Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3088: Why not run away


The dozens of people standing in the compound were all taken aback, because they suddenly saw three people rushing in. Among them, there was a Yan Xiaochun they knew.

Seeing this woman, everyone was surprised and worried. They all fled. Why did they come back? Why are you going to die! ?

Everyone looked at Yan Xiaochun worriedly, but there were still two people at this time, one with a broken arm and a normal man.

Only saw that man fell directly beside Zhou Yaojing, and then he held her shoulders.

"Sister Zhou! We're here to save you!" Yan Xiaochun stared at Shiraki Bilu warily.

Zhou Wenling had bleeding at the corners of his mouth, and then smiled. If Yan Xiaochun came alone, Zhou Wenling could only be more worried, but looking at the man with his arms around him, Zhou Wenling only smiled relaxedly, as if, All the pressure was released instantly, and there was no worry at all. This feeling made Zhou Wenling completely understand what a sense of security is.

Of course, Zhou Wenling, who is nostalgic for ancient martial arts, has also been tortured in the past few days, whether it is because of the physical and mental injuries he fought with this person.

Just as I said before, but fortunately this Shiraki doesn't like women, this is the only thing I mean fortunately.

Because I knew Yan Xiaochun, Shiraki Hiro stepped back, then smiled and said, "It looks like another slave girl is coming to serve my brother..."

At this time, Su Mu stroked Zhou Wenling's bangs, then wiped the blood stains on the corners of her mouth, put one arm around her shoulder, and said distressedly: "Fairy Zhou, why don't you let me worry about it?"

Zhou Wenling smiled, and then leaned on Su Mu's shoulder: "Everyone said that the end is fun..."

Both Yan Xiaochun and Long Chengli opened their eyes wide. They both knew Zhou Wenling's existence. Yan Xiaochun knew Zhou Wenling very well. He dismissed men and was completely strong among the strong women. In this last days Among them, I don't know how many men coveted her, and some strong men confessed to her, but the sister Zhou that I knew was completely dismissive, as if he didn't like men.

But now, she actually leaned on Su Mu's shoulder, with a charming little woman's smile, and how could she act like a baby? !

Completely stunned, this movie is not only a man who knew Sister Zhou, but also !

Long Chengli is not much better. The name Zhou Jie is respected in this area of ​​the west of the city, and she is also the dream lover of countless men. Here is not only seeing the man Zhou Jie likes, but also seeing her acting like a baby?

OMG! Simply unacceptable!

At this time, Shiraki Bilu was also a little surprised watching Zhou Wenling leaning on Su Mu's shoulder, this thin guy was actually Zhou Fairy's man? It's ridiculous!

And Li who was behind him never yelled angrily at this time: "Damn! Let go of her! She is mine! No one can be defiled! Big brother!"

Shiraki Bilu waved his hand to indicate that Li did not feel safe, so Li Buzeng could only stare at Su Mu with his fist. Su Mu actually looked at Fairy Zhou with a smile on his face, which was simply unacceptable.

Yan Xiaochun reacted at this time, and she quickly said: "Sister Zhou, you and Ying and they leave quickly, I'm blocking him!"

Long Chengli also nodded. At this time, it was only Yan Xiaochun who was going to block Bai Mu. The three of them could only delay time if they wanted to leave, and then have a good chance to meet Yan Xiaochun, otherwise they would not be able to leave here, this Bai Mu is too stronger than Lu It's so strong that people here can't have the desire to fight him, because this person is no longer a human...


Yan Xiaochun's shoulders were put on Zhou Wenling, and then she saw Zhou Wenling squatting slowly on the corner of the wall, directly pulling her shoulders, she said weakly, "Xiaochun, come, sit down and watch the excitement..."

"!!!" Yan Xiaochun stared at Zhou Wenling with wide eyes, and sat down to watch the excitement? What to watch?

This Shiraki Hiro is a pervert, if they don't leave now, they will never be able to leave! But looking at Zhou Wenling's appearance, he didn't seem to have any worries. Did he give up? Can't escape?

Not only Yan Xiaochun, but Su Mu looked down at Yan Xiaochun and said: "Help me watch Fairy Zhou and watch the excitement by the way."

Yan Xiaochun stared at Su Mu with a look of shock: "What are you going to do? You will die! And you will die miserably! This Shiraki Bilu still likes men, are you crazy?"

"Big brother, what are you going to do? You can't beat this person at all!" Long Chengli was also surprised.

However, Su Mu had already moved forward and began to move his muscles and bones.

At this time, Shiraki Hiro smiled when he saw that Su Mu didn't mean to run away: "It seems that I can sneak in in front of so many guards."

The dozens of men standing in the yard had finished secretly at this time, and they all came in. Why didn't they rush out? Maybe he can leave that way. Since this person is Sister Zhou's man, he should think about Sister Zhou.

But now it was too late to say anything, and there was no chance to escape anymore.

Li never shouted behind Bai Mu: "Brother, kill him! You must kill him!"

Faced with Su Mu's arms around Zhou Wenling's shoulders, and Zhou Wenling's admiring gaze looking at Su Mu, Li Buzeng couldn't stand it, this person must die! How else would he be willing?

Shiraki Bilu did not answer Li Buzeng, but looked at Su Mu and said, "You, if you can survive within three strokes, I won't kill you... if you can't survive... then naturally you will die... Hahaha! "

At this moment, Zhou Wenling, who was sitting in the corner with a faint smile, looked at Su Mu's figure and said, "You actually know his name is Ying?"

Yan Xiaochun was still nervous at this time. She nodded and said, "I met yesterday, Sister Zhou, who is he? Why didn't he run away? Bai Mu is no longer human, you see his skin is red. , Obviously has mutated, even you are not his opponent, how can Ying? He is looking for death..."

Zhou Wenling smiled and shook his head, then exhaled: "Let's watch quietly..."


"Ah!" Yan Xiaochun exclaimed, because at this time, Bai Mu's body quickly came to Su Mu's front, and his fist went straight to Su Mu's front door, and the reason that made him scream was that Bai Mu was too fast, Su Mulian There is no prelude to avoiding it, so it is impossible for Su Mu to avoid it...

Seeing this, almost people have begun to close their eyes, because they don't know how many people have been blown to the head by Hiroki Shiraki, the **** scene, they don't want to see...

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