Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 969: Seems to be a man facing a middle-aged crisis

The patient's luck is so good that he can press it back.

According to the experience of these two days, the general severely ill patients have no chance.

Seeing that the time was approaching, Dr. Liu didn't go back and sit down, but started to prepare to hand over. How many patients are severely ill, how many new recruits are there today, which patient is critically ill, and which patient is likely to be good, these are all things to say.

Fortunately, the patient just now was fine, which gave Dr. Liu a psychological comfort.

Since coming to Tianhe City, under heavy work pressure, huge physical consumption, and faced with an unknown terrible virus, the comrades around me have fallen one by one...

Dr. Liu felt that he was in the war years, gunpowder, artillery fire, death, and life. Doctor Liu feels that he is gradually becoming fragile, literary and artistic. Maybe it's numbness at this time, and move forward in one direction.

He tried to do psychological construction for himself, but at this moment, a voice came in through the thick protective clothing.




Doctor Liu immediately recognized the direction of the sound, only to see a colleague in protective clothing falling straight down.

I go……

My heart sank and cursed, Dr. Liu ran over immediately.

Sudden coma, most of them may be caused by the suffocation caused by the exercise that was just rescued. The multi-layered masks and protective clothing made the air circulation worse when the patient was rescued.

There was too much carbon dioxide retention in the "clean" air in the protective clothing, and breathing desperately during the rescue, so respiratory alkalosis occurred.

Across the face mask and mask, Dr. Liu could barely identify Gao Yahui who was in the accident.

The girl finally reached the limit of her stamina. After a rescue, she had too much carbon dioxide in her body and she suffered from respiratory alkalosis.

Doctor Liu ran over, helped her up, and leaned on her in a semi-sitting position. The posture is slightly skewed to avoid real vomiting and aspiration causing blockage of the airway.

Although they know that it is likely to be retching, after all, they only ate very little in the morning and didn't drink water to avoid the embarrassment of using diapers.

Hope that there was no aspiration, Dr. Liu muttered in his heart.

This is a contaminated area, and even the vital signs cannot be measured. If I take off my clothes, I am afraid Gao Yahui will no longer be able to go to work after today, and will go to the hospital instead.

Weighing the two against each other, Dr. Liu can only pray that there will be no accidents.

"Yahui! Yahui!" another nurse shouted.

"It's okay, breathe slowly!" Dr. Liu comforted Gao Yahui. Based on his judgment of limbs and activities, he believed that the problem was not big, and the most dangerous situations did not happen.

After a few minutes of delay, Gao Yahui's condition improved.

"I have numb hands and feet..." she said difficultly.

"Respiratory alkalosis, don't panic, don't panic." Doctor Liu exhorted, "Breathe slowly, and I will send you out when you get better."

The difficult day passed, the successor came, and Dr. Liu explained Gao Yahui's situation to them, and tried his best to make the night shift comrades not make this "mistake."

Leaving the contaminated area, in the semi-contaminated area, under the watchful eyes of several doctors and nurses, Gao Yahui slowly took off the outer protective equipment by herself.

She moves very slowly, even if she is uncomfortable, she has to hold on and take off the outer protection by herself.

Do not bring a little "dirty" to the cleaning area.

Even if a virus gets in, it will be a devastating blow to the entire support team and to the critically ill force of this hospital.

Gao Yahui overcomes the symptoms of dizziness and fatigue, and slowly and slowly takes off the outer protective clothing.

Although young, she can also be said to be well-versed.

Under the negative deuff blessing of respiratory alkalosis, the action still did not go wrong. The outer protective equipment did not touch the inner layer, and Dr. Liu let go of a hanging heart.

Watching a few nurses and Gao Yahui go to the cleaning area to change clothes, Dr. Liu breathed out.

He took the time to clean the area, waited to take off the inner protective equipment, and took a deep breath of the clean air flowing in, tears streaming out unknowingly.

Witnessing a medical worker, a patient, falling down is a huge suffering for the living.

At this time, Dr. Liu seemed to understand something that he didn't understand before.

Why in the war years, the casualties reached 30% can guarantee that the army will not be disintegrated are elite divisions of all wars.

He didn't worry about changing clothes.

During the busy day, wearing heavy protective clothing, the inner isolation suit was heavy.

What's a bit embarrassing is the diapers...

After handling everything, Dr. Liu went directly to the ground weakly, with his back leaning against the wall, looking at the cloudy sky outside the window.

The weather has been bad recently, and it has been raining all the time, as if God knows the suffering and helplessness of this city and is crying all the time.

Before Dr. Liu's eyes were the scene of watching the cumbersome Dabai standing upright and falling down.

He put his elbows on his legs and held his head with his hands. He felt uncomfortable and wanted to find a place to cry.

It's so special!

Now he looks like a middle-aged man facing countless wants to cry, but there is nowhere to cry;

Want to escape, but the sense of responsibility in his heart tells him that he can't escape;

I want to give up, but a post-95 lo mother didn't give up, why couldn't I do it?

He couldn't tell whether sweat or tears were flowing on his face. Doctor Liu leaned against the cold wall and rested for at least 20 minutes before he barely suppressed the fragile, helpless, and urge to jump downstairs on the verge of collapse.

After taking a shower, changing clothes, when the nurse and the female doctor finished changing clothes, he put on the surgical mask that he changed yesterday and walked out of the locker room.

"Yahui, are you okay." Doctor Liu asked first to hold on to his emotions.

"It's okay." Gao Yahui's footsteps are still a bit weak, it seems that the numbness of her limbs is not completely healed.

"Pick some blood to see?"

"Cut, what's so beautiful," Gao Yahui said contemptuously, "Go back, eat and sleep!"

"..." Doctor Liu looked at Gao Yahui, her young face was not filled with the brilliance of suet jade, it was full of indentations, and looked a little ugly.

"When is our next shift?"

"Tomorrow evening."

"Let's go, I'm fine." Gao Yahui said, "At that time, my eyes were dark, and when I woke up, I was already lying on the ground. It's probably only a dozen seconds, and it won't be a problem."

"It's okay," Dr. Liu said, "If you have any questions, hurry up and call."

"Don't worry, I'm young, but I pressed for a while during the rescue. I really can't breathe while wearing so many things to press." Gao Yahui tried to explain.

Going back to rest, they were exhausted, and their hearts were full of scars.

Tomorrow, no one will think about it.

Just like the haze in the sky, tomorrow will not be the same. In a short period of time, there is no hope of improvement at all.

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