Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3062: Thunder Cloud Wasteland

Five layers of the world.

A barren piece of land.

At this time, even though the five Su Mu had teleported together, the desolation around them still made them feel that they were abandoned by the world.

Heyang and Ye Na couldn't help showing longing expressions looking at the barren terrain.

"The five-layer world is different from the previous ones. There are very few players here, so few are pitiful." Ye Na said.

He Yang also nodded, then looked at Su Mu and said: "The five-tier world is seriously just an excessive level. Here, you can almost meet up to two players in a day. The scarcity of players is beyond our imagination. When I came back here from the wheel of time, I almost didn't suffocate to death."

Su Mu knew that He Yang had directly come to the fifth-tier world, and that Chengfeng's younger brother Po Lang had talked about He Yang, so Su Mu nodded directly.

Looking at the desert in front of you, you can't even see any landmarks, it's an endless plain, extremely desolate!

There seems to be a layer of sandstorm floating in the sky, which makes the sun not shine in many times, so the five people can't distinguish the north, south, east, and west. They can only balance and feel away.

"Actually, if I guessed correctly, this five-layer world would seem to be the location of the evil body of your Thunder System Supreme God, because Nana and I have seen a place here called Thunder Cloud Wasteland."

Ye Na said: "Yes, Thunder Cloud Wasteland, that is the place where we currently know the most players in the five-tier world."

"The most players?"

He Yang led the way and said: "Yes, there are bosses and players over there. Because it is a huge copy of the terrain map, you can easily meet players over there, and there is thunder and lightning everywhere, and it doesn't rain. So I feel that there should be the location of the evil body of the Thunder System Supreme God, shall we go there first?"

Su Mu nodded, every level of the world will have its own supreme god's evil body, so Su Mu naturally will not let go of any possibility.

A group of six people walked slowly in this wasteland following Heyang and Ye Na's lead, and occasionally stopped to discern the direction, because at first glance, all the plains here are deserted, and the sun will come out and disappear. As a result, the sense of direction is very poor, so when Heyang leads the way, he has to walk for a while and wait for the sun to identify the direction.

After about four or five hours of walking, Su Mu and others finally saw the thundercloud wasteland right in front of them.

The name of this terrain is too appropriate, because at this time they saw the lightning from a distance constantly hit the ground, and the sound of rumbling came in bursts, as if it was the end of the world, and the light on the map in front was relatively dim. There are dark clouds.

"People in the five-tier world are very cruel. You must be careful when you encounter players. Among them, 99% will rob!" Heyang said.

Ye Na glanced at Luo Qingcheng at this time, then smiled and said: "A girl like you will be the focus in the fifth-tier world, and will be frequently noticed by some players. You must pay attention anyway. Take the veil."

Luo Qingcheng smiled, and then followed Ye Na with the veil before asking, "Why do people in the fifth-tier world have to rob?"

"Because there are few supplies, living here, you at least need to restore medicine, pure water, etc., and the monsters here are scarce, the explosion rate is lower, it is obviously much faster to rob players than to find the boss, so the five-layer world forms an independent Existence is very special. Everyone is like this. If we encounter robbers, we can also become robbers. It depends on whose combat effectiveness is strong."

Cheng Zhuang looked at the magnificent Thunder Cloud Wasteland in front of him and said, "Damn, this is the place where the weak can eat the strong."

"That's right, the weak will eat the strong! The real food chain is reflected." Heyang said.



The thunder and lightning suddenly fell in front of everyone, and then they saw that the ground was scorched black, and they stood in place and looked at the terrain in front of them. It was extremely shocking. The entire wasteland was full of scorched black color, and no plants were even visible. It's normal land that can't be seen.

Everyone continued to move forward. Because of the line of sight problem, the distance that Su Mu could see was about two kilometers, and then he couldn't see anything. Therefore, everyone walked very slowly, fearing that they would be in the wrong direction.

After walking around for a few hours again, Heyang suddenly stopped where he was. At this time everyone saw what the group of people in front of him was doing, and.


Zi Zi Zi~

Thunder and lightning struck one of them in an instant, and then saw that person stretched out his hands as if welcoming thunder and lightning, sparks of thunder and lightning emanated from all over his body, and then looked like enjoying, several players around cheered one after another...

"Haha! It's amazing! I can finally absorb thunder..."

"Brother Shuo is awesome, so we won't have to be afraid of thunder and lightning here in the future."

At this time, Su Mu opened his insight into the gods, and then said: "The person who picked up the thunder and lightning is called Shuo, level 800, and the rest are below 800, but the profession is very special. Please be careful."


"Ah!" Suddenly, Luo Qingcheng screamed, because a bolt of lightning directly struck her feet, even her skirt, which caused Luo Qingcheng to scream uncontrollably.

And this scream directly attracted the attention of the group of people in front, they slowly turned around, and then looked at Su Mu and the others.

"They are here." Su Mu said.

He Yang looked back at Su Mu and said, "Everyone, be careful, this group is definitely going to rob!"

Cheng Zhuang stroked his arms and said, "Let them come, I also want to move my muscles and bones. I have been walking for a long time in this place where birds don't shit."

Xing Tian glanced at Cheng Zhuang and hummed, "Are you capable of fighting?"

"Fuck, are you not convinced?"


"Try another fight? Not counting last time, I didn't use the strongest defense!" Cheng Zhuang was dissatisfied.

Su Mu looked helpless, then looked at the guy in front of him and said: "Don't make a noise, Da Zhuang, you go up and ask them if there is anything weird around here."

Cheng Zhuang nodded, then snorted to Xing Tian before walking forward.

Su Mu and He Yang could have thought of this with the contemptuous expression on Xing Tian's face. These two people, one with extreme defense and strength, and the other with extreme combat power and speed, are completely two different extreme abnormalities.

They are also two live treasures, neither one accepts the other.

"Hey! You guys, is there anything weird around here?" Cheng Zhuang walked to a distance of 30 meters in front of Su Mu and the others, then looked at the seven or eight people in front of him and asked.

Su Mu and the others were speechless. Isn't this grown-up too silly?

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