Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 962: Card BUG

Wu Mian got on the plane, and the huge door slowly closed.

He checked the seat belts for the members of the medical team one by one. Cargo planes are different from passenger planes, and their comfort level is much worse. The air was very bumpy.

"Ms. Wu, it was the Charge just now?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

"Well, an old volunteer soldier came to see us off." Wu Mian smiled.

Zheng Kaixuan nodded and closed his eyes. It can be seen that he is very nervous and perturbed, as are the others.

As time went by, everyone turned their attention to Tianhe City, and more and more of the situation on that side was known. They are all professors who are engaged in medical treatment. Some things can be seen at a glance to what extent that side has collapsed.

Our world is a fake world. For example, we suddenly feel that a certain picture seems to have been seen somewhere. This is because the archive has not had time to delete it...

Li Qiong was watching the video while holding the phone. The voice of the uP master came out, it should be a science fiction program.

"What are you looking at, Li Qiong." Wu Mian sat down and asked gently.

"..." Li Qiong quickly put away the phone, a little embarrassed.

"She was watching videos of various card bugs, saying that if she went to Tianhe, if she didn't eat, she would try it if she couldn't," said a nurse next to her with a smile.

"Oh? The real world is actually a computer program. Are there many bugs in it?"

"Yes, do you know Mr. Wu too?" the little nurse asked.

"I don't know, but after hearing what you say, you probably know what it means." Wu Mian felt that the atmosphere was a little depressed, and the cargo plane began to roar, and it should be ready to take off.

He smiled, "Li Qiong, let's see what the bug is."

"Ka... Bug of Flammulina." Li Qiong scratched his head.

"Seeuto touch rrow." Wu Mian said with a laugh.

"Ms. Wu, do you really know? Will you try?" another nurse asked.

"I definitely won't." Wu Mian smiled. "There used to be an Indian in the laboratory. He has been studying for a long time."

"I'm going... can I study this too?"

"Of course, only substances that are resistant to both physical digestion and chemical digestion can be seen. For Flammulina velutipes, chemically, it has mushroom polysaccharide, which is a kind of dietary fiber, and the human body cannot digest it chemically."

"Physically, Flammulina velutipes has a slender figure, and the slippery body touch comes from mushroom polysaccharides. It also has a firm, tough and fibrous tissue structure that is not easy to break."

"So, if you don't chew properly when eating, it's possible to seeuto touch rrow. But to become a bug...has the uP master really tried it?" Wu Mian asked.

"No, just talk about it." Li Qiong replied with a smile.

"In fact, corn kernels can also cause bugs." Wu Mian said, "When I first entered the hospital, I went to the emergency department every day to help the hospital manager. One day an uncle said that he was going to die, and I looked pretty strong. , Kind of weird."

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"Is he stuck with a bug?"

"Yes, the enoki mushroom is half stuck, and he can't wipe it clean when he wipes it, so he thought it was because of strange bugs growing in his body, or the tumor was so big that he could feel it." Wu Mian smiled and said before. The gossip, try to dissolve the tense atmosphere.


The little nurses leaned forward and closed with a smile.

All have worked in the hospital for 3-5 years, each has its own circumstances and different associations. I haven't encountered similar things rarely, and it is really interesting to recall at this time.

"Ms. Wu, what do Indians do with enoki mushrooms?" Zheng Kaixuan smiled unswervingly, thinking about the Indian at the beginning.

"In order to live forever." Wu Mian said, "The mushroom polysaccharide contained in Flammulina velutipes is a very interesting substance."

"..." Zheng Kaixuan was speechless, staring at Wu Mian blankly, "Are they so free?"

"Europe and the United States have been industrialized for a long time. At the beginning, they plundered a lot of resources and had first-mover advantage." Wu Mian said, "What are the rich people afraid of? Are they definitely afraid of death. So there are many people engaged in biological research, and many of them are. It’s in the direction of immortality."

"This... violates the laws of biology." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Can you catch bugs?" Wu Mian smiled, "For example, I have seen a Belgian research team with water bear insects."

"What is that? It sounds so cute." A little nurse asked.

"Xiaoqiang, who can't be killed, has this description because of the tenacious vitality of cockroaches." Wu Mian said, "but compared with other lives, the water bear insect is simply a bug."

"We humans need to have cells every time, and when we are unable to do so, we will slowly age. But the water bear is different. It is an adult from birth."

"It has been distributed almost all over the world. It has been found in the Himalayas, in the deep sea below 4000 meters, in hot springs, and in Antarctica. It can live no matter how hot or cold it is."

"When faced with a harsh environment, the water bear worm will stop all metabolism and enter a "hidden state". The water bear worm in this state has completely died from the biological level. But this is actually a kind of suspended animation."

"In the cryptogenic state, the water bear can continue to survive in the high temperature of 151c, the low temperature of -272.8c, the vacuum, the high radiation and the high pressure environment. When the hidden water bear comes into contact with water again, they will be like The phoenix stretches its body like a nirvana, and "resurrects" again. This state is called "hydration."

"..." Except for Chu Zhixi, everyone was taken aback. There is even this kind of creature! Almost all right at zero degrees? This creature can really be said to be a bug.

According to the legend, absolute zero is about the same as the speed of light. Does the water bear worm pass after it reaches absolute zero?

Someone was brainstorming, and their thoughts flew to the other side of the sky.

"Ms. Wu, do you have any specimens?" Li Qiong I have raised a water bear worm, but in a laboratory in Massachusetts. "Wu Mian said, "One teacher and I went to check on Qian Lao's body and chatted with Qian Lao." When Qian Lao talked about human science, he felt that the future development direction was here. So, I pay more attention to this information. "

"In your words, our current science and technology trees are all wrong, and we have to light up the science and technology trees of biological sciences." Wu Mian said, "So, it's not just as simple as being interested."


The sound of surprise is endless.

"The old man passed away." Wu Mian said flatly, "but, if we can come back alive, I will show you something new. Water bear is just one of them, and there are more interesting ones."

Come back alive...

Everyone was silent.

Zheng Kaixuan smiled, looked at Wu Mian, and stretched out his fist.

Wu Mian stretched his fist and touched him, "Come on!"

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