Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 952: Boss, that's all fools

69, the fastest update of the doctor without sleep!

"Silly boy, why are you doing this?" Wu Mian stared at Chu Zhixi, who had shaved her small flat head, and narrowed her eyes.

"Brother, you are holding me." Chu Zhixi said with a smile.

Wu Mian frowned slightly looking at her whose hair was shorter than his own, and sighed deeply.

"Here, what you taught me, hair can't grow, otherwise it will increase the chance of infection." Chu Zhixi said.


"It's nothing!" Chu Zhixi said firmly, "If you don't take me there, I will go to the principal by myself and go with the principal!"

"But your head shape is not suitable. Look how nice I shaved my small flat head." Wu Mian pointed to his head.

"..." Chu Zhixi didn't expect Wu Mian to be joking at this time.

"Forget it, I wanted it to be a problem. You can still take care of it at home." Wu Mian walked to the broken hair on the ground, squatted to pick up a strand, and rubbed it twice between his fingers, "Think about it carefully. Go together if you want."

"Hey." Chu Zhixi stepped forward and touched Wu Mian's head, rustling, "Should I shave you? I'm professional in skin preparation."

"I can come by myself." Wu Mian said helplessly, "how can you go home like this?"

"Is there any news from the cargo plane?" Chu Zhixi did not answer Wu Mian's words, but changed the subject.

Wu Mian knew that she was not going to go home to say goodbye.

"Yes, the day after tomorrow morning." Wu Mian said, "There are still 29 hours of preparation time, I think about what is missing."

"Where to live after I go?" Chu Zhixi asked.

Wu Mian shook her head.

In a short period of time, a large number of medical staff and volunteers poured in, and food, clothing, housing and transportation were all problems.

But this is not something that I should worry about. Each performs his own duties. In this huge mobilization and battle, everyone is just a part and a screw.

"Oss, I'm so glad to see you there!" Professor Barak's voice came in.

Wu Mian covered his forehead.

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Although Professor Barack is a very good assistant, the world's top surgeon, but he is too noisy, and it is unbearable.

"Oss, you came back, **** it, it's past 24 o'clock, it's January 25th, and you didn't say hello to Barak when you came back the day before yesterday. It's so indifferent." Professor Barak walked. Said.

"Bellak, you know that one of our cities is in big trouble."

"Oss, I have seen relevant information in the Lancet, New England, nature, and science." Professor Barack said, "It's incredible. The Antarctic glacier melted and the prehistoric virus came out? Although I am not virology. Expert, but I think this is the most powerful virus, isn't it!"

"You are right." Wu Mian said frankly, "So I suggest you leave here, just like Cambridge's intensive care."

"Oss." Professor Barack looked at Wu Mian's eyes and said seriously, "You are kidding, are you ready to return to Massachusetts?"

"..." Wu Mian frowned and glared at Professor Barak.

"Of course, the loyal Barak will always be your assistant, always." Professor Barak didn't feel anything, he waved his hands and said, "oss, welcome home!"


"Oss, don't you be embarrassed. Without you, Massachusetts has been ranked by the **** Cleveland. Damn, why Cleveland! We are Massachusetts..."

"Barack, do you know that the pneumonia is serious this time?" Wu Mian interrupted Professor Barak and asked.

"Oss, of course I know." Professor Barack said, "Now the people at the Massachusetts Virus Laboratory are crazy! They say this is the Great Ivan. If the virus has any evolution, China will definitely be destroyed!"

"It's fine if you know." Wu Mian said, "Barack, I am not going to return to Massachusetts. I am going to Tianhe City to support."

"My god!" Professor Barak said with a shrug, "oss, don't you really think you have supernatural powers?"

"Don't be so nonsense." Wu Mian cursed.

"..." Professor Barak was taken aback, "Then I will correct my statement-you are not an angel with divine power, but a mortal body is comparable to a god.

It's hard to imagine that people like you have to go to OSS, you tell me, it's impossible. Hurry up and admit it, you are not a fool. "

"You don't understand even after I said it." Wu Mian said, "I will tell you the last time, I won't go back to Massachusetts. Your surgery has improved a lot. Book a flight ticket and hurry back. I hope I will see you again. At that time, you can be an assistant without slowing down my operation speed."

"Oss! Please respect your assistant!!" Professor Barack exclaimed.

But immediately, he started mitosis.

"Bellak, I ask you to pay attention to your tone. It is oss that deserves respect, not a trivial mammal like you!"

"What I said was wrong, the operation was not performed by one person, this is what OSS said personally."

"But you can't deny that oss performs operations faster by himself."

Wu Mian stretched his hands and saw Professor Barak arguing with himself. He was Barak quickly reached a settlement with "self". He said, "You are an expert in virology, and I believe you must Knowing that this is an insoluble virus. It's like the plague in the Middle Ages, and I think there will be corpses everywhere soon."

"The best people must get on board first! You are not for yourself, but for the spread of the fire of your civilization. This is a mission!" Professor Barack said.



"That is the logic of your Onsa people." Wu Mian smiled, "In our civilization, there is no such wording."

"Oss, don't you really think you have supernatural power?" Barack repeated the previous sentence again.

"Of course not, how can I take it seriously?" Wu Mian said, "Save Private Ryan, so we are going to Tianhe, not Massachusetts."

"Oss, that was shot by Hollywood to fool you!" Professor Barack waved his hands and said, "Only the show is overwhelmingly superior, but not now. Oss, I think it’s the end of the world. You should hide in the world. The safest place is to pass on civilization as your elite."

Wu Mian smiled and patted Barak on the shoulder, "Then you believe we have supernatural power."


"Is it a perfect virus?" Wu Mian looked at Barak with a cold smile, "I don't believe that there are still perfect things in this world."

"Oss!" Professor Barack said, "you are an infectious disease expert, how could you not know! I read Owen's email from the Institute of Virology, he is going crazy, he said he has never seen such a perfect virus."


"By the way, I heard that on the 26th, the general will send people to evacuate overseas Chinese."

"I know."

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