Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 955: Old film

"Mr. Wu, the patient...should have never been in contact with Tianhe City." Director Tang said.

"I heard that the patient went to the bathroom at Tianhe International Airport." Wu Mian said, "Director Tang, aerosol may also cause infection."


Director Tang and Director Lu looked at each other.

If Mr. Wu's judgment is correct, he was only infected when he stopped in Tianhe City and went to the bathroom. This virus... is so awesome!

Thinking of this possibility, the two shivered involuntarily.

"Director Tang, I don't wear a mask, do you have n95 here?"

Director Tang Ying shook her head, "Director Deer, there is only a surgical mask."

With that said, Director Tang looked at Wu Miandai's n95, a little envious.

Normally, the Department of Respiratory Medicine only wears general surgical masks. Whoever wears n95 for nothing, that stuff is very expensive.

"Director Tang."

"Teacher Wu, you say."

"Patients' family members, all family members, do lung CT. You must be accompanied by a doctor, and the CT room should be cleaned up. No other patients can be in the CT room. After the procedure is completed, it must be disinfected. The specific process refers to the standard of the s virus period." Wu Mian road.


"It is highly suspected that the patient's family members also have the infection, and it is in the early stage." Wu Mian said, "Negative pressure ward...Oh, do CT first. Be careful to tell the technicians in the CT room that you must pay attention to protect yourself. You must kill them after you are done, and don't be careless. ."

These tasks are common clinically, but the CT room can be used to eliminate the patients. What about the patients outside? Director Tang was a little at a loss when the calm and the waves suddenly turned into rumblings.

"Ms. Wu, is it necessary?" Han Guangyun asked.

"I think there is." Wu Mian said in a deep voice without looking at Han Guangyun, "Hurry up and take the patient's family members for the examination, wear protective clothing, and walk through a separate passage. Once again, we must kill every place we pass by. "

Han Guangyun looked at Wu Mian blankly.

These tasks, let alone completed within an hour, can be considered fast even if they can be completed in one day.

Not to mention anything else, just a single channel is enough to give him a headache. In Han Guangyun's view, this is simply impossible.

Had it not been for several dealings with Teacher Wu Mianwu, Han Guangyun would definitely think that this "expert" was deliberately embarrassing himself.

"Hurry up." Wu Mian said, "Xue Yuan, have you reported it?"

"Teacher Wu, I want to ask you, do you use the name of the Medical University or the Jianxie Hospital?"

"In my name." Wu Mian said, "The CT diagnosis is very clear, so I'd rather not miss it."

"Okay!" Xue Chunhe nodded, turned around and went out to call.

He was not surprised because Wu Mian said that he reported in his own name. The top experts must have the top experts. At this time, Wu Mian's diagnosis is more meaningful than that of the University of Medicine.

Each is busy.

Only forty minutes later did Han Guangyun ran back, carrying a few films.

"Ms. Wu, this is the image data of the family members of three patients who are willing to do the examination." Han Guangyun said, "I said it was done for free, only three people were willing to do it, and none of the others wanted to be online."

Wu Mian ignored these trivial incidents.

Now he has more important things to do.

A single ground-glass shadow was seen in the right lung of a family member of the patient, and multiple ground-glass shadows were scattered in both lungs of a family member of the patient. The number was not large, about five.

Family members of the patient were also infected, albeit at an early stage.

"Early: the lesion is limited, showing patchy, subsegmental or segmental ground glass shadows, often accompanied by thickening of the interlobular septa." Wu Mian tapped the film on the reader and said in a deep voice, "Obviously, there is The two have been infected."

"66%? This probability..." Professor Barak said in surprise.

"No, people who are okay may have not yet responded to imaging studies. In other words, everyone in contact with the patient must be quarantined."


Oss's judgment is even more pessimistic. Not only does he use ct to judge, but it is like facing the end of the world, everyone is suspected. Professor Barak glanced at Wu Mian cautiously, for fear that any of his words would annoy the oss that has been bad temper.

"Progressive stage: the number of lesions increases, the scope expands, multiple lung lobes are involved, some lesions are consolidated, ground-glass shadows coexist with consolidation shadows or streak shadows, and sometimes a "paving stone sign" appears."

"Severe stage: diffuse lesions of both lungs, a small number of "white lungs" manifestations, mainly consolidation shadows, combined with ground-glass shadows, many with cord shadows, and bronchial inflation signs.

Wu Mian kept inserting the film in his hand into the reader.

The sound of popping continued, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

"Ms. Wu, all the films in your hand are..."

"What I just saw are the imaging data of e-cigarette pneumonia in the "New England" magazine." Wu Mian said, "I was planning to go to Tianhe City for comparison. Consistent."

"Oss, do you mean that e-cigarette pneumonia is the same as the pneumonia in Tianhe City?" Professor Barak asked in surprise, "but e-cigarette pneumonia did not cause widespread transmission ~ ~ last October, the United States The flu broke out again."

"It breaks out every year. If you have medical insurance, you can go to the hospital to see it. It's not a big deal." Professor Barack said casually.

Wu Mian did not continue on this topic, but carefully took out the last film bag.

Another film was inserted into the reader, the big white lungs were like snow in the sky, and a flower flashed in front of the person's eyes.

"This is a film of a patient infected with the S virus in 2003." Wu Mian said, "It is basically the same as the film of last year's e-cigarette pneumonia. I didn't ask for images of severely ill patients in Tianhe City. It should be similar."

Wu Mian didn't tell anyone, he was talking to himself. After hanging the film, he contrasted his eyes and took the film off and put it in the film bag.

"Ms. Wu, is it just ordinary pneumonia?" Han Guangyun asked.

"Huh?" Wu Mian turned his head and looked at Han Guangyun, "Chu Han, what do you mean?"

"The patient did not have a clear history of living in Tianhe City. He just walked through the airport and went to the bathroom at most once. I feel unlikely to be infected." Han Guangyun told the truth.

Now the whole country is in panic, and Han Guangyun feels that there is a suspicion of excessive medical treatment.

He didn't understand other places. After receiving a patient with high fever today, he immediately rushed from home to find out the situation.

The patient's medical history is very clear, and the place where it intersects with Tianhe City is the temporary stop of the plane.

If you can get infected like this...

Impossible, it must be that Teacher Wu is too sensitive. Not calm at all, he was still a young man as expected.

Han Guangyun thought to himself.

"Director Han, hurry up." Wu Mian did not scold or act excessively. With a solemn expression on his face, he said in a deep voice, "Pay attention to protection. The materials in the entire hospital must be uniformly deployed."

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