Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1048: You wash up and wait for the prison meal

Matthew De's arrangement is not too much, but it took a full twenty minutes to talk about it.

He didn't bother to change the document sent from Tiannan, and he didn't have time to change it, and there was no need to change it, so he put it directly in the group for everyone to learn.

What the inpatient department has to do is to strictly guard against death. In extraordinary times, no matter how upset the patient and the patient’s family are, they are not allowed to enter and leave at will. Matthew even approached Xue Chunhe to contact the Public Security Bureau and left a police car outside the hospital to show the hospital's tough attitude.

Only this makes Han Guangyun's head as big as a fight.

The people in charge of clinical work know the real situation of the hospital and the conditions of board and lodging are average. If it is not a patient from another place, and the physical condition permits, there are basically no people living in the hospital in the provincial capital.

Medical insurance has been checked every year, but there is still no way to prevent patients from going home from the root cause.

There are so many people in a ward, not to mention whether it is good to sleep or not, even if there is not enough oxygen.

But now the Mayuan has to completely cut off the connection between the ward and the outside...

"Canteen, it is the relative of Dean Haihua who contracted the canteen?"

After the meeting, Matthew De asked.

"Well, after Dean He came, he said he wanted to change. I guess he plans to change after the next year. Isn't this catching up with the epidemic?"

Matthew De picked up the phone and made a call.

"Guanghe, me, Matthew De."

"Dean Ma, how are you." The voice on the other side of the phone was a little nervous.

"I came to the Second Hospital of Medical University to temporarily take charge of the management during the epidemic. Your cafeteria has a very heavy task, and you have to..."

"It will be replaced in the next year. We have already withdrawn."

"Li Guanghe, are you talking to me?" Matthew De directly patted the table and cursed.

"..." Han Guangyun was taken aback. He didn't expect that the loach-like Matthew Dee would show his fangs directly, leaving no room at all.

"..." Li Guanghe, who was on the other side of the phone, was also silent.

No one thought that Matthew, who was always smiling like a ball, opened his mouth and cursed.

"I am telling you, not discussing with you." Matthew De said in a deep voice, "The severity of this incident is beyond your imagination. The cafeteria is ready to provide three meals for all hospitalized patients, their families, and medical staff. Prepare."


"I don't care what difficulties you have, even if you go to the ground to eat, you have to dig it out." Matthew De said without a doubt, "Go back and ask Dean Haihua, I will give you ten minutes. Follow Hai Dean Hua said, my request is that there is a problem with a meal, and you can't eat it and go around."

"Matthew De, don't go too far!"

"I'm too much. Li Guang and I will tell you the truth. This time I came to the Second Hospital of Medical University, I was ready to be beaten to the end. If there is a mistake on your side, you and Dean Haihua will wait. Let me report with my real name."


The Medical Disputes Office has received countless family members of patients, and all kinds of quarrels and disputes have long been accustomed to it.

But today, there was an awkward silence here.

"Kuanghe, the heads of the people who are going to be killed this time are rolling." Matthew De said, "Do you think that Dean Haihua will be over after his illness? You haven't wiped the feces on your butt. Do it well, at most a month. , Take a step back in the future. If you don’t do it well, you should wash it and wait for the prison meal."

"Mayuan, the cafeteria doesn't have much. You tell me, this is a big Chinese New Year, there are few doctors, few nurses, few patients, why do we prepare so many things. Now even if you kill me, I can't buy anything. "Li Guanghe could hear Matthew's eyes red, and he begged again and again.

"I don't care. I'll give you 10 minutes. It's four ten ten. At four twenty, if you can't answer your call, you will be responsible for the consequences."

After speaking, Mathew hung up the phone.

Han Guangyun looked stunned.

In his eyes, Matthew, who could only play with the mud, was so decisive that Han Guangyun was completely confused.

"Chan Han, people who contacted the agency, especially party members, came to the hospital to close all entrances and exits."

"Mayuan, mask..." Han Guangyun reminded.

"Bring your own." Matthew De said coldly, "I don't believe it, no one has any orders. During this time, there are many people who ask you for masks."


"To be clear, I am ready to be kicked to the end." Matthew Dee sat in a chair, his tone colder than the air-conditioning outside the window, "Before I was kicked down, everyone should not think about living well. "

Han Guangyun sighed, there were some things Matthew did not say clearly, but he knew what Matthew meant.

Call one by one to contact the director of each department.

"All the people in charge of the various departments of the agency should come over, and no one should think about hiding at home." Matthew De said, "Usually one by one sharpened their heads and climbed up, now it's time to work, come on."

"The head of the department and the party members are all on the front line." Matthew De continued. "The first batch of temperature measurement points will be replaced by the rest, and those who stick to it will be replaced by them."

"So... okay?" Han Guangyun asked in a low voice.

"If you don't want to, you can submit a written application. Tomorrow, I promise that the application will appear on desk one."

"If you don't come and don't have an application, it doesn't matter. I will report the list." Matthew De said coldly.

"Mayuan, we don't need to do this..."

"Director Han, I'm in charge now, why don't you come?" Matthew De squinted at Han Guangyun and said coldly.

"I will notify immediately."

Han Guangyun shuddered and said without hesitation.

"Go and make arrangements." Matthew De said, "The person in the equipment department and the director in charge of Dean Lin are responsible for the first hospitalization; the person in the logistics department and the director in charge of the hospitalization department are responsible for the second hospitalization and the purchase of drugs..."

Matthew De spoke clearly one by one.

Han Guangyun gradually understood that Matthew De was not a joke. People guessed that he would have understood everything before he came.

"Hospital masks are only issued to front-line personnel. Now, whoever touches my mask again, I will fight him!" Matthew said at last. "The people who come to do ordinary work will bring them by themselves and send them to the front-line hospitals. "


"Tell everyone, the anti-epidemic materials allocated by the province will come down soon, and the masks will be delayed by one day, and the 3m mask factory in the new development zone will be able to keep up." Matthew's tone eased a little.

"Yes, Ma Yuan." Han Guangyun smiled bitterly.

"Chan Han, you are good, you can still top the front line now." Matthew De's tone eased slightly praised.

"Otherwise, what should I do?" Han Guangyun said distressedly.

"Did you find any other problems in the clinic?"

"The main reason is that I don't know what to do. The materials were originally not enough, and a batch of support was sent to the front line. Now it can be said that it has made the less wealthy families worse."

"First of all, the outpatient work must be strict, they are the most dangerous." Matthew De said, "How is the accuracy of the thermometer gun?"

"Much better than before."

"Ms. Wu contacted the large-scale temperature measuring equipment, and it showed when it passed. It is cold outside the northeast, and the temperature measuring gun is basically a display. The outpatient building, each department, and each clinic must measure the temperature layer by layer."

When it comes to work, Matthew De is as careful as a hair, and the level of detail is shocking.

I didn't finish talking about temperature measurement for ten minutes.

Matthew De's cell phone rang, he picked it up and glanced at it. It was Li Guanghe who called.

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