Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1037: No trace

While smoking, Wu Mian watched the courier and takeaway guys shuttle on the road, watched the heavy truck convoy drive by, and watched the 120 ambulance rushing.

He has been a genius since he was a child, a child of someone else's family, and Wu Mian didn't seem to grow up in a daze until this moment.

Squeezing out the smoke, Wu Mian put on his mask, wandered slowly on the road, and walked back to the hotel

In Bajingzi, in the office of the dean of Jianxie Hospital, Xue Chunhe and Matthew De were in a "meeting."

There were only two people in the meeting, and both of them had serious expressions.

Something happened in the Second Hospital of Medical University, something big happened!

As the pace of epidemic prevention and control becomes stricter, the medical industry has been pushed to the forefront.

Sending out batch after batch of the backbone of the expedition, but the province's epidemic prevention and control is also imminent, and because of the elite and backbone forces to fully support Tianhe City, it is difficult to treat the disease.

In 2003, there were basically no people infected with the S virus in Northeast China. Matthew and Xue Chunhe participated in the mobilization to fight the epidemic.

But at that time, there were heavy thunder and rain in the northeast, and there were not even a single patient. So, on the whole, everyone believed that the highest limit of the pneumonia virus this time was the extent of the s virus epidemic.

For medical staff without imagination, the new pneumonia virus immediately gave a resounding slap.

The Second Hospital of Medical University admitted the first batch of patients and was transferred to the Infectious Disease Hospital to continue treatment.

This is the patient Wu Mian saw before he left.

With the opening of the first-level response, all medical staff are facing a completely unfamiliar battlefield.

Unlike the past, invisible viruses seem to be pervasive. The first batch of patients only stopped in Tianhe City and became infected the first time they went to the bathroom.

While everyone was still feeling emotional, patients with fever continued to be admitted to the hospital.

In the beginning, the Second Hospital of the Medical University did a good job of prevention and control. Under the command of Han Guangyun, an isolation ward was quickly established to ensure front-line materials and protection, and to deploy backbone forces to avoid problems.

But within a few days, the nosocomial infection broke out unknowingly.

Afterwards, it was speculated that it was a family member of an infected but asymptomatic patient entering and leaving the hospital, causing the chain of infection to extend.

Almost all medical staff in the three departments were quarantined, together with patients and their family members, more than 200 people were quarantined.

The epidemic prevention situation in the provincial cities collapsed instantly.

In the latest version of the prevention and control plan, such patients are called asymptomatic infections. All doctors in the provinces and cities are desperate for it, and the carriers of the new pneumonia virus are simply...unable to trace.

It looks like a normal person, there is no problem at all, but it is actually the source of infection. This kind of prevention and control is more than a geometric order higher than the s virus, and it even makes people feel desperate.

Faced with this situation, the medical sector in the provincial and urban areas was completely paralyzed in an instant.

Asymptomatic and contagious, although authoritative experts say that the possibility of asymptomatic infection is not high, the infected person has been found in the Second Hospital of Medical University. Xue Chunhe and Matthew Dee know what this means.

In the face of the pervasiveness of the virus, the only way is to isolate.

Not only patients need to be isolated, but healthy people must also be isolated for a certain period of time to investigate patients who carry the virus.

Such a complicated and weird situation, even the two veterans in the medical circle have never seen it.

Invisible viruses can spread silently, like a shy rose quietly opening, it is impossible to prevent.

So that Matthew De was sitting in the corner of Xue Chunhe's office. In the winter, he opened the windows and wore a mask.

Now everyone looks like an asymptomatic infected person.

The Second Hospital is on the verge of collapse, and the director He Xin directly takes sick leave, no matter how much pressure the province puts on it. It was said to be a real illness. She suspected that she was also infected. She was isolated in a room by herself, and she had a vague tendency to autism.

The huge Second Hospital of Medical University was almost shut down.

No one would have expected a large tertiary hospital to lose its combat effectiveness in an instant.

The virus is too fierce, too fierce, too fierce! Now that the provincial capital talks about this, everyone is in danger.

Xue Chunhe and Matthew De recalled that Teacher Wu had just returned on the twenty-ninth day of the lunar calendar.

At that time, he thought he was making a fuss, but he didn't expect this disease to be the real murderer, the kind he has never seen before.

Now the brother hospitals are all walking on thin ice after seeing the situation in the Second Hospital of Medical University.

As long as it is a clinical person or a person of clinical background, it is clear that this virus is almost impossible to prevent and control.

The hospital still cannot be opened, which is a problem.

All closed, this is the easiest.

After all, the hospital is an area where a large number of elderly people gather, which directly cut off a large source of infection.

But what about the patient? A provincial capital with a population of several million, radiating tens of millions of people across the province, and hospitals closed?

Totally impossible!

However, the entire Second Hospital of the Medical University has been frightened and collapsed, and the other brother hospitals are also trembling to see the situation.

Fortunately, during the Chinese New Year, the number of people going to see a doctor in various media and self-media propaganda has been much less.

It will last for a few days, what if there is any change? This is the consensus of the industry.

Even if this is the case, some people must be hospitalized and treated. There are also many patients with kidney failure, cancer, and various emergency departments.

What should be done to stabilize the situation has become an extremely difficult question.

After all, to maintain stability in the entire society, medical care is an indispensable part.

If the hospital is closed because of the new type of pneumonia... no one dares to bear this responsibility.

Inquiring from the province, the phone called, and instead of going through the normal process-appoint a certain person, but found the two deans from the second hospital.

Who will take the second courtyard out of the quagmire? This is a big question.

The two smoked one cigarette after another, regardless of it. The creed of maintaining health and living a few more years is worthless in the face of the grim situation.

"Xue Yuan, this is so much to put us on the fire." Matthew De sighed, UU reading www.uukanshu. com and Xue Chunhe said.

"I guess Dean He Xinhe is really scared."

"When I was the dean, one was more fierce than the other one. When it comes to the big test, one is more than one." Matthew De rarely turned on the Tucao mode.

"I will tell the headquarters, let me go," Xue Chunhe said, "You are optimistic at home. All the materials that Teacher Wu needs must be delivered as soon as possible. This is the top priority."

"Xue Yuan, let me go, I want to understand." Matthew De said dejectedly, "This time there is a big fire pit ahead, and he jumped into it forever. Dean He is so smart, he would rather offend the province, and he will have a future. There is room for maneuver. You can take over the second hospital and have two more nosocomial infections..."

Xue Chunhe did not deny, but sighed.

"I heard that Tianhe is going to kill a group of cadres who are disadvantaged in the fight against the epidemic. The state has taken over. It is estimated that they are looking for successors." Matthew De said, "Go on at this speed. It will be our turn in a week. , If there is a slight mistake, it will definitely be taken directly by the supervision team."

"Hey." Xue Chunhe lit another cigarette.

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