Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3074: With the strongest skills

Lei Nu Suyan was speechless for a while when she heard Su Mu's words, she nodded and said, "Okay! Keep coming!"

Obviously, the faint shield disappeared, but Su Mu was smiling, and then rushed up suddenly.

"Drink!!" Su Mu screamed in surprise, and then saw that his body turned into a phantom, teleporting to Lei Nu's Su Yan, and the long sword fell directly on top of her head.

But Su Mu still saw her faint smile, that kind of disdainful, ironic smile.

"Eternal Shaking Sword!!"

"Backpack blessing!"

"Weapon blessing!"

"The power of the gods!"

"God kills twice!"

"God-Destroying Heaven Sword!!"

Within a second, Su Mu played six skills, and blessed the power of the sword, directly on the top of Lei Nu Su Yan's head.



Bang! ! ! !

The huge impact did not repel Lei Nu's face, but at this time Su Mu saw that dense damage values ​​appeared on her head...







The -1 damage value came out one after another, which seemed to be the biggest irony to Su Mu.

Although she no longer has that layer of shield on her body, her damage value is still -1!

This damage value is not enough for her to automatically recover more health, and Su Mu can be sure that the health value of this Lei Girl's face must exceed 100 million. She is not the supreme **** in the heyday, let alone the perfect supreme, so the health value should not be 999. !

Otherwise, the frequency of shaking the sword just now has killed her, but her vitality bar has not diminished in the slightest.



Su Mu panted, then stopped and looked at her.

"I said, you can't kill me." Lei Nu's face still looked at Su Mu with that ironic smile.

At this moment, the only thing Su Mu was thinking about was what skills could break her -1 damage? If there is a higher damage value, then the Divine Domain Double Kill should be able to stack the damage, but it is all -1...


"The power of the gods!"

"God, shock sword soul!"

With a whistle, Su Mu's long sword pierced her chest again.

Divine Venerable Sword Soul. This skill is a skill that the Divine Venerable Illusion Sword has recently evolved. Su Mu does not know if it has any effect, but he knows that this skill should be one of the strongest skills at present. If this skill is not correct She caused harm, so Su Mu really didn't know what to do.

So at this time, Su Mu could only go all out.



What the hell?

Is the damage value of -1 just now? Why did it suddenly become a miss?

"Chuck... Lord God? Why are you getting more and more frustrated? It's worse than the skill just now?" Lei Nu's Su Yan suddenly giggled, but it sounded so ironic, it was a mockery.

Su Mu quickly retreated, then stared at the smiling evil body without makeup.

Now, it seems that there is still one skill that has not been used.

Su Mu was filled with emotion, because when the Divine Sword would be promoted next time, he didn't know when he originally wanted to keep this skill to use the dark element, but now it seems that this evil body can't kill it without using all the skills.

Su Mu glanced at the last skill of Divine Sword.

Deity · Ancient Power: Summon the Ancient King Kong Sword, infinite and infinite, short-cut, skill count: 12

After using this skill last time, Su Mu has no plans to continue using this skill, it's a pity...

The long sword pointed at the thunderclouds in the sky, and yellow gas began to appear all over Su Mu's body, and it went straight into the sky around the long sword.

At this time, Lei Nu’s Su Yan also raised her head and looked at the sky. The yellow sword aura instantly broke through the thunder cloud, and then formed a huge yellow sword aura in mid-air, which is the infinitely enlarged version of God’s Domain. No, then Su Mu really has no choice.

Therefore, Su Mu suddenly summoned two avatars before.

As the skill singing slowly formed, Su Mu's first clone also held a long sword and pointed at the sky: "Compression·God respects the blazing sun!"

The second clone is to release the killing **** Zhuxian!

The three skills are released together, which is the maximum control that Su Mu can achieve at present.

Because the three skills are all super skills, Su Mu cannot control more than three clones, so he can only summon two. Moreover, for the current battle, if none of these three skills can kill her, then Is it possible for Su Mu to kill her? You know, these three skills are already Su Mu's killer features, and there is no more powerful skill than these three skills...



The sky's energy gathered, Su Mu frowned.

But the unfaced evil body looked at the air, then nodded and said: "It's not bad, the three skills are released together. This is really hard for you, and it is the three most powerful skills on the magic sword. ?"

Su Mu was not in the mood to speak. There was at least five seconds of skill chanting. Once distracted, the clone would disappear. So at this time, Su Mu was absorbed in sweating on his forehead.

Su Yan's evil body stood on the altar, and then slowly drew her hands away, as if she was welcoming raindrops. She smiled and looked at the huge yellow sword in the sky and smiled: "Come on! Let Su Yan see you now Real strength!"


Hum! boom! !

The three skills of God Honoring the Sun, the Ancient Power, and Killing the Gods and Immortals, converged, and exploded the fiery red light directly in the air.

The one-hundred-meter giant sword turned directly into red at this time, and the compressed deity Lieyang was also attached to the tip of the divine sword at this time, suddenly falling onto the head of the plain evil body.

Boom! !

A huge shock came, and the two clones of Su Mu were directly dispersed by the shock wave, and then a strong air blow, like water ripples, blowing layer by layer, Su Mu's body was directly knocked into the air, and It quickly swept through the air.

The rumbling voice came from far, far away. At this moment, at a distance of tens of thousands of meters, He Yang and Luo Qingcheng stared at the flames ahead.

"Kill it?" Luo Qingcheng asked.

He Yang shook his head: "I can't see clearly, but now it seems that Su Mu's strongest skill has been's almost ruined."

"What's this? My brother's original god, the strong sun, can destroy most of the fifth-tier world!" Cheng Zhuang smiled and said, the Wa Island of the first-tier world is still sinking in Haiti. This is the best proof.

Xing Tian glanced at Cheng Zhuang and said, "Speaking of which, why didn't the boss let us take action?"

"Yes! I have always wanted to ask this question." Ye Na looked at Heyang, and Luo Qingcheng also looked at Heyang.

This question has been bothering them, but He Yang said with a faint smile at this time: "You will understand this matter in a while, but this evil body can't really kill it?"

boom! !

The huge shock wave came to He Yang and the others at this time, almost like blowing people up...

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