Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1011: Fortunately, the dragon soul is immortal, and the fortune of the country is immortal.

   Taoist Lin is restless these days.

   Get up every morning, always ambitious and impassioned. But as soon as he swipes his phone habitually, he will be hit by the negative news to the bottom.

  攫欝攫. The emotions have reached the valley, and the youthful young ladies and sisters have lost their previous colors when they swiped their phones.

   Taoist Lin is fidgeting, like an ant on a hot pot. More often, he stood next to the Houshan stele, looking out the direction of Tianhe City.

   Although he can see nothing but the rolling green hills, Lin Taoshi seems to feel that standing like this for a while feels much better.

   But I can't hold back the cheap, I always want to turn to social media.

   Whether it is text or short video, it is full of negative emotions, which makes Lin Daoshi panicked.

   It's really weird, the kind of talented person like Xiao Shishu, there are still things that can't be done?

  According to Lin Daoshi's guess, the most likely thing to happen is when the young master arrives with his front foot, and his back foot is only used to hold the sky within ten days.

   But how long have you been here? Seeing that February will be coming soon, but the news from Tianhe is still depressing.

   Sitting in front of the Houshan stele, Lin Taoist smoked a cigarette in frustration.

   He rarely smokes.

   Little Shishu asked him to buy a cigarette before he left, and it was placed on the stone stele at Houshan like a sacrifice. Lin Daoshi was bored and depressed, smoking one by one at a loss, seeing a cigarette about to be smoked by him.

   He wanted to go down the mountain to help, but Taoist Lin didn't dare.

   He heard that none of the patients in the provincial capital had been to Tianhe, but stopped at the airport and got infected after going to the bathroom. What kind of disease is this so terrible?

   Two figures slowly walked up from the bottom of the mountain. When Lin Daoshi saw it, Chu Boxiong had already walked closer.

   Chu Boxiong took Zheng Linyuan, the two of them went up the mountain leisurely, and Lin Daoshi quickly stood up.

   "Mr. Chu, the wind is **** the mountain, what are you doing here?" Lin Daoshi asked.

   "Look at the fourth uncle's stone tablet." Chu Boxiong said, "In recent days, I have been disturbed, especially since Mr. Wu Mianwu has left, there has been no news for a long time."

   "Mr. Chu, you have a lot of knowledge, how come this is a dead end?" Lin Daoshi asked with a move in his heart.

   "Hey." Chu Boxiong took Zheng Linyuan and stood in front of the stone stele in the back mountain. He first bowed twice, and then looked up.

  The weather is smooth and the eight characters of Guotai Min'an are set against the blue sky, like a wandering dragon, trying to pierce through the sky, soaring above the nine heavens.

  Chu Boxiong's clothes creaked in the mountain breeze.

   Taoist Lin was distressed. Seeing Chu Boxiong's appearance, he also knew that there might be no good way.

   "'Jian'an twenty-two years, it is a major epidemic of the year.'" Chu Boxiong said, "It was in 217 AD. A major epidemic caused the seven sons of Jian'an to become the second son of Jian'an."

   "..." Lin Daoshi really wanted to pick up a ball of snow and gag Chu Boxiong's mouth.

   Doesn't this old guy say something nice?

  巘戅bxwx戅. To say so frustrated! The dog can't spit out ivory.

   "Cao Zhi has a gift. In the twenty-two years of Jian'an, the qi was popular. Every family has the pain of zombies, and every room has mourning. It may close the door and die, or the family will be lost."

   "Mr. Chu, what are you going to say?" Lin Daoshi was not at all polite when interrupting Chu Boxiong. He didn't want to have a hard time not swiping his phone, so he could calm down a little bit. When it was so quiet, Chu Boxiong would still be disturbed.

   "It's difficult." Chu Boxiong sighed and said, "Lu Jiuzhuan asked me just now."

   "Lu Jiuzhuan?"

   "Well, he is going to Tianhe." Chu Boxiong said, "He knows that he is like a worm, and he has to be overweight."

   Taoist Lin was a little strange, the word overweight should be a derogatory term, but when it came out of Chu Boxiong's mouth, it seemed to be a bit of praise.

   "He said that he started his hexagram a few days ago, and after seeing the moon, the willows are dark and blooming, the mountains are high and the ocean is wide, and there is the image of dragons rising for thousands of miles. A movement in my heart moved the idea of ​​going up the mountain."

   Taoist Lin asked: "One month? Can you be fine?"

   "It should be." Although Chu Boxiong said so, there was still a worry between his eyebrows, and his eyes were as white as snow.

   This should be the best news I've heard recently, Lin Daoshi was a little trembling with excitement. It is more likely that the mountain wind is too hard, and he was shivering from the cold.

   "Lin Yuan, what do you think?" Chu Boxiong asked.

   Zheng Linyuan recovered well after the operation, anyway, Lin Taoshi could not see the signs of recovery of his IQ, but he did not see Zheng Linyuan continue to have epileptic seizures.

   Is this the stupid son of the landlord's family? Lin Daoshi muttered inwardly.

   Zheng Linyuan smiled stupidly, looked up at the stone stele at the back of Laoya Mountain, and then raised his right hand, copying the words "Guotai Min'an" in the air.

   At first, Zheng Linyuan's movements were a bit jerky, like a child who had just been educated, his strokes were inconsistent.

   "Lin Daochang, what do you think of Lin Yuan's talismanic technique?" Chu Boxiong "watched" for a while, and asked with a smile.

   A blind man, a fool... Lin Daoshi felt helpless, and said with a sigh, "Mr. Chu, I don't understand Fulu."

   "But the eight characters on the stone tablet seem to be swaying Fang Qiu. The turning point is a little jerky, but you can still see the style of the fourth uncle back then."

   "I just traced it one by one based on the letter my dad left behind."

   "The fourth uncle is a powerful person." Chu Boxiong said, "Eight characters, in my opinion, there are only two characters for family and country."

   Taoist Lin couldn't understand Chu Boxiong's high-profile singing, what kind of homeland he said. Now the mountains and rivers are about to be broken, where to find his homeland. The days will not necessarily be chaotic, it would be great to live, who would dare to expect too much.

After Chu Boxiong said a few words, he stood with his hand on his back. The only sound in Lin Daoshi's ears was the sound of his clothes like a banner hunting and Zheng Linyuan's movements were getting faster and faster, but Lin Daoshi didn't feel it. He learned those eight characters, and Zheng Linyuan's movements became more and more chaotic in the eyes of Taoist Lin.

   With both arms waving in the air, Zheng Linyuan seemed to be crazy, fighting against the sky and the earth.

   After a while, Zheng Linyuan's movements stopped, and Chu Boxiong said, "Lin Daochang, we are going back. The dog's tail is also sent from the heart."

   "Huh?" Lin Daoshi didn't understand.

   Chu Boxiong and Zheng Linyuan floated away. Just as Lin Taoshi wanted to send it away, from the corner of his eye he saw a vague stone falling on the stone tablet.

  厺厽's literature 厺厽. He watched attentively, the rubble fell like snow, and then was blown away by the north wind.

   Jihai end

   Geng Zichun

   Jingchu Epidemic

   tens of thousands of dyers


   Road without cars and boats

   Ten thousand alleys are empty


  The wolf also moves outside

   coveting and waiting

   Huaxia belly and back thorns


  Dragon Soul Immortal

  The fortunes of the country never fail

   A line of small characters appeared on the stone tablet, Lin Daoshi was surprised and stroked it with his hand.

   is not an illusion, but an engraved.

The line of    hasn't been finished yet, but luckily, the dragon soul is not dead, and the fortune of the country will last for a while.

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