Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1019: Striking yellow bunny ears

"Where is your hometown?" Wu Mian changed the subject to avoid embarrassment.

The staff also knows the situation.

He worked here overnight, and even found someone to lie on the camp bed to feel the temperature.

The empty Tianhe living room cannot be like your own living room. People who are sick are still anxious. Although it has been desperately built, the conditions are still too simple.

The staff has some regrets.

"My home is from Yuzhou."

"Have you eaten hot dry noodles."

"I've eaten it." When talking about hot dry noodles, the staff smiled, "I work in Tianhe all year round. In the past, Tianhe City basically ate it every day when I was not sick."

"I haven't eaten it yet." Wu Mian said softly while watching the construction staff busy, "Taste it at noon. Can the patient be brought in in the afternoon?"

"Yes! The patient can be admitted when the weather is dark."


"Doctor Wu, you want to lead the team in."

"I'm not leading the team, I'm just a small soldier, responsible for the charge. The dean is the Dean Zhang of Zhongnan Hospital." Wu Mian said.

The staff took Wu Mian around in the Tianhe living room. Wu Mian saw and remembered every corner.

To be honest, the square cabin hospital is not perfect in general, but it is always countless times better than the train skin in the northeast in January.

This is the result of all-out efforts under the existing conditions. Wu Mian said goodbye to the staff after reading it, cherished each other, and reported the situation to the principal.

"Brother, can this Datong shop work?" Chu Zhixi asked worriedly, looking at the densely packed, neatly arranged beds.

Although her description is not accurate, it is similar to Datongpu.

"No way," Wu Mian said, "The problem lies in the bathroom. It would be nice if there were more."

"Lao Zhong proposed that feces can be transmitted. This should be the result of his team's research." Chu Zhixi said, "How to deal with feces is still a big problem. I guess there are considerations in this regard, what do you think?"

"Try to persuade everyone to adapt, and that's the only way to go." Wu Mian said, "Let's eat hot dry noodles at noon. We always said we wanted to eat, but there was no time. We have to go to Yichang to eat barracuda, which is the Aquaculture Institute. It was bred and bred in the 1980s, but unfortunately there was no chance. When the epidemic is over, we must go."

"Brother, you don't usually like to eat."

"Isn't this a special situation? Last night I was hungry thinking about it, my mouth was saliva, and my stomach was grunting." Wu Mian smiled, "Try the hot dried noodles, let me see if there are more Several stores are open."

After searching around, only a hot dry noodle shop opened far away. Wu Mian ordered two hot and dry noodles, and casually found a corner to look at the sun.

Chu Zhixi squatted beside Wu Mian, seeming to be in a daze.

The tranquility before the war was palpitating.

After more than forty minutes, a pair of familiar big bunny ears gradually approached from a distance.

It’s not right to say that it’s familiar. This takeaway boy’s bunny ears are a bit different from others.

Wu Mian smiled, stood up, and waved to the takeaway brother.

"Sorry, the road is a bit far away." The takeaway boy stopped at a distance of 3 meters from Wu Mian, bowed and apologized.

"Thank you." Wu Mian replied politely, "I really trouble you at this time."

"I'll put the hot dry noodles for you, and you can pick them up by yourself." The takeaway boy said, "Spray it to sterilize the outer packaging."

"Brother, can you discuss things?"

"Huh?" The takeaway boy was taken aback.

"This of yours..." Wu Mian gestured over her head, "Sell it to me, okay?"

"..." The takeaway boy looked at Wu Mian in a daze, like a fool.

"I went to the Fangcang shelter hospital in the afternoon and put on protective clothing. Both men and women looked the same, not eye-catching." Wu Mian said, "You look good. It doesn't seem to be standard, but it's cos."

"My girlfriend likes it. It just happened that yesterday my ears were broken by hungry brother..."

"Sell it to me? I want to wear it to the hospital." Wu Mian said sincerely.

"Are you a doctor?"


The takeaway boy took off the big bunny ears, looked at it and said, "This is on the helmet, you seem to be unable to wear it."

"It's okay, I'm dexterous and perform surgical operations. I'll go to the worker for some wire and just twist it myself."

"Then I will put it here together." The takeaway boy didn't mention money, and put a pair of big bunny ears next to the hot dry noodles.

"Thank you." Wu Mian was not hypocritical, and bowed deeply to the takeaway boy.

"Come on!" The takeaway boy raised his fist.

Before leaving, he turned around and said loudly, "Come on!"

"Come on!" Wu Mian also shouted, cheering for the little brother and cheering for himself.

Watching the takeaway brother go away, Wu Mian carried the hot dry noodles and bunny ears.

Chu Zhixi took out spray disinfection, sat outside with Wu Mian, and began to eat hot and dry noodles.

"Brother, what do you have to do with bunny ears? Selling cute? It's not serious, right." Chu Zhixi asked.

"I'm eye-catching." Wu Mian said, "Whatever comes to me, and there is a girl, don't you think that after I put it on, some people are unhappy, will they sneer if they want to fight?"

"..." Chu Zhixi was speechless, lowering her head to eat noodles.

"After opening the cabin, you go to the operating room." Wu Mian said.

"No, I'm standing by your side." Chu Zhixi refused without thinking.

"Then you go and help the nurse." Wu Mian said, "You don't need to be by my side, there must be a shortage of manpower."

"I see in the group, medical personnel are urgently recruited across the country."

"Yeah." Wu Mian nodded, "Basically all the villagers sent the hardest scales."

Chu Zhixi got sand in her eyes and lowered her head to eat noodles.

"There is still a shortage of manpower. Even if tens of thousands of people spill in, it is still not enough." Wu Mian thought fully, "Let's do it, there is no other way."

"I hope it will be safe."

"Yes." Wu Mian ate the hot dry noodles quickly, "Girl, as the hospital manager of my concord, you are too slow to eat, right."

"I'm not a hospital manager. A gastric ulcer is affirmative after one year. If you are in the UK, you may not be able to see a doctor if your gastric ulcer becomes gastric cancer." Chu Zhixi said that they often said when they were overseas. stem.

"Don't always say these unlucky Mian stood up and watched the clouds disperse in the sky," I really want to stand on the Yangtze River Bridge and watch the sunrise. "

"Wait for this matter..."

"Hahaha, when I said about this, what did you say about me?" Wu Mian smiled.

"That's great." Chu Zhixi lowered her head to eat the noodles, did not lift up, and said softly, "When the matter is over, I will accompany you to see the day..."

With that, Chu Zhixi was taken aback.

"Girl, what do you think?"

"Brother, there are three days left, it's our wedding date..." Chu Zhixi said.

During the wedding, these two words are spoken at this moment, as if they were a lifetime away.

Wu Mian smiled bitterly and stretched out his hand to pat Chu Zhixi, "If it's okay, let's go back and have a simple wedding?"

"Extremely tired, who has the skill." Chu Zhixi continued to lower her head to eat noodles, her tone flat.

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