Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3097: Crazy highway

In fact, the person Su Mu had killed should be the most of the three of them, but it was the first time that Su Mu had encountered this situation. Su Mu had never done this, nor thought about it.

In the Shadow of the Remnant Soul, all the people who have been killed are war mongers. The people who should be killed have never killed ordinary people, let alone ordinary women!

But the incident before him changed Su Mu's mood.

In this doomsday, it is true that you cannot be kind. Of course, you can maintain this kindness, but you must also distinguish whether the person you want to help needs help.

Long Xueji walked directly to the driving door of the car and said, "Go and sit in the car in front. I'll drive for a while, and you should be able to get to Kyoto today."

Zhou Wenling took Su Mu to the first car, and then sat in the co-pilot.

In fact, for Su Mu, killing a few people would not affect his mood at all, but what affected Su Mu was the human nature of this world.

As the car started, Zhou Wenling glanced at Su Mu while driving, "I know what you think, does this world become like this? I tell you, no, there are many people who are kind. For example, in our Eden prison, those people are kind-hearted people and don't want to break the moral line because they can't do it."

"Of course, a large number of people will be the same as you just saw. Moral breakdown, loss of humanity, people more terrifying than zombies, whether they are men or women, their hearts have been twisted, just like those three women, If Long Xueji doesn’t kill them, they will organize to do this kind of thing in the future, because both food and water are too easy, and they can satisfy their various desires..."

"Long Xueji did the right thing, and you did the right thing. The mistake is that this is the end of the world, not the earth we live in. Therefore, there is no kindness in the end of the day, let alone compassion!"

Su Mu glanced at Zhou Wenling and said, "I understand what you said, but did you see when the three women shot? No frown, as if they do it often."

"Of course, women who can survive this doomsday are either cruel and able to protect themselves, or they are protected by men. Only these two conditions can survive, otherwise you think the three of them are standing in the car in such naked clothes. What is it for? To attract men to **** them? Don't be stupid! In this world, there is no time for women to hide. Who would be stupid enough to stand in the middle of the road and stop people?"

Su Mu stretched his shoulders.

"Do you know why all kinds of bottom-end scams on mobile phones can cheat money so many years ago? There are some fools who think that there is a bargain to take advantage of, and some men are deceived by beautiful pictures of mobile phones and feel like peach blossoms have arrived. Haha, in this world, people are better than monkey spirits, and there are those who are cheaper than ordinary people!" Zhou Wenling laughed self-deprecatingly.

The car drove very quickly. In the afternoon, Su Mu was closing his eyes and rested. Then he heard Zhou Wenling honking his horn, which awakened Su Mu. He didn't use a horn on the road, so he was naturally awakened.

At this time, I saw that the car was driving on the national highway. Although some cars were blocking it, it could still travel. However, at this time, a truck was blocking half of the road, and a car was parked on the other half of the road. There was a girl standing at the back of the car, a girl who seemed to be only a teenager waving her hand, and with blood stains on her face...


The horn sounded harshly, and Zhou Wenling's speed did not abate at all. At this moment, he heard the car coming behind him. Long Xueji bite Zhou Wenling's car tightly, and the two cars were about to rear-end.

Bang! ! !

The car slammed into the car, and then smashed away directly, and the girl quickly left the danger zone. The two cars galloped past, and there were several gunshots behind her.

Zhou Wenling picked up the intercom and said, "Is it all right?"

"A piece of cake, go ahead."

Su Mu is a bit speechless, are these two women crazy?

"Haha, isn't it exciting? The closer you get to Kyoto, the more things you get, and you get used to it." Zhou Wenling smiled.

Su Mu glanced at her and continued to sleep.

Who knows that after a while, Zhou Wenling started honking the horn again, and Su Mu opened his eyes again and saw that he was entering an old-fashioned toll gate in Kyoto, and he was stopped by a checkpoint. There were broken tire nails on the ground...

"These people are crazy, right?" Su Mu looked at the broken fetuses.

Zhou Wenling smiled: "It's okay, the tires of the car are all explosion-proof, just rush through."

But at this moment, five men stood in the middle of the road with rifles, and then pointed at Zhou Wenling's car. Su Mu couldn't help but be surprised. Who knew that at this time the five men suddenly ran away.

Su Mu hurriedly looked back and saw that Long Xueji, a lunatic, took out the bazooka directly and put it on the roof of the car, holding the bazooka and laughing loudly while letting the car cruise by itself.

Bang bang bang!

The car rushed out of the toll gate directly through the broken tire nail.


The bazooka sounded, and Su Mu saw an explosion from the small house behind.

"Hahaha! Refreshing!" Long Xueji laughed loudly on the walkie-talkie.

Su Mu's face was speechless. This doomsday can turn normal people into a frenzied and sick state. Although Long Xueji is not, it can affect her mood to a certain extent. At least, there is no sense of guilt to kill here, because those who kill are those who robbed. People deserve it.

Su Mu leaned in the car, and then stopped opening his eyes. In the following section of the road, there were at least three robberies. Well, all of them were scared off by Long Xueji with a rocket launcher. By the way, they bombed other people’s roadblocks when they left. If you drop, you can hear Long Xueji's crazy laugh from time to time, it's just a realistic version of "Mad Max"!

The speed of the car has never been very fast, so Su Mu can also take a good rest, by the way, thinking about how people in this world should go back, and can they return to normal life after they go back? Just the biggest problem.

In fact, this is like a lion living in a park. You may starve to death if you release nature, and vice versa.

People of this doomsday are accustomed to killing and killing, and there is no legal habit. If they return to Earth, can they still live a normal life? Can you obey the rules of this world? This is a very serious problem.

So, Su Mu was wondering, should we let this world go on like this, what she needs to do is to save more people in the fifth and fourth layers of the world?

At this moment, Zhou Wen said: "Su Mu wakes up, we are here."

Su Mu opened his eyes, then stared at the magnificent wall in front of him...

Kyoto Garden of Eden!

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