Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1013: pause

69, the fastest update of the doctor without sleep!

After a day's operation was finished, Wu Mian went to change clothes.

Professor Barak followed Wu Mian and asked in a low voice, "oss, what you said is true or false."

"Fake, do you think your Onsa people are so crazy? To be more serious, this is anti-human." Wu Mian said softly.

"I'll go!" Professor Barack said loudly, "What is crazy, what is anti-human, oss, your description is too much."

"When the Indians were slaughtered, after all, there was a psychological burden. Then the priest came out and told everyone that the yellow Indians were not humans, but just a kind of creature, no different from turkeys. I remember that there were zoos and Indians. Put it in for viewing." Wu Mian said coldly.

"..." Professor Barack said helplessly, "oss, I don't think you should put your eyes on the past. That era has passed for a long time, and it belongs to longlongago."

"You ask me what is crazy, I just give you an example." Wu Mian said.

"This example is not appropriate."

"It's just using facts to speak." Wu Mian said lightly.

"Oss, why do you believe in conspiracy theories like those red necks?" Professor Barack shrugged, spreading his hands, and said, "Everything is premeditated, and the number of humans is reduced in a planned way to ensure that the remaining people can live normally.

This statement is simply ridiculous! You have to believe in science.

You know, they have been reluctant to vaccinate because the red necks think that the Gates Fund is going to put chips for everyone. "

"Yeah, a bunch of stupid people are easy to manage." Wu Mian said, "You can look at our country, no matter what you say, there are countless people on the Internet who are scolding, it's really annoying."

"Oss, it's not like what you said." Professor Barack smiled.

The two left the semi-contaminated area, walked into the locker room, and entered the clean area. Wu Mian took off his mask and took a deep breath.

There was a sweet smell in the air, and the concentration of high-concentration carbon dioxide accumulated in the body began to decrease.

"Oss, I think you are extremely irritable today." Professor Barack said, "What the **** happened? Hasn't the Huoshenshan Hospital already been delivered to use? It is said that another larger Leishenshan Hospital will also be delivered for use.

My god, that's an infectious hospital with 2500 beds! It’s amazing. I watch the live broadcast every day to build a hospital, and I think it’s your muscles to the world. "

Wu Mian had a sullen face, opened the window, breathing the air outside somewhat greedily.

"Japan, with the highest level of medical care in East Asia, has only 1,800 beds for infectious diseases. You have built 2,500 beds in one city. This is a miracle. It's crazy, unimaginable crazy!" Professor Barack said with great effort. If Mianai listens, try not to offend him.

"There will be a part of it, but this time the situation is obviously more than 2003. The infectious disease hospital alone is useless." Wu Mian said, "Bellak, how do you feel when you come to Tianhe City?"

"A city of tens of millions of people, similar to London, press the pause button, I think this is a miracle, more magical than the construction of two hospitals in more than ten days." Professor Barack told the truth.

"It's not just Tianhe, but the pause button has been pressed across the country."

"..." Professor Barak raised his hands high, staring at Wu Mian blankly, "oss, you mean the entire China?"

"Yes." Wu Mian said, "1.4 billion people, suspended."

"My god, do you think you are playing games?" Professor Barack said in surprise, "I can understand a city. After all, you... uh uh uh, but the whole country is suspended, oss, are you sure you didn't kid me? "

"Yes." Wu Mian said, "Now the Fangcang shelter hospital has begun to build. I won't be here for surgery tomorrow. You will complete all the operations yourself here."

There is too much information in Wu Mian's words, and Professor Barak stared at his back in a daze, "oss, do you mean to finally concentrate the patients, then~~? This is really bad news, I'm very sad. "

"Fool!" Wu Mian scolded bitterly.

"Oss! You can't scold me like that, you can point it out. But you have to respect everyone in the medical team, especially me, the most important member who is willing to come to Tianhe for surgery with you ……one."

"To gather the patients together is to~~? That's the stupid idea of ​​your Onsa people." Wu Mian said as he jumped on the window sill, sat by the window, and took out a half pack of cigarettes from the pocket of the isolation suit. .

"Either?" Wu Mian waved the cigarette in his hand.

"Smoking is harmful to your health, you smoke less." Professor Barak whispered.

"Tomorrow you don't have to go with me, Barack, if I have an accident, you will either stay here for surgery or go back to Massachusetts by yourself." Wu Mian lit a cigarette and looked at the deserted street outside the window. At this moment, he somewhat missed the buns sold in the courtyard of the Bajingzi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The fireworks in the world are so precious when I think of it are you going to do? Are you afraid of your heart breaking down? "Professor Barack asked.

"Tell you, you don't understand either." Wu Miandao, "In your opinion, it is to gather people~~, Desan did this in the past. In your opinion, this is reasonable, otherwise it will definitely not be controlled. Live with infectious diseases."

"how do you know?"

"What are the characteristics of the Onsa? What do you blame, it means that you have done similar things." Wu Mian said.

"Oss, you are terrible!"

"Cut the uterus, spread the virus, monitor the phone of dignitaries, Barack, do you still use me to give other examples?"


"Unfortunately, the right to speak is in the hands of the Onsa." Wu Mian said greedily. "When I think of the right to speak, it is really enviable."

"Oss, are you really going to lock up all the lives tomorrow?" Professor Barack asked curiously and worriedly.

"Guan? Your adjective is wrong." Wu Mian said, "I want to go too, I just hope that everyone knows something this time, and don't make any big mistakes."

"My God, don't you use the army?"

"What a joke, we are the people's soldiers." Wu Mian said, "Do you think it was the National Guard after the hurricane? It was the group of inhuman animals that divided the comrades into arms?"

Professor Barack didn't dare to refute. He stared at Wu Mian blankly. With his knowledge of the world, he really didn't know who would be willing to live in the cold quarantine area without a gun.

And oss ​​just said something similar to the last words, which made Professor Barrac feel very disturbed, quite disturbed.

He wanted to break his head and didn't know what OSS was going to do.

What is he going to do in such a chaotic place? Barack couldn't figure it out.

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