Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1068: Flowers clustered, undercurrent surging

In the laboratory at the cdc headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.

"Little Arnold, haven't the results of today's samples come out yet!" Laboratory Director Robert Durfield picked up the phone and said impatiently.

Tonight, the commander will hold a press conference. As the director of the CDC, Robert Durfield must attend, explaining to the news media that the people who have been evacuated from this group have received the most proper protection.

This is the glory of the city on the top of the mountain!

"It hasn't arrived, Mr. Robert." There was a bad news on the phone.

"Call for a while, **** it, why do you want to evacuate overseas Chinese, you should let them stay in Tianhe!" Robert Durfield cursed.

"Okay, Mr. Robert."

After hanging up the phone, Arnold Cruz lazily made a cup of coffee, smelling the overflowing aroma of coffee, he called the evacuation department.

"Cdc, inspection department, Arnold Cruz. Mr. Robert Durfield asked when you can send the specimens of the suspected patients! We waited for 3 hours, **** it, 3 hours!"

"I'm working on it." The voice on the other side of the phone was also impatient. "You don't know how troublesome it is to evacuate overseas Chinese. There is even a 6-year-old kid who is clamoring to do homework!

Are they brainwashed by Red China? Growing up happily, isn't it good to eat fried chicken for one dollar? Why do they have to do their homework! "

"Hurry up and send the specimens. The press conference will be held soon. We have no time." Arnold Cruz hung up the phone with a bang.

After preliminary screening of this batch of people evacuated from Tianhe City, 4 of them are suspected cases.

Director Robert Durfield attaches great importance to this, but Arnold knows that the Director is just talking casually. No matter what data is given to him, he will probably not read it, and will only talk nonsense to the camera.

Like the data given to him last time, he was wrong! God, how did such a stupid person become a cdc director? ! Arnold slandered inwardly.

He also wants to speak at a press conference held on the lawn outside the White House. He can use the rep method to grow the press release. He must have done a better job than Director Robert Durfield and the commander.

But this is just thinking about it, Arnold daydreaming lazily, not caring about the specimen that is about to be delivered.

Also, what does things on the other side of the earth have to do with the city on the top of the mountain? Besides, although this virus can infect white people, it can only cause symptoms like a cold.

This is a joke circulating in the CDC, and even a White House staff member said that the people on that side have been vaccinated and are resistant to the new pneumonia virus, so they don't care at all.

This is just a flu, just a flu.

Arnold Cruz smiled.

The newspaper news is right that the sanitary conditions in Red China are so poor that even a small flu cannot be controlled. It is a joke that the commander wants to evacuate overseas Chinese!


"Damn cdc, they should really let their own staff collect samples and isolate them."

In the military base, the medical staff responsible for evacuation of overseas Chinese complained.

The 4 suspected patients are really a headache. The commander is crazy. Why do you want to evacuate the overseas Chinese? Wouldn't it be good to leave them in Tianhe? !

Different people have the same complaints.

Complaining belongs to complaining, and things have to be done. After all, the press conference is waiting for "rigorous" data, and there are suspected patients among the evacuees.

While cursing, while collecting samples and printing labels, the medical staff did all this absent-mindedly.

What happened in Red China has nothing to do with me. I should take the time to send the specimens away. The feeling of working in protective clothing is simply too uncomfortable!

As the label was about to be put on, the phone in the laboratory rang again.

The staff scolded, stood up angrily, and turned to answer the phone.

When he turned around, the tags were mixed up.

It was the cdc director Robert Durfield who made a urging call and asked him to hurry up to do the inspection. The staff exchanged a few words with him and then hung up the phone angrily.

Back at the table, he saw the labels mixed together, and he was taken aback.

He shrugged, it was okay to get confused, no one knew what was going on, and the staff didn't really care.

Although the work process is recorded in detail in the work manual, it can be said to be meticulous and rigorous to the extreme.

But who cares? After these samples are sent to the cdc, they may be directly discarded, and no laboratory test will be performed at all.

The staff affixed labels indiscriminately, put the samples in boxes and sent them away.



The mislabeled samples went to the CDC laboratory outside the isolation point after several twists and turns.

Arnold hoped to get off work earlier, he didn't care at all, and did an inspection at will.

Everything is done for the world to see. They have now returned to the United States. No one cares about these evacuees, right?

Now the eyes of the whole world are on the White House, on the commander who has a special idea of ​​acting. I don't know if the wind is too strong today, will it blow up his blond hair.

Under various circumstances, a transmission route that shouldn't have appeared appears. The CDC, which has always been rigorous and professional, is actually very chaotic, far less professional than what they say.

On February 5, the United States found 4 suspected cases among Chinese evacuees.

Because the samples submitted for inspection were mislabeled, three suspected patients were returned to the quarantined air force base as uninfected without being examined.

Among the 3 suspected patients, 1 was a positive patient.

In the air force base, the positive patient took the anti-fever medicine orally and everything was normal, and he took off his mask and chatted with others happily.

This is a safe city on the top of the mountain, who would wear a mask.

The virus is spreading As for who the virus is spreading to, who is the infected person, and who is the carrier, no one cares at all.

Under the flowers clusters, the undercurrent surging.

It's like cdc's treatment of infectious diseases such as H1N1 in 2009, and no one cares about the specifics. Even the death data are compiled casually. Those patients who died from the flu not only have no names, but not even numbers.

Moreover, the virus is only fatal to the yellow race. This is already a consensus in the American academic and political circles.

People who have evacuated from Tianhe City and returned to the United States have no idea what they are going through. The seemingly professional epidemic prevention measures are almost inexhaustible and inexhaustible N95 masks. Everything is so beautiful.

As for the soldiers patrolling outside the military base with real guns and ammunition, it is to protect their safety.

Patients with fever were given symptomatic treatment. Because of the CDC test results, this is just a very common fever, and you don’t even need to wear a mask.


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