Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 995: Dream world

There are not enough people, so party members come to get together.

There are more than 400 party members in the jurisdiction, and some people from provincial (city) agencies have to go to railway stations, airports, and highways to become volunteers.

In addition to catching up with the Chinese New Year, people have been panicking recently. Aunt Feng doesn't know how much weight she has to say, the director of the neighborhood committee.

In any case, always have to give it a try. The clerk's words just aroused the stubbornness in Aunt Feng's heart.

I don't believe it!

This day, it can't fall down!

In the five WeChat groups, Aunt Feng talked about the tasks assigned and made it clear that party members should actively participate.

To Aunt Feng's expectation, she didn't say anything, and saw one after another signing up.

In just 2 hours, 220 party members and the masses applied to be volunteers to assist in community tasks.

The clerk looked dumbfounded, is this a clone technique?

For the 220 volunteer group, Aunt Feng seemed to be a magician. In a few hours, she "changed" nearly half of the camp.

It was just the beginning. Aunt Feng didn't forget about it, and more difficult work awaited herself.

Although there have never been so many people in command, many recent documents mention grid members.

Aunt Feng divided more than 220 volunteers and party members into 6 areas overnight. Based on the principle of proximity, 5 communities, one community and one grid, were screened, and the investigation was carried out with full coverage.

A new command group was established, and everyone worked together to complete this impossible task.

The closed entrances and exits of the community are the first problem.

Volunteers and party members went out overnight, not only recruiting, but also fighting.

This is a battle, there is no gunpowder, but the severity is not lower than the real battle.

The materials issued by the province are still on the way, and the materials are not enough. After all, the road is closed...There have been no car bandits and road tyrants for so many years now, who is okay to prepare a pile of barbed wire in the warehouse?

There is a Northeast way in the Northeast.

After a few hours, people in each grid began to sweep snow, blocking the entrances and exits with natural snow barriers and a small amount of self-made wire fences, leaving only one opening in each community for easy management.

Aunt Feng left a message in each group and did her work meticulously.

In fact, there is no need to do ideological work at all. Everyone knows what the situation is in Tianhe City. Most people who don't care are basically the elderly. Aunt Feng's prestige is enough to shock.

Everyone knows who does the real thing, who occupies the pit and doesn't shit, but they don't talk about it at ordinary times.

Within 8 hours, complete the semi-closed area overnight, achieve semi-closed management, and record entry and exit.

There are 5 grids, each with more than 40 people, and a drag-net-style investigation will be carried out after dawn.

"Aunt Feng, don't you think we are a nuisance to the people." A volunteer asked nervously.

No one cares about things like climbing stairs, but everyone has doubts, worrying that the residents do not know the volunteers and cause misunderstandings.

Modern life is relatively closed, unlike a village where everyone knows each other.

In a city full of tall buildings, people who have lived in the opposite door or next door for many years may not know the existence of each other, let alone the temporary volunteer team.

"Put on the party emblem." Aunt Feng said, "I don't know you, don't you know the party emblem. Don't worry, everyone will be in the mirror of the big event."

Wear the party emblem...

Except for meetings, the party emblem is rarely worn.

Many people are a little embarrassed.

But no one has a better way. Everyone wears the party emblem according to Aunt Feng's requirements; men and women cooperate, 2-3 people in groups, wearing masks, holding thick epidemic prevention materials, and knocking from door to door. .

The households checked suspected people with a history of work and travel in Tianhe City, and asked whether there were any residents who had fever. At the same time, each household sent a temporarily printed anti-epidemic propaganda material.

At the same time, Aunt Feng also organized party members to launch large-scale epidemic prevention propaganda.

Warm reminders and posters are posted in 62 elevators in the jurisdiction, 31 banners and 12 columns are set up to ensure that the masses can “see”.

Slogans overcoming hardships were spread across 5 communities in one day.

Fewer visits, less gatherings, similar slogans appeared in various communities.

In 36 hours, with the help of party members and the masses, Aunt Feng completed the impossible tasks "miracle".

It is required to complete the household screening of all households in the community within 2 days, and the neighborhood committee where Feng Aunt belongs to complete the thorough screening of 5,212 households and 27,642 people in advance.

"Aunt Feng, you are a real cow!" The clerk who became tired looking at the completed materials exclaimed.

"That is, your Aunt Feng is an ordinary person, but it can't hold our hearts together." Aunt Feng said.

"I remember when I was young, I always talked about the Little Feet Detective Team, saying that decades ago, I was looking for the neighborhood committee for everything."

"Don't be nonsense, I'm exhausted." Aunt Feng said with a pounding waist.

During the screening, she felt nothing. Now that the task has been completed and the report has been reported, Aunt Feng feels like her body has fallen apart.

After all, he is a person in his sixties. With a temporary adrenaline secretion that can resist 36 hours, with the help of party members and the masses, he has completed this impossible task.

When the task was completed, sleepiness flooded up, her eyes almost can't open, and she felt that she could fall asleep when she walked.

"Aunt Feng, don't sleep, I'll send you back." The clerk was also tired, but he was younger and could hold it up after all.

"No, you can go back." Aunt Feng said forcefully.

"I don't know which day it will be a head."

Aunt Feng didn't have time to nag. In this thorough investigation, 18 households of elderly people over 70 years old living alone were found.

Take a break, and tomorrow will put the matter of these elderly people living alone on the agenda.

They don't know how to use a. Buying vegetables and cooking are all problems.

Some people are familiar with Aunt Feng, but some she doesn't know or know.

This large screening is equivalent to a fairly thorough investigation. Aunt Feng noticed the loopholes.

And people are mobile, like running water. It is impossible to do the screening work once. Aunt Feng returned home while she was planning to re-screen in a few days.

She didn't have a bite of the meal, and she didn't have time to take off her clothes. She wanted to take a shower and didn't wash it. She fell asleep on the sofa.

I slept soundly during this sleep, and Aunt Feng had a very clear and long dream.

In my dream, I dreamed of spring flowers blooming, and the whole Bajingzi returned to normal. The elderly and children walked, played, and played as usual.

And he is dealing with some trivial things, although he is busy, but also at ease.

In the dream world, everyone was still swearing at their mother as usual, talking about many injustices in the world.

The world in the dream does not require solidarity, door-to-door inspections with party emblems, no impassionedness, only ordinary life.

She didn't know if she could go back to the past and return to normal life.

But this dream is so sweet and beautiful.

"Bellak, why can't you save some protective clothing?!"

When Aunt Feng was dreaming, in the rudimentary operating room of a small hospital in remote Tianhe City, Wu Mian scolded Professor Barak coldly.

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