Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3095: Put away the kind heart

Su Mu could only deal with Long Xueji's'mouse'.

This woman’s cliff was deliberate, and Su Mu could hear Zhou Wenling’s laughter in the walkie-talkie. It seemed that Long Xueji was talking about things in the cycle of time. This made Su Mu quite helpless. Are all accidents? How can you be regarded as peeking at her by yourself?

However, Su Mu was really shocked along the way.

There is a mess everywhere, and the whole world seems to be quiet. Although zombies come out at night, they rarely see people during the day. According to Zhou Wenling, it’s because people are more afraid of those that are harder than zombies during the day. Entangled humans, so even during the day when people walk, they are very careful, and those who can avoid swinging around will avoid them.

The so-called swagger is that Su Mu and the others, driving a car, under normal circumstances, will not encounter any danger, even if they encounter one or two zombies, they can directly kill them, so people do not dare to appear.

Su Mu felt a little helpless. Although he had seen it in the world of the goddess Fengxi, it is another matter to feel it with his own eyes, because the people here are all teleported from samsara, that is to say, here The six-layer future world is all real human beings, not the same as the future world where the goddess Fengxi was originally visited.

So overall Su Mu was still a little unbearable that the world had become the end.

And at this moment, Su Mu suddenly saw three people standing on an abandoned bus directly in front, and there were still three girls.

These three girls are wearing ragged denim shorts, their T-shirts have been torn, exposing large areas of skin, plus the thighs of these three women are exposed, matching this doomsday environment, giving people It feels a little weird...

Most importantly, because the car was not driving fast, Su Mu only realized when he saw the faces of the three girls that the girl in the middle had a bandage on her thigh, and the blood was still flowing down her thigh.

Su Mu originally thought Zhou Wenling would stop, but at this time he saw that Zhou Wenling had no intention of slowing down.

"Zhou Fairy, stop!" Su Mu picked up the intercom and said.

However, at this time Long Xueji’s voice came: "Don't stop, go straight."

Su Mu frowned, and then saw Zhou Wenling's car drove directly past the bus. Because the bus was in the middle of the road, Zhou Wenling went directly to the pit and then drove out. Su Mu could only follow her. Now, this four-wheel drive can show its advantages, and if it is changed to a sedan, it will definitely be trapped in the middle of the road.

"Help us! Help us!"

The three girls kept waving their hands, with a faint look on their faces. Su Mu frowned slightly, then stopped directly behind the bus and opened the door.

The three girls turned around immediately after seeing Su Mu stopped, and then stood on the bus roof and looked at Su Mu.

Zhou Wenling's car also stopped, but to Su Mu's surprise, these two women actually came out with guns...

Su Mu was startled, and then he saw Zhou Wenling watching the surroundings vigilantly and saying: "After all those things, how can I still not lose my compassion? This is the end, not the normal earth world. Take away your kindness. heart of."

Su Mu looked at Zhou Wenling with a little astonishment, but he immediately thought of the crux of the problem. This is the doomsday. Women rarely act alone, especially the three beautiful women, who are dressed so barely, so...

Seven or eight men suddenly appeared around, all holding pistols, rifles, and even one person in front of a bazooka.

"Haha, finally waited for a big job!" One of the middle-aged men, his mouth full of yellow teeth, looked extremely disgusting.

Su Mu said: "In fact, if we keep going forward, your car may be blown up by the rocket launcher..."

Zhou Wenling and Long Xueji looked at each other helplessly, and then saw that the yellow-toothed man walked out slowly, but at this moment, the three women on the roof of the car took their expressions and replaced them with Seeing the lively look, the girl with the injured thigh in the middle seemed to have no problems.

Is this a robbery?

First use women to relax the vigilance of passers-by. If all passing by are lustful men, then these three women will become fatal existences.

"Haha, put down your guns!" Huang Yanan said, standing in front of Zhou Wenling and Long Xueji.

At this time, Long Xueji and Zhou Wenling could only throw their pistols on the ground, and then they were kicked away by the yellow-fanged man. Not all the people around were smiling greedy.

And Huang Fang walked up to Long Xueji at this time, and then looked at Long Xueji's figure and said exasperatedly: "These two women are so enchanting, let them be the bait when you come here..."

"Hahaha!" everyone laughed.

After that, the yellow tooth man approached Long Xueji again, then raised Long Xueji’s chin, and said with a smile: "However, you have to serve Lao Tzu before being a bait. Here, no useless people are raised. , Chick, if you want to survive, just show your skills...hahaha!"

After Su Mu secretly said, this yellow-toothed man dared to pick Long Xueji's chin? Can this woman use a gun in a fight?


He only heard a scream, and then saw Long Xueji's figure disappear directly in place, and then saw Zhou Wenling's figure quickly rushing towards the surrounding crowd.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The gunfire instantly spread into the ears, and the three women on the roof of the car squatted down to cover their heads, while Su Mu and the yellow tooth man stood there and looked at the two women alone.

Bang bang bang!

The bullet did not hit the two enchanting women at all, but saw these two women hit all the men on both sides to the ground. In just two seconds, the few people all lay on the ground, and they All the guns in his hand were thrown at Huang Yaman's feet.

At this time, Huang Fang was stunned, and then tremblingly looked at Long Xueji and Zhou Wenling who were slowly walking towards him.

"Now, do you still want grandma to serve you?" Long Xueji smiled, and then raised the yellow-toothed man's chin with her green little finger.

When she saw the yellow-toothed man's mouthful of yellow teeth, she turned around with a vomit.

He slapped him in the face.

"It's not your fault to be ugly. Aunt and grandma can't stand it!" Long Xueji slapped the yellow-toothed man on the ground.

"Right right! It's my fault, my fault, please spare me, the two heroines spare my life!"

How can the Huang Yaman at this time have the momentum and prestige just now? He had completely changed two extremes, but Su Mu frowned slightly at this time.

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