Because only people from the Hongye Trade Union know that the high-altitude slashing skill of Xingtian boss once killed a Supreme God instantly, and even split the body of the Supreme God in two, so this growth, his physique of the Supreme God?

boom! ! ! !

The huge gas instantly caused the dust on the ground to fly. Both Su Mu and He Yang had to block the dust with their arms. Although the Hongye Union members were very anxious, they turned their heads to avoid them.

At this time, the middle position is very quiet.

After waiting for the dust to fall, everyone suddenly widened their eyes after seeing the scene inside. Su Mu and He Yang were a little bit weird...

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