Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1027: The doctor borrowed it

Wu Mian squatted in the shelter hospital for a day, kept in touch with the principal, and reported what he saw and thought of.

It was determined that the cabin could be opened before 12 o'clock in the morning, and the medical staff gradually got in place to prepare and familiarize themselves with the venue. Weining Health's engineers came to install medical software on site and tried it online.

Weining's medical operating system is relatively mature, and Wu Mian has used it before.

In his free time, Wu Mian found pliers, re-made the two big bunny ears, put them on his head and tried them, and found them to work. He also had a table set up at the intersection of several districts, and a sign indicating the hospital's general duty was erected on it.

The hospital manager, a name that had been far away from Wu Mian for many years, appeared in front of him again.

Chu Zhixi had something in her heart, but when she saw the hospital general sign, she looked at it for a long time.

"Brother, I'm hospitalized again? Congratulations." Chu Zhixi felt like a dream.

"Well, remember to report to me if you have something." Wu Mian smiled and sat behind the table.

"Is there anything going on here?" Chu Zhixi asked nervously.

"Jinyintan is a few kilometers away from us. If you have something to do, I will send it there." Wu Mian said, "Others, just guess, I can't control so many things, solve what happens when you encounter them."

"I also think about what we might encounter, but the more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more afraid I am, so I don't dare to think about it."

"Why do you think so much, there is always me." Wu Mian said.

When things came to an end, the previous anxiety flew away. Wu Mian put on a posture that dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, smiled and said, "The sky is falling and the principal is holding it."

"Cut, if you have the ability, don't stay up all night." Chu Zhixi despised.

"You sleep so soundly, how do you know I am not asleep."


Another heavy truck drove over, and the stevedore unloaded the milk and moved it to the warehouse behind.

"Brother, there are words on the milk box." Chu Zhixi looked from a distance and saw that there were a dozen or more than 20 words on it, not like milk packaged in a normal store.

"Seems to be."

Chu Zhixi happily ran over and brought a box of milk over.

"Brother, look."

The milk is donated, drink whatever you want

The doctor borrowed it

I can't miss one when I come back

Donation from Huishan Dairy

Such a line is written in the red cute font on the milk box.

Wu Mian glanced, then glanced at the workers carrying the goods, and said to Chu Zhixi, "The principal said to drink whatever you want."

"I just took a look, there is a fruit cart behind," Chu Zhixi said, "I can smell the fragrance of fruits while wearing a mask."

"What kind of fruit?"

Chu Zhixi shook her head. She seldom eats fruit, so naturally she can't tell the difference.

"Send it back." Wu Mian said with a smile, "put a box here. After a while, the patient came in and thought it was a gift."

"Hahaha, I won't. They all wrote on the box, it's donated, so you can drink it casually."

Chu Zhixi ran back carrying the milk box.

Wu Mian's requirements are not high, enough to eat and dress warmly.

In an emergency, only these two points can be guaranteed. Seeing that fruits and milk are being delivered one after another, Wu Mian estimates that these complementary foods can be guaranteed, and the staple food should be no problem.

I just don't know how hard it is for the back chef to make thousands of bento every day.

During this time, no one in the country did not work hard.

The front line is busy, all communities across the country are closed and isolated, and all patients are checked and treated.

Now there is no difference in front-line logistics. This is a decisive battle for all the people. The country's powerful organization and mobilization capabilities give Wu Mianping a sense of confidence.

"Mr. Wu, hello, from Yun Lan, a doctor of Respiratory Medicine from Tiannan Medical University." A voice came.

"Yunlan." Wu Mian said with a smile, "Why didn't you go to the intensive care unit of the designated hospital with your brother and sister?"

Yun Lan stood in front of Wu Mian, originally full of interest, but immediately lowered her head after hearing Wu Mian's question.

What else can it be because of enough education and not enough level?

"Mr. Wu, he has heard of his name for a long time, like Lei Guaner." Lu Jiuzhuan blocked the little junior sister and said with his hands.

"Mr. Lu, why are you here?" Wu Mian was a little surprised.

"I'm a volunteer, come to help out."

Wu Mian frowned slightly.

However, he understood what Lu Jiuzhuan meant, and it seemed that this one really spoiled Yun Lan as a daughter, and he even followed things like going to the front line for fear of mistakes.

It's just... there is an extra geologist in the Fangcang shelter hospital, what kind of thing is this.

"Mr. Lu, this will soon become a polluted area..."

"I have learned to wear protective clothing." Lu Jiuzhuan wore a mask and smiled slightly. "Please don't worry, Mr. Wu, the old man can take care of himself."

Wu Mian spread his hands.

"Let’s take a rest. The first batch of patients will be transferred in before early morning." Wu Mian did not refuse either.

No matter if Lu Jiu is here, even if he goes to poke a toilet, it is not useful.

Seeing hundreds of people busy, Wu Mian did not go up to help, he sat quietly.

Every big event requires calmness.

The principal put his personal honor and disgrace on the sidelines, and insisted on the Fangcang shelter hospital, he must fulfill the principal's instructions, and keep an eye on it on the front line.

With the brain thread fully open, Wu Mian squinted his eyes to figure out what went wrong and what he would do. In any case, it shouldn't cause panic. As for events like trampling...As long as they are there, the patients will step on themselves if they want to trample.

Just thinking about it, a strange smell floated in.

Wu Mian wondered.

What is this special?

It smelled clearly through a layer of surgical mask.

The smell is very special, and Wu Mian's hairs stand up. It is definitely not a normal smell. Could it be that gas pipes or other pipes leaked when the Tianhe living room was renovated? !

mB! Damn it!

Wu Mian bounced off the chair suddenly.

He sniffed his nose vigorously, and walked over cautiously step by step following the smell.

At this time, Wu Mian's mind was blank. He didn't think about what would happen if it was a gas and didn't care if he would be blown to pieces, he must find the problem as soon as possible!

The opening of the shelter in the shelter hospital, if the major event of this decisive battle was delayed because of a gas leak... it would really be a joke.

Constantly sniffing and smelling the smell, Wu Mian followed the very weak and weird smell to find it.

Step by step, the farther and farther you go, you are floating in from outside the door.

What's going on outside?

Wu Mian wandered out, frowning and staring, and saw 16 rounds of heavy cargo jamming on the road outside.

The smell floated from a heavy truck.

"Master." Wu Mian patted the car door.

The cab of a 16-wheel heavy truck is very tall, even if Wu Mian is tall, he can barely take pictures of the windows.

"What's wrong?"

"What are you eating?"

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