Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 458: Eight days of hanging fox formation (7 more)

Countless green girls were supported by tree vines and surrounded Su Mu and the three in the air.

The goddess of water blue didn't know whether to attack or not, so she could only stand beside Su Mu.

The female emperor stood in place very casually, her fiery red robe and delicate face made people feel dismissive.

The flames jumped, and a ball of flames on the forehead of the Empress Vulcan jumped again. Then, she suddenly squatted on the ground, and then turned her hands.


Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, countless knife-like flames flew directly in all directions, countless trees and vines were cut off, and flames continued to blow at the fracture.

At this time, Su Mu was shocked to discover that the broken vines tried to connect, but couldn't get close because of the flame of the fracture, so they crawled back and forth like this.

The female emperor Vulcan stood up and sneered: "The life recovery of the highest **** of the wood element is very powerful, but it is not enough to see in front of the fire element. These trees and vines will automatically connect no matter what method is used to cut them off. Only the fire element is Their nemesis."



All the girls started screaming frantically, it seemed that their nutrition was cut off, so they started screaming frantically.

After more than ten seconds, all the girls fell quietly one after another, and then fell to the ground, on the vines, turning into pieces of dead wood.

Su Mu was a little surprised watching these girls turn into dead wood, and couldn't help but want to scold my mother, such a beautiful girl turned into wood?

The female emperor said: "Let's go, these are just some little tricks of the Wood Element. If I remember correctly, the Wood Element is good at not only life recovery, but also formation specialization."

Su Mu looked at the Empress Vulcan in a bit of astonishment. It was indeed the case.

While in the four-dimensional space, the Goddess Shuilan flees embarrassedly with Su Mu. She said that the eight tree stumps above the canopy are a formation, a formation of sleepy gods!

Empress Do you want to be so coquettish? It seems that you know everything.

The three slowly came into a tree hole, and then continued to fly upward along the canopy.

Coming to the top of the tree crowns, countless wooden coffins lay flat on them, and the girl inside was still lying quietly inside, seemingly dead.

The female emperor sneered: "It really is such a trick."

The goddess Shuilan said: "The above is the sleepy gods formation, Sister Empress, we can't break it."

Su Mu looked at the female emperor, and whether she could go there was all up to the female emperor. After all, she was a fire element that restrained the wood element.

However, the Empress Vulcan did not care, and flew up directly.

The goddess of water blue could only pull Su Mu and fly up.

Passing through the sea of ​​clouds, the three of them were suspended in the air, and Su Mu once again saw the eight huge wooden stakes in the sea of ​​clouds.

Each of these wooden stakes has a diameter of one hundred meters. You can’t see the head from the top and the bottom from the bottom. I don’t know how this space is formed, just like a hamburger, and Su Mu and the others are standing in the middle of the hamburger Same, there is a sea of ​​clouds up and down.

The Empress Vulcan directly rushed in. The Shuilan Goddess wanted to stop her, but it was too late. The Empress was very fast, so the Shuilan Goddess could only fly in with Su Mu.

Standing in the middle, looking at the surrounding eight wooden stakes, the Empress Vulcan frowned slightly.

"It's not bad for the sleepy **** formation, but not by this name." The female emperor said.

"Don't sell Guanzi." Su Mu glanced at the empress.

The latter smiled, then pointed to the surrounding eight wooden stakes and said: "This is formed according to the figure of Eight Diagrams and Taiji. Each pole will give birth to many formations. Moreover, trapping the gods is not a problem at all, it is just this formation. The age is too old. It should have been laid after the Great War between Gods and Demons. Moreover, it is a formation specifically aimed at the Wood Element. Its name should be: Eight Heavens Hanging Fox Formation!"

"Eight Sky Xuanhu Formation? What do you mean?"

The water blue goddess exclaimed: "It's a eight-tailed fox!"

The empress nodded and said, "Yes, it is the eight-tailed fox."

Su Mu was dumbfounded, what are these two goddesses talking about? I don't understand it at all.

She seemed to know that Su Mu didn’t understand anything. The Goddess Shuilan intimately explained: "Susu, in ancient times, the eight-tailed fox was the largest group of orcs. The nine-tailed fox of your human legend was born from here, because humans are After seeing the monster, I will run away, so I didn't see the tails at all. In fact, it was an eight-tailed fox, not a nine-tailed fox.

"and then?"

The water blue goddess said: "Eight-tailed foxes, a branch of the demons, have very strong vitality. The wood element represents good life, but the real life is not plants, but animals!"


The female emperor turned and looked at Su Mu and said, "Mu, Mu, do you think plants or animals can better reflect the value of life?"

The value of this question stands out. Su Mu naturally knows that animals can embody the value of life. Whether it is civilization, science, or the current holographic era, it is all created by animals, that is, humans.

So, really speaking, these two goddesses are right. Animals, not plants, really represent life.

The female emperor said: "So, the wood element that traps the source of life must be the source of animal life."

"You mean, this formation was made by the eight-tailed fox in front of the formation?"

"Yes, that's it. The eight wooden stakes represent the tail of the eight-tailed fox. It is not wood, but life! Therefore, this formation can completely trap the wood element that is the source of life. You know, Shuilan and I are sealed. Whereas, it’s just a matter of using a stronger element to seal it, but the wood system that represents life is not good, because it can create a lot of plants, and more of it is to absorb water and other factors, so the seal cannot cause too much damage to it. Great time control. The girls who grew up on the vines where we came just now are the best proof. If we don’t come today, it won’t take long for the wood to break free and then regain freedom!"

The Empress Vulcan once again flew in the direction of a wooden stake, as if she wanted to prove her own thoughts.


At this moment, the entire space began to tremble, and the eight wooden piles seemed to be constantly rising, and there was a spatial shock.

"The Empress, come back soon!" Su Mu yelled, Nima, you are gone, what should I do with Shui Lan?

The empress had already turned back and flew back at this time, but her brows were locked tightly, as if she had discovered something.

Moreover, the eight wooden stakes around them kept rising, because they couldn't see the top and bottom, so Su Mu didn't know what the eight wooden stakes were going to do.

"Mu Mu, Shui Lan, if you want to find the Wood Element, you must break this formation!"

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