Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 788: Clean up the guild


"Boss Su..."

"Brother Su..."

"Brother Su..."

The members of the Hall of Gods, including Chen Xiaoruan, are here, and Wenren Zihan is naturally among them.

All the group leaders came to Su Mu's side one after another, and then shouted various names.

At the scene, everyone's eyes widened and they looked at Su Mu dumbfounded.

Their minds were blank at this time, because they would never have thought that the person who unintentionally confronted Luohua was actually the president of God's Domain?

He is Muying?

The holder of the favor?

A perverted evildoer who killed a million people?

He he he...

However, Mengduan Yanyu Tower is even more daunting at this time!

Why didn't he think that the person who fights injustice for the Sanren is actually the president of God's Domain? Mu Ying, the invincible president of God's Domain?

Damn it!

how is this possible? !

How can this happen? Just now, he was clearly arguing with Luohua unintentionally, and he even had to do it, but now you tell me that you are the president of God's Domain? Damn you!

But Xia Feng, Xin Ye Dao and their names can not be wrong.

Which of these people is not the great **** of God's Domain? They can call out such a title, who else can be the president of God's Domain?

Therefore, everybody's face has a cramp-like expression, which is too unexpected.

In Zhongzhou City, players all know that God's Domain has a perverted guild leader, and they have personally watched the battle when they watched the battle of God’s Domain, but no one can see the appearance of the players in the battlefield, so Su Mu's figure is just an outline. , I just know that the president of God's Domain is called Muying, but I just know that there is such a person.

But when you look at it up close, you can't recognize him, especially under the subtle changes of the veil of God's Domain, it is impossible to recognize Su Mu if it is not an acquaintance.

And now, all people have to believe that this person is Muying.

Because Xia Feng’s ID can’t be wrong, and Ye Qiu, Xin Ye Dao, one thought becomes a devil, tears and flowers, drunken dreams, Wenren Zihan, Chen Xiaoruan, Xuan Rufeng, Nine Ghosts, etc. The IDs of the master gods, these IDs will never go wrong at the same time, and it is impossible for someone to pretend to be so many gods in the gods, besides, there are so many members of the gods on the scene, it is impossible for you to impersonate!

However, this is too dramatic, is it a family? Then, why did the president of God's Domain make it difficult for him?

And Luo Hua, who was standing behind Xia Feng and them unintentionally, fell to the ground with a puff at this moment. No one paid attention to him. Everyone looked at Su Mu.

At this time, Su Mu's face was pale to the extreme.

"Tell me, what is the sixteen-character rule of God's Domain?!" Su Mu said coldly.

Xia Feng and the others are naturally confused.

Everyone looked at Su Mu and said nothing.

"tell me!"

"No trouble, no bullying, no book-keeping, no clearing!" everyone said in unison.

This moment.

The onlookers who watched the players quickly reacted immediately. No wonder what happened in the scene just now. The feeling is that the president of God's Domain doesn't know what the lower level is doing. So I happened to be hit today, so it was dramatic. Such a result was staged.

So, I’m afraid God’s Domain can’t really be blamed for this matter...

"Xia Feng, then tell me, are these people from your second elite group?" Su Mu stared at Xia Feng and asked.

In fact, at the very beginning, Xia Feng understood that it might be his own people who caused the trouble, because he saw Luohua accidentally, and he also saw the team logo under the ID of these people. They were not from the second elite group. .

Xia Feng lowered his head and said, "Yes, brother."

"Then you **** tell me, clear the Jiuquan Profound Pagoda, and book the Jiuquan Profound Pagoda. You are not allowed to enter the mission. If you talk to a few people, you will kill. Did you instruct them or they did it on their own?" Su Mu stepped forward and stared directly at Xia Feng roar Tao.

At this time, the Hall of Gods finally understood what was going on.

The people of God's Domain violated the rules of the guild, booked the venue, cleared the venue, murdered, and deceived!

Su Mu's anger came on purpose, and everyone understood why they were all called.

Therefore, at this time, everyone can only watch Su Mu not speaking, and they know that what awaits them is Su Mu's anger and regulations!

Everyone looked at each other, Xia Feng, whether in Ziyang or Zhongzhou, he is the most popular, he can almost be seen in every team fight, that crazy and neurotic style is simply another Su Mu.

So, at this time, he turned and stared at Luohua unintentionally.

And Luo Hua Wuyi didn't know what to do anymore. He squatted on the ground and looked at Xia Feng sluggishly, begging for mercy in his eyes.

"Luohua has no intention, you have been expelled from God's Domain, and you will never enter God's Domain and be blacklisted!" Xia Feng said.

Luo Hua asked for help and fear inadvertently.

That person... how could he be his own president?

he? How could he be Muying!

She couldn’t even recognize her own guild leader, and... and even said that God’s Domain is invincible in front of him, saying that it violated the rules of the guild, Luo Hua accidentally wanted to give herself a few slaps, if she could get her back If you return to God's Domain...

It's just that he knew that everything was too late, and he knew it was too late after Xia Feng and the others called out Su Mu.

After finally getting into the team leader, I was finally able to dominate in Zhongzhou, but now...but...

It's too late to regret.

And when everyone was sluggish, Xia Feng shouted: "I, Xia Feng, I am here to pay the players. Luohua accidentally belongs to my subordinates. I didn't manage it well. Let him clear the venue. Here I solemnly apologize to you. ."

Speaking of Xia Feng bowing deeply, he could understand Su Mu’s feelings. He also knew that this time was the time to restore the reputation of God’s Domain. At this time, he was aggrieved a bit. In exchange for the high reputation of God’s Domain, Xia Feng is not stupid. When you know how to do it.

Xia Feng bowed, and Su Mu shouted: "Xia Feng, oversight of the next level, the removal of the second elite regiment's position to wait for the aftereffects. Today, I once again declare to you that all my subordinates will be managed by me, and then let me When encountering such a thing, expel from God's Domain!!"

Everyone looked at Su Mu in horror, expelling from God's Domain?

Isn't this punishment too harsh?

However, all the leaders understand that Su Mu is not acting for the onlookers, because he knows that he is the shadow of God, so he knows how important the management of this guild is. Friendship is friendship, and rules are rules. No rules are not. Fangyuan, this is the eternal truth.

Therefore, at this time Su Mu’s words made them all stunned. They also knew that the opponents were a little looser these days. After all, they won the eight alliances, but now they understand that the management of a guild is not that easy. They all got up from the grassroots level, so for management, they can only learn while doing it...

"Today, all the individual players who are about to enter the Jiuquan Profound Pagoda but failed to enter are compensated by 1,000 gold coins per person. This is the only compensation that my God's Domain can make. I hope you will not dislike it." Su Mu looked at those behind him. Players who were inadvertently intercepted by Luohua to enter the Jiuquan Profound Pagoda.

Pop. Pop. Pop...

The applause instantly remembered, the casual players, involuntarily began to applaud, this is the style of a large guild, this is the overlord of Zhongzhou they want to see! !

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